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Epic Slashes!!!

Discussion in 'Texture Packs' started by vilereaver41, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. vilereaver41

    vilereaver41 Drill Rusher

    :flex: E.P.I.C. S.L.A.S.H.E.S :r_flex: [WIP]!!!!!!!!!

    :bird::p:p:p :bird:

    well im using this as my first time project for texturing what il be doing today and for awhile is create an array of brighter more derpy and appealing knight slashes il list what i can for me to do.

    1 - Rainbow Slash
    unfourtently i accidently got rid of the special pixel so im going to fix it allthough it looks freaking funny when you put your shield up my kind of derp il release soon

    UPDATE LIST Rainbow Slash

    u.1.1 Created a 2nd Version of Rainbow slash unfourtently i realised having so many colours in the slash effects the head bobing positioning and allthough i dont mind the derpy look im not sure if others will i will release both version 1 listed in the screen shot and version 2

    2 - Energy Slash


    i will be making this look a little more realistic later on stay tuned for the release

    UPDATE LIST Energy Slash
    U.1.1 Got rid of the ovening green energy lines that overlap the blue area to make it look like it's going under it allthough its far from complete i prefered the old look but il fix this later on

    U.1.2 Created a Red Energy Slash i do intend to create more diffrent coloured ones to suit needs thank you

    3 - Blood Slash

    im not to happy with this one i need to finish detailing it much better i was thinking maybe 2 versions one of the blood colour in kag and just the normal lighter detailed slash for a more awesome look

    4 - Derp Slash ( work in progress )

    5 - Troll Slash ( work in Progress )

    6 - Light Slash ( Taking in ideas )

    7 - Shadow Slash ( Taking in Ideas )

    8 - Holy Slash ( Taking in Ideas )

    9 - Demon Slash ( Taking In Ideas )

    Keep in mind im only editing The Slash Motion and nothing else so im not sure how il be able to make it work with Other Textures/Texture packs if you have any ideas let me know please.

    (screen shots later today)

    When these textures go up what people need to do to replace them is just a normal copy paste in the sprite folder but it is important to always rename it to Knightmale otherwise it will crash your game in certain mode's considering it will only pick up that file. when you swap them around you can rename it but when you put it back in the sprite file be sure to name it knightmale and nothing else if you need help pm me il see what i can do.


    Attached Files:

    miniu, hans_02, Chu_bacca and 3 others like this.
  2. ImAwesome

    ImAwesome Haxor

    This is very good for a first try at spriting,great job!
  3. vilereaver41

    vilereaver41 Drill Rusher


    Thank you sir
  4. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    looks funny :D
  5. vilereaver41

    vilereaver41 Drill Rusher


    i was hoping for it ;p
  6. Cerbercre

    Cerbercre Brolord 弟兄主 Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    PinXviiN likes this.
  7. PussyDestroyer

    PussyDestroyer Bison Rider

    I need Demon slash becouse i be ;p
  8. Pecola1033

    Pecola1033 Drill Rusher
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    Energy slash looks boss