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(Request) Rush

Discussion in 'Game modes' started by amgtree, May 31, 2012.

  1. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    Can some make a gamemode somewhat like rush of battlefield 3. If you have not heard of this gamemode can you please look it up. I will tell you the basics though. What you supose to do is destroy two mcoms (can be a outpost) on each base once you do that you get the base and attack the next base. What the team does is hold off the attackers untill they run out of people.
    Jomppexx likes this.
  2. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Currently its impossible to make the goal destroying something.
    But isn't the game already something like that?
    You push the enemy back and build bases to hold that ground and then keep on advancing.
    inactive_account likes this.
  3. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    What i was think is make it so you cant move outpost
    and the other team cant take them back or run out of lifes
  4. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Not do able now I think, unless you can place more than 1 tent.
  5. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    I like the name of this so I will attempt it. And yes you can place more than one tent for each team it will make the spawns go to one or the other at random.
    Can you explain this more to me though?
  6. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Also, tents aren't destructible so it won't be doable after all.
  7. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    Well yes that's right can you explain what the game mode will be like in more detail?
  8. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    He seems to be wanting a gamemode where one team tries taking over bases and ground(attackers) while their goal is to destroy something to win the game.
    While the other team tries to stop them from doing so.
  9. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    Oh well maybe in another build :P I do have a good idea for a game ode though thx :)
  10. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Would work if we had preplaced stationary outposts. In fact a gamemode like this was planned but never got implemented.
    CoughDrop likes this.
  11. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    how do you add a poll
  12. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    You can try suggesting this gamemode in the forums, but then again if it never was implemented I doubt it will be implemented since they are going to finish KAG.
  13. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    I will
  14. diputs

    diputs Shopkeep Stealer

    I think it is possible to create something like it using tunnels. It would then work kinda like Attack/Defense but with some intermediate stages. All you have to do is make a nice map, then built workshops (red tunnel) with really high health by the third team.
    Red tunnels have functions travel_left and upgrade to "blue tunnel".
    Blue tunnels have only travel_right function.
    So now the blue team has to attack the reds team positions and claim the tunnels to advance further.
  15. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    do you think a good moder could do this and if yes can you get one please
    </br>--- merged: Jun 27, 2012 6:52 AM ---</br>
    I could make the maps if needed