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what your known as

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by thesnake7422, Jul 21, 2012.

  1. thesnake7422

    thesnake7422 Shopkeep Stealer

    please tell us ur known as name on KAG an can a staff member tell us if it was them who gave it to us for some reason mine is tower camper lol just saw 5mins ago wtf :l i like it though lol
  2. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Yes, I know and I feel you're still new here :)
    Tower Camper , Horde Gibber etc... are called "Titles" It changes and it depends on your Message count i think or Likes Received :)
  3. MrMcSwerliie

    MrMcSwerliie Haxor

    They're forum titles, nothing too important, it changed on the number of posts you have. They're common on many forums, they just have different names.
  4. Door Spammer -> Tower Camper -> Knight Slayer -> Bomb Jumper -> Horde Gibber -> Custom title I think -> Guard -> Dev.
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