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Beo's KAG Servers

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Beo, Sep 21, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Doolie

    Doolie Catapult Fodder

    Sure, everyone makes mistakes, glad you can hear me out! This person named Khan was trying to get me votekicked, I can see that it's reasonable, considering I was drunk at the time, I admit insulted him a few times but who hasn't done that?. Now here's the kicker: I built him a bed workshop for him to go in as an archer to heal, and he goes and gets Mqrius for verbally attacking him. I'm guessing they're friends as he actually listened and banned me for'griefing' when I was pulling that trap on my team to crush his team.
  2. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Hm. That sounds strange. So you built quarters and that guy started to attack Mqrius verbally.... Banning peoples only because your friends demand it is a total no-go. Atleast for me. I don't know if Khan and Mqrius are buddies.
  3. Doolie

    Doolie Catapult Fodder

    Thanks for your concern, I appriciate it.
  4. copper40

    copper40 Casual Misogynist

    The same thing happened to me twice, but they apologized.

    The WAR server also needs to have a sudden death attack not just a flood. Maybe something like falling blocks or what? I've had enough of bitches idling.
  5. Mqrius

    Mqrius Robo Guard Cop Tester

    Hi Doolie,

    When I got there, Khan (as an archer) was indeed in a quarters, surrounded entirely by solid stone. This wasn't really on the frontlines, so clearly someone griefed him. He blamed you, so I froze you and asked you about it. The only thing you did was shout at me though for ruining your perfect opportunity to drop stones on the enemy. I banned you for a short time (200 minutes iirc) since I deemed it reasonable that you blocked Khan in (blocking = griefing), and you didn't seem to want to talk about it.

    I'll see if I still have some video of the incident, so we can look at it, hold on a sec…
    Edit: No video saved :( I'll grab the chatlog though
    </br>--- merged: Jul 8, 2012 11:10 PM ---</br>
    Here is the chatlog from you joining to you being banned:
    [21:41:46] New player joined the game
    [21:41:46] Unnamed player is now known as Doolie
    [21:41:51] <Doolie> HI GAYS!
    [21:41:53] <Doolie> GUYS*
    [21:42:00] <Khan> so sad ...
    [21:42:02] * COLLAPSE by Doolie (size 19 blocks)
    [21:42:03] <Floap> thats totally unfair
    [21:42:18] <pophaha66> SUP
    [21:42:23] <Floap> haha
    [21:42:54] <Floap> calm down buddy
    [21:44:00] <DakuMuys> XD
    [21:44:07] <DakuMuys> lol you have 0 hearts
    [21:44:14] <Floap> im INVINCIBLE
    [21:44:26] <DakuMuys> yea yea whatever XD
    [21:44:27] <Khan> ouch
    [21:44:38] <piotrek29798> wood
    [21:44:43] <DakuMuys> not anymore i guess
    [21:44:45] pophaha66 left the game
    [21:44:46] <Floap> it doesnt count
    [21:44:52] New player joined the game
    [21:44:56] Unnamed player is now known as Joppak
    [21:44:56] <piotrek29798> shut up and shoot :p
    [21:45:07] Joppak left the game
    [21:45:09] <Floap> bye
    [21:45:12] <DakuMuys> XD
    [21:45:14] New player joined the game
    [21:45:14] Unnamed player is now known as Majestro
    [21:45:15] <nickeldeninak> can i have stone
    [21:45:28] <Doolie> yes
    [21:45:37] <Doolie> i cant evne spell cortectly
    [21:45:48] <DakuMuys> oooh
    [21:45:58] <Floap> whos your daddy
    [21:46:01] <Floap> haha
    [21:46:04] New player joined the game
    [21:46:04] Unnamed player is now known as Miramax
    [21:46:08] Miramax has joined the Blue Team
    [21:46:27] <piotrek29798> fucking cant
    [21:46:47] <Doolie> drinks are good
    [21:46:54] * COLLAPSE by Doolie (size 22 blocks)
    [21:46:56] <Floap> hello girrrrla
    [21:46:58] <Doolie> LOL
    [21:46:58] <Floap> wow
    [21:47:06] <Floap> ok
    [21:47:12] * COLLAPSE by Majestro (size 11 blocks)
    [21:47:41] <piotrek29798> lol sry
    [21:48:13] <WRM> my towe r!!!
    [21:48:20] <Floap> what are you guys doing
    [21:48:38] New player joined the game
    [21:48:38] Unnamed player is now known as Deus_Tenebra
    [21:48:41] * COLLAPSE by Doolie (size 10 blocks)
    [21:49:01] <DakuMuys> whos your mommy
    [21:49:04] <Doolie> MOVE!
    [21:49:09] <Doolie> MOVE!
    [21:49:13] <Floap> dark;uys i will break u
    [21:49:15] New player joined the game
    [21:49:16] Unnamed player is now known as valiantewe
    [21:49:17] <Floap> hehe
    [21:49:20] New player joined the game
    [21:49:21] Unnamed player is now known as ewily
    [21:49:28] <Floap> next time
    [21:49:32] <Doolie> go in here
    [21:49:35] New player joined the game
    [21:49:35] Unnamed player is now known as [TDK] BuzzBeastmaster
    [21:49:37] <DakuMuys> good luck
    [21:49:49] New player joined the game
    [21:49:50] Unnamed player is now known as ddww3
    [21:49:50] valiantewe left the game
    [21:49:54] <Floap> fffuccck
    [21:49:58] <Doolie> there
    [21:50:00] New player joined the game
    [21:50:01] Unnamed player is now known as NeroUA
    [21:50:01] <Doolie> u r safe
    [21:50:08] * Doolie * has been voted to be kicked by Khan (1/3)
    [21:50:10] <[TDK] BuzzBeastmaster> wtf
    [21:50:13] <Doolie> u have helth and saftey
    [21:50:14] <DakuMuys> lol
    [21:50:15] <[TDK] BuzzBeastmaster> hacker
    [21:50:16] <DakuMuys> finally
    [21:50:17] [TDK] BuzzBeastmaster left the game
    [21:50:23] <nickeldeninak> lol
    [21:50:25] <Floap> i WON
    [21:50:34] New player joined the game
    [21:50:35] Unnamed player is now known as PLrid killer726
    [21:50:36] New player joined the game
    [21:50:37] Unnamed player is now known as Simroth
    [21:50:38] <piotrek29798> look at they ppl limit hahah
    [21:50:40] <Khan> come on retarded ...
    [21:50:45] <ewily> who ?
    [21:50:48] <ewily> how?
    [21:50:48] <Khan> doolie ...
    [21:50:54] <Doolie> wut?
    [21:51:00] <Floap> this is a bad idea
    [21:51:13] <Khan> need to kick Doolie for griefing
    [21:51:13] * COLLAPSE by Deus_Tenebra (size 7 blocks)
    [21:51:17] <Doolie> wut
    [21:51:19] <Simroth> MOVE!
    [21:51:20] <Doolie> ur safe
    [21:51:25] Mqrius is now spectating
    [21:51:30] <Doolie> u hafe helth and safty
    [21:51:32] * Doolie * has been voted to be kicked by Khan (1/3)
    [21:51:40] * [RCON Mqrius] \freezeid 1640
    [21:51:45] <Doolie> DUDE!
    [21:51:47] <Mqrius> Doolie wtf are you doing
    [21:51:51] <Floap> damn i die a lot
    [21:51:54] <Doolie> i wus just about to pull a trap!
    [21:51:57] <Doolie> OMFG
    [21:51:59] * Doolie * has been voted to be kicked by DakuMuys (2/3)
    [21:52:05] <Doolie> you mad thdm get away
    [21:52:15] * COLLAPSE by Majestro (size 6 blocks)
    [21:52:19] <Floap> nooo
    [21:52:19] * COLLAPSE by Deus_Tenebra (size 9 blocks)
    [21:52:20] <Mqrius> Did you lock Khan?
    [21:52:26] <Khan> hey guys, kick doolie ...
    [21:52:28] <Khan> ya
    [21:52:34] <Doolie> wait why?
    [21:52:44] <Mqrius> Khan, just take cyanide
    [21:52:44] <Khan> CAUSE U R A FUCKING RETARDED !
    [21:52:54] * COLLAPSE by piotrek29798 (size 5 blocks)
    [21:53:00] <Doolie> i was gonna pull a trap, then admin just cockblocked me
    [21:53:05] <Mqrius> sigh
    [21:53:06] <Doolie> OMF
    [21:53:08] <Doolie> F
    [21:53:08] New player joined the game
    [21:53:09] Unnamed player is now known as 192.0 dredly
    [21:53:11] <Doolie> G
    [21:53:14] <DakuMuys> cockblocked XD
    [21:53:18] * [RCON Mqrius] /ban Doolie 200
    [21:53:18] New player joined the game
    [21:53:18] Unnamed player is now known as l_Estat
    [21:53:19] Doolie left the game
    [21:53:21] Simroth has joined the Blue Team
    [21:53:32] <Mqrius> Banned him for a while.

    Interesting highlights:
    [21:49:32] <Doolie> go in here
    [21:49:58] <Doolie> there
    [21:50:01] <Doolie> u r safe
    [21:50:08] * Doolie * has been voted to be kicked by Khan (1/3)
    [This is where I started watching.]
    [21:50:13] <Doolie> u have helth and saftey
    [I saw you "making fun" of Khan, who was clearly locked in with a bed. You're the only builder closeby, and it's reasonable to say that Khan most likely knows who locked him in.]
    [21:51:13] <Khan> need to kick Doolie for griefing

    Then after that:
    [21:51:40] * [RCON Mqrius] \freezeid 1640
    [21:51:45] <Doolie> DUDE!
    [21:51:47] <Mqrius> Doolie wtf are you doing
    [21:51:54] <Doolie> i wus just about to pull a trap!
    [21:51:57] <Doolie> OMFG
    [21:51:59] * Doolie * has been voted to be kicked by DakuMuys (2/3)
    [21:52:05] <Doolie> you mad thdm get away
    [21:52:20] <Mqrius> Did you lock Khan?
    [21:52:26] <Khan> hey guys, kick doolie ...
    [21:52:28] <Khan> ya
    [21:52:34] <Doolie> wait why?
    [21:52:44] <Mqrius> Khan, just take cyanide
    [21:52:44] <Khan> CAUSE U R A FUCKING RETARDED !
    [21:53:00] <Doolie> i was gonna pull a trap, then admin just cockblocked me
    [21:53:05] <Mqrius> sigh
    [21:53:06] <Doolie> OMF
    [21:53:08] <Doolie> F
    [21:53:11] <Doolie> G
    [21:53:18] * [RCON Mqrius] /ban Doolie 200

    Something interesting I found just now when looking through my logs, is that two days ago you joined [!] Clemo7's Fast Round with the name "Grief Doolie".
    [01:29:38] New player joined the game
    [01:29:39] Unnamed player is now known as Grief Doolie
    [01:29:49] <Grief Doolie> HI GAYS!
    [01:29:51] <Grief Doolie> GUYS*
    [01:29:57] <komana> its a draw
    [01:29:57] <CMD_megamean> xD
    [01:30:11] <CMD_megamean> lol
    [01:30:11] <Mqrius> WIN
    [01:30:13] <Mqrius> Fuck yea :DT
    [01:30:14] <[CCA] Geo345> dammit, useless team
    [01:30:22] <[CCA] Geo345> im talkin to you, blue
    [01:30:31] <Mqrius> <3 Geo
    [01:30:38] <komana> xD
    [01:30:40] <[CCA] Geo345> hey
    [01:30:43] <Grief Doolie> that map was broken.
    [01:30:45] <[CCA] fero71> I WANNA DO IT AGAIN!
    [01:30:47] <your king_lego> lol
    [01:30:52] <komana> LIKE A NINJA
    [01:30:58] Grief Doolie has joined the Red Team
    [01:31:14] <komana> LAAAAAAAAG
    [01:31:20] New player joined the game
    [01:31:21] Unnamed player is now known as gustavocha12
    [01:31:23] New player joined the game
    [01:31:24] Unnamed player is now known as king985
    [01:31:28] king985 left the game
    [01:31:50] New player joined the game
    [01:31:50] Unnamed player is now known as king985
    [01:31:50] New player joined the game
    [01:31:51] Unnamed player is now known as Highland
    [01:32:03] king985 left the game
    [01:32:12] Grief Doolie left the game

    Edit: For the record, Khan isn't my friend. I don't know him.
  6. Reactorcore

    Reactorcore Shark Slayer

    Huh. Well I hope he tries again, because its kind of a big deal.

    Anyway, I also wanted to comment on the Beo's Zombie server, which I also like, but I would want to suggest a few things:

    1. Have 3-4 zombie portals per map. 2 are just quick and easy to deal with.

    2. Upon destroying the last zombie portal, either:

    A) A bunch of boss enemies spawn on the surface. Killing them will result in winning the match and moving on to the next map.​
    Good candidate for a boss enemies would be regular or modified zknight or a demonic bison monster. A good amount would be 4 to 8 of them. They would all spawn at the same time. Regular zombies would not spawn anymore once the bosses are unleashed.​

    B) All zombie spawns stop. To win the match, players must kill the remaining zombies on the map.​

    Having a winning condition for zombie fortress makes the game much more fun to play. This was proved at the Mooore zombies[hardcore] server, where by players would need to gather 240 gold across the entire map while assaulted by zombies in order to construct a special keg called "THE END". Essentially it kills everything and causes the server to crash, but man it was satisfying and epic as hell. Challenging too!
  7. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Reactorcore, untill now, there is no ''goal'' in Zombie mode, as well as there are no boss mobs. I might be possible to mod something together, but that would be a lot of work. Anyways, thanks for your suggestion.
  8. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Doolie, I specifically remember you griefing on a server before... unsure if it was Beo's or not, but I'm pretty sure Mquiris was justified, especially if you entombed an archer for the hell of it.
    Doolie likes this.
  9. Ryu

    Ryu Shopkeep Stealer

    Justi! Never admit that in front of citizens :>:(: We are irreproachable, we are perfection made flesh and thus can never be wrong. Each and every one of our decision is ultimately the best one and if you're complaining about it, you shall be harshly punished (unlubricated broomsticks might be involved in said punishment). As the rest of the situation clearly demonstrated, Mqrius didn't make any mistake and, as usual, the "poor-victim-of-admin-abuse-trying-to-prove-us-he-was-unfairly-banned" turned out to be a "real-trolling-griefer-trying-to-make-every-admin-look-bad-by-discriminating-one-of-us". I say off with his head!
    GalenMarek likes this.
  10. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    copper40, please just shut the hell up already! We know that you get griefed, but the number of times you come here and moan about people that we are already sorting out, or have sorted out is just getting irritating. If I remember rightly, you yourself have been reported for griefing and the likes multiple times, and calling griefers asswipes and dickheads by extension lends such insults to your own less-than-fine name.

    Please, shush, let us get on with our jobs in peace, without your annoying prattle.
    Doolie, justi01 and GalenMarek like this.
  11. flipperz

    flipperz Shopkeep Stealer

    -The silent admins ban

    So like i logged onto the war server and joined red i then decided id make some kegs to throw at blue, when i did i turned into an archer and aimed at a keg about to go off on the top of the tower, not realising i had one in my hand i threw it right, Little too late and it exploded inces away from me, killing me, "oops" when i re-spawned i was frozen, and banned.

    Can i get some insight into this.

    I'd like to add It was a Freeze, then ban. Admin said nothing, must have been in spectator
  12. Beo

    Beo Bison Rider Tester

    It was me on top of the tower, i tried to throw my fkeg and you blew me up with an arrow... :>:(: Anyways you are unbanned.
  13. flipperz

    flipperz Shopkeep Stealer

    Thought it was incoming bomb u picked up, i managed to knock one away before with an arrow, was hopeing the same would happen too
  14. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor

    Need a ban on this little griefer; "TR MrMafia7"

    Ripping Team Structures down, blocking people under water when they try to get resources and trash talking proudly about it all, just a little annoying. This was on Beos war sever.

  15. yuctong

    yuctong Catapult Fodder

    Hello, I play quite often in this server at the CTF as I like it very much. However, today I'm quite bothered as out of nowhere this moderator Mqrius started accusing me of griefing by placing a rock near the spawn area and then banned me. Well I know it's quite annoying when someone is griefing and I would never do so when I play so often in this server eveyday after a long day of work.

    So what happens is that he paralyzes me and starts accusing me he says he has a video, fine then, show the video I want to see it, because I didn't do it. Actually, yesterday while playing this dude called Playboy was paralyzed as well accused for griefing and he had not done anything as I saw the actual person, I stood on for him cuz geez he was not, and whoever was the moderator that time was making a mistake as well cuz if I am not mistaken they had the same face.

    Well I don't know who put that block near the spawn but it wasn't me if you have the proofs then get I want everyone to see cuz that wasn't me. The worst part is that my old computer crashed in the middle of the discussion and of course that doesn't see right, but is not my fault to have a lame Asus eeePC. Anyways, I am really bothered, if you check login records and all you will see I've been playing for a month or more here so.

    Anyways, I will be waiting for a response. Thanks
    Doolie likes this.
  16. Mqrius

    Mqrius Robo Guard Cop Tester

    Hi yuctong,

    Here's the video: http://youtu.be/IQUyQX4TJ4I
    It took a few minutes before I got around to talking to you about it, so maybe you forgot about that happening.
    I have indeed seen you on the server before, so that's why it surprised me that you did that, and then left in the middle of the discussion.
    Someone claimed that someone put hidden spikes somewhere as well, but I found no evidence of that on my videos. The single block seemed relatively innocent, so I was just going to give you a warning. I didn't ban you when you left either.

    Checking the logs, it seems you were banned automatically, probably for high ping (because your PC crashed). That ban is only 30 minutes, so that should be lifted by now.
    [18:13:03] <RCON> [RCON Mqrius] \freezeid 18837
    [18:13:03] <RCON> \freezeid 18837
    [18:13:03] <RCON>
    [18:13:11] <RCON> <yuctong> WHAT WHAT DID I DO
    [18:13:12] <RCON> <Mqrius> yuctong: Don't let me catch you griefing again
    [18:13:18] <RCON> <yuctong> what did i do?!
    [18:13:19] <RCON> <Freestylopitek> indestructible
    [18:13:23] <RCON> <yuctong> what on earth
    [18:13:28] <RCON> COLLAPSE by Dossa (size 9 blocks)
    [18:13:29] <RCON> <Mqrius> A few minutes ago, you blocked the tower
    [18:13:30] <RCON> <TheodorPendyrjanus> Build an outpost!
    [18:13:34] <RCON> <yuctong> which tower?
    [18:13:38] <RCON> <Mqrius> Near spawn
    [18:13:43] <RCON> <Freestylopitek> cant destruct it
    [18:13:45] <RCON> <yuctong> i didnt
    [18:13:51] <RCON> Map saved to memory
    [18:14:03] <RCON> <Mqrius> I have you on video. You placed that block
    [18:14:12] <RCON> <Freestylopitek> can u destruc it ?
    [18:14:14] <RCON> COLLAPSE by AlexArt (size 4 blocks)
    [18:14:16] <RCON> COLLAPSE by moshermadnes (size 5 blocks)
    [18:14:20] <RCON> <Zanman777> FREE BOMBS, TEAM
    [18:14:22] <RCON> Player yuctong left the game (players left 31)
    [18:14:22] <RCON> Address: [redacted]; banned for 30 minutes : reason Banned : User was authed as yuctong

    The incident with Playboy yesterday doesn't sound familiar, so that was probably someone else. Check your logs to find out who.
    justi01 likes this.
  17. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    Welp, that's some real evidence right there. Looks like that's the end of it.
    Mqrius likes this.
  18. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Hello yuctong,
    I was that moderator yesterday, and I unfroze Playboy after I spotted the real griefer. Oh. I froze Playboy cause he was the only one who was near the location of griefing, and another suspicious fact, he was builder. If that's not obvious, then tell me what.
  19. yuctong

    yuctong Catapult Fodder

    Hey Mqrius, I just saw the video, well I'm sorry bout that block, I think it seems very clear in that video I put it, but the truth is that I don't recall placing it there, I know it sounds like really lame, but well is the truth. As I stated and you do remember I play here quite often so I don't sh*t where I eat, so basically it wasn't on purpose as I believe must have been a misclick or something like that. I already stated that I play on a very lame computer so it could have been lag, as my pin sadly ain't the best either, cuz of graphic lag usually.

    Anyways, I apologize I recognize it seems me. I honestly would had taken it out if I had seen me putting it there by mistake even. I hope this doesn't go on more, because I would be really sad to be perma banned for something that was not on purpose, and yes again I know it sounds lame, but hey well that's the truth, at least i'm not inventing weird stuff.

    To GalenMarek, I didn't say you didn't get the right guy, I only said you stopped the wrong guy at first, which is what I said could had happen in my case. During that game I also pointed out to the right person and you banned him I think, someone by rustlr13 or something.

    I appreciate your work since I like playing a nice game without weird stuff that happen with these griefers. So as I can obviously can't explain that block appearing but I know for the video it was me (and I honestly still can't believe that happened), I apologize but I hope that in the sense of all the time I've been being around you would not take it to more.

    Thanks, I'll wait for your response
    Mqrius and GalenMarek like this.
  20. Mqrius

    Mqrius Robo Guard Cop Tester

    Good to hear it was just an accident.
    As I mentioned, I didn't ban you, so you're free to keep playing. I don't hold grudges either*, so it seems there's nothing more to say :)
    See you around on the server ;)

    *Not even versus actual griefers. There's at least 2 people playing that have been banned for griefing before. They're nice people now :)
Mods: jackitch