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Discussion in 'Modding [KAG Classic]' started by GamePlay, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. GamePlay

    GamePlay Shipwright

    Help how to add a new class such as Knight but slightly altered characteristics such as gamemode line # class modding has classes but I can change the characteristics but not the name I want Klas Knight was simultaneously simple and a little bit different, more powerful and s such other sprite. I just create a mod but when I add a class to a third command, I get a builder but I want him to be similar to the Knight ie a similar attack.

    # knight
    knight_drawtime = 1
    knight_maxthrow = 120
    knight_maxpower = 28
    knight_speed = 13
    shield_stomp_velocity = 5.25
    max_bombs = 3

    shieldbash_push_factor = 2.0
    max_shieldbash_push = 3.5
    min_shieldbash_horiz_vel = 1.15
    clientside_shieldbash = 0
    shieldbash_uppysidey_ratio = 0.4
    shieldbash_knockdown = 15

    # knight1
    knight1_drawtime = 1
    knight1_maxthrow = 120
    knight1_maxpower = 35
    knight1_speed = 16
    shield_stomp_velocity = 5.25
    max_bombs = 3.0

    shieldbash_push_factor = 2.0
    max_shieldbash_push = 3.5
    min_shieldbash_horiz_vel = 1.15
    clientside_shieldbash = 0
    shieldbash_uppysidey_ratio = 0.4
    shieldbash_knockdown = 15
  2. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    If I read that correctly you cannot add four or more classes to the game yet it'll just autoswitch to builder. Hopefully with scripting it'll be different. Also to change the name of a class just edit name = InsertClass in its config.
  3. GamePlay

    GamePlay Shipwright

    you understand me when I add it assigned to class 4 and construction of a name change it know but nothing is given when the builder does not seem to Knight?
  4. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    You make your senteances like busterboy but i'll try and help. you cannot make custome classes you can only mod them no matter what.