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10 things about CATAPULT

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Radza, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. Radza

    Radza Catapult Fodder

    Hello players. I whant to sheare whit you myknowledge about Catapults in KAG game. First of all, i apologise for my bad Eng grammar, buy hope you will get a point. :)

    1. Stone from bombs. There is way to get 120 stone in Cata whitout diging or loading it. You just need load a simple bomb whot knight anf launch it. All otherstone will be gone. If you got 300 stone, after lauching a bomb, there will be only 120.

    2. Allmost indestructible Cata. After beyng atacked from enemy archers, and think already destroyed Cata by they arrows, Cata are still in shape to fire whit 0% healt. In this condition you can still shoot but cant see power bar. Youneed to take cata and drop it again, it will take back to form, apears power bar and can hold 1 arrow hit, after taket that hit you can repeat replacing Cata.

    3. Long shot. You can charge Cata to full power, but dont ralealise it, take it in hand cerefuly, then jump, hold mouse up your heaf and trow cata in to the air, it will shoot stone and falls near you. Its good ta tic when you are on fire by ar hers, and cant clearly shoot. Good when cata on low healt and no stone, so why not shoot last charhe near wall? : go whit cata to front, drop it and make hole in enemy walls, god spot to cover.

    4. Repeating knight trow. Are hate when knights keep geting in to Cata amd disturbing your wall smash things? Then tip for you. After launshing on full power a knoght dont realise mouse, let other knight get into, there will be a full power, so no waist of time by recharging.

    5. Full recharge after lauching bombs/knights. After launching a knoght or bomb, keep pressing right mouse buttob, there is bug when aftrr launccing cata is still on full charge and you can laumch stone after a moment launcf etc the knight or bomb, it will be double atack.

    6. Can't shoot bolders/lanters/kegs. I dont know its a bug in game or bug in server, but for some people (counting me) cant shoot bolders/lanters/kegs, they just jumping out of Catapult, cosing some problems (kegs explofees). For others its not a problem to launch it. Bug whit all Catapults, madet bye, by other players, even tryed laumvh keg after that, when other guy just did it.

    7. Cant take Catapult. Its hapens when you placing or droping cata on to own trap doors, enemy trap doors, ladders, slided from edge of the wall. Then you tryng take it, but its not respons, like there is no Cata at all. Thats rigth, there is no cata at thet spot, it still on the place where you dropet it. Eye illiusion? Yes. Solution, try destroy blocks up yo cata, after corect blocks is destroued, cata whill fell off and you can take it whit no problems.

    8. Worm Cata. Yeaaa you notised when walking undergroung whit cata or outpost, tunnel size 2 blocks and after droping Catapult, its just sliding up to surface, sometimes stuck in to wall, holes uderground, and greenstone. It will be bether that catapults will be moreaterialic, can pass 2 size hole, cose it need 3 blocks to pass, Catapult big ibg right? Like KEGS, you cant pass it, its blocking way, so why not do the same whit catapults, outposts and other things, make more not trasspasing. It will be dificulty to transport it and solves problem when placing 2 catas near each other cosing problems to shoot, or passing catapult when you wold one, it cose disturbanse whit power bar.

    9. Targeting. You probobly have problems to see are you hiting somethink or not. Target its out off your lock range, but nit for cata. I proposing developers make that, when you shooting something whit Catapult, camera keep traking that item (knight, bomba, stone), it will gives you to see, you hiting to somehing or not, knight landet dave or smashed to dead in enemy wall.

    10. Construction/stone loading/prepering for lauch time. Question, you buyng or making Catapults? If buyng, why you need wood (sometime gold) to buy it? If making, so why you makes it so fast, why not make building time for it, like 5-10 seconds for construction, 3-5 second for prepare to battle and same time disambling, maybe it will take more sence, add option create Catapult parts, that you create in workshop, take them to battle, takes some time for prepare for bettle and if atacks fails, disamble catapult to parts and go to base. Add option allow to repair catapultts, make them more expencive.

    So thats it, 10 things what i whant to share whit you guys. Agayn sorry for grammar mistakes, writing from phone (not best browser in it). Hope you developers will notice those bugs and sugestions. Sya in game.
    Ghozt likes this.
  2. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

  3. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    You can also use catapults like parachutes by throwing them and getting in real quick.


    - Pressing left mouse click on top of catas is stupid. Just make it usable from the pie menu. With the way it currently is it messes stuff up by having nearby archers start operating the cata and don't get me started on knight fighting on a cata.

    - You can be an archer or knight holding stone, in your hand, but be unable to put it in a cata whilst if it's in your inventory you can. That's retardiculous.

    Not exactly glitches per se but just stupid ass things.
    PenultimatePanda, Ej and Noburu like this.
  4. azrid

    azrid Catapult Fodder

    You can also shoot catapults with catapults. Me and this other builder were throwing our catas down the wall and they got stuck somehow to eachother. Then this happened:
    MechaTrickster likes this.
  5. Another thing that pisses me off:
    when you take a stone pile and load it into a cata it appears as a stone pile, not ammunition. Kinda dumb, it makes piles even more useless.
    MCrypa likes this.