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Server configuration tool with a GUI

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Maqq, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. Gaunt13

    Gaunt13 Shipwright

    I'm hosting a server and me and my friends can join easy buy the zombies/ migrants just won't spawn. we have no problem with spawning/respawning but no zombies or migrants =/ our connections are fine btw
  2. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    You probably didn't set the map server right. In the "Map cycle" tab remove all maps and then add the "ZombieFortress.gm" map. Then start/restart the server.
  3. Cpt-Nanashi

    Cpt-Nanashi Catapult Fodder

    I'm back. lol
    I think, the output redirection app will not crashes If you redesign this tool with C/C++.
    Because that app is written with C/C++, You can include the rtconsole's code to KSCT's code.
    Don't need build with dll exe.

  4. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    There's no need to make the app itself in C/++. The problem lies in the RTconsole code, but I haven't tried to debug it yet. I could call the RTconsole from the command prompt and it would still crash sometimes. Also, RTconsole is not running as a dll, it's just a normal app.
    </br>--- merged: Jun 12, 2012 10:46 PM ---</br>

    Download from: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/65858755/KAGServerConfigTool/KAG_Server_Config_Tool.zip
    or let it auto-update!

    * How To Use *
    Extract the contents of the zip file to your KAG (or KAG server) folder
    On Windows start the app double clicking the file KAGServer.exe
    On Linux start the app executing the RunKAGServerCT.sh script on a terminal window
    On Mac OS X, try the same as in Linux and let me know if it works
    Hit F1 for help! (on Windows at least)

    * Latest Changes *
    -Fixed: number of connected players went negative in zombie mode
    -Fixed: player count now considers bots for consistency
    -Added: missing help menu item. It also works by pressing F1 since last build
    -Added: server performance configuration options. Faster deltas, delta modifier and data compression
    -Fixed: data missing when reading old server configuration files
    -Fixed: error parsing zombie map config
    -Fixed: managereditor problem with build 415 missing $attachment_factory = string
    -Fixed: program not closing on windows when you click Ok in the "New KAG version" message
    -Fixed: checking for Windows KAG version under Linux
    Beepo, Sitanel and Noburu like this.
  5. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Each time program launches - it rewrites custom_autostart.cfg in Scripts folder, so I can't add water to the server with a custom map simply adding "waterLevel(x);" line to that file.
    Any chance you're going to do something about that in next build? Or maybe you'd even add water options to the server config tool?
  6. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Mmmm not sure about this. If I understand correctly, you are using custom_autostart.cfg to add water to your server. If that's the case, what you describe would be a problem since the file gets rewritten everytime. However, I do not think that doing it that way is the proper way to do it.
    A custom map should have its own water level and be saved in .KAG format. Otherwise setting a fixed water level across different custom maps would have very different results. I suggest you try it this way, as I believe the problem is not the app itself but rather your approach to the solution.

    In this thread: https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/mapcreator-replace-for-sandbox.6879/

    There's a game mode to create maps. After you load your map, just add water with waterLevel(x); and then save it with /savemap map_name

    The .kag file created will have water. If you are using a map generator, there are some lines you can add to use water. Check the lake generator.

    Hope it helps :)
    Noburu likes this.
  7. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    oh, I didn't considered just saving the map after adding water right in-game...
    That's going to work :D
    Thanks for your help.
    JacKD likes this.
  8. kuulness

    kuulness Tree Planter

    Yaaa thanks, this is a much easier way of seting up a server
  9. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    You just have to unzip the file to the folder where you installed KAG (e.g. C:\KAG) If you unzip it there, it should work. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling the game.

    Post if you keep having problems or if you succeeded :)
    Noburu likes this.
  10. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Currently there's no access level configuration in KAG so my tool doesn't have one either :P Shadlington is working on one AFAIK so when the time comes I'll see if I add the new functionality to the GUI.

    In order to make someone admin on your server, you have to rely in the old fashioned "hand the password" method, that means:
    You have to tell your RCON password to the person you wish to make an admin on your server. That's it! :D

    Make sure they are trustworthy before you give them the RCON.
    Noburu likes this.
  11. Smithyman

    Smithyman Haxor

    my server works but it wont show up when u press "browse servers" any help?
  12. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Did you try a search? Make sure you are using the correct filter (e.g. use "All gamemodes") Can you connect directly to the IP:Port?

    Try that, and if those don't work, make sure you are forwarding your ports correctly.
  13. Smithyman

    Smithyman Haxor

    yeah ive tried using the search (its called Smithy's RTDM or i might change it to [DLU] RTDM) and yes its on all game modes and also yes it works when you go directly to the IP im trying to get someone else to do it to see if they can get in and ill check the ports
  14. Smithyman

    Smithyman Haxor

    im still having trouble about forwarding the ports :/ i need a simple explenation for it notall this mumbo jumpo on the wiki
  15. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    oh good, i can finally host my epic mods!
  16. Smithyman

    Smithyman Haxor

    No answer to my comment...
  17. Maqq

    Maqq Shopkeep Stealer

    Have you checked portforward.com? It has pretty good instructions for many routers.
    When it asks what program you are using, select the Default Guide from the top of the page.
  18. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Sorry about that, I probably overlooked you post.
    You can try reading the info on the website Maqq posted to try and configure your port forwarding.
    Sadly, I can't be of any more help in that matter as it really doesn't relate to the KAG Server Config Tool itself
    and I couldn't possibly have every solution for every available router :\

    In general, you have to access your router's config, go to advanced configuration or something akin, and then to port forwarding. There you can set which ports and which protocols you want to forward (For KAG 50301/udp should be enough).

    How does that general method applies to your particular router is something you have to find out yourself I'm afraid.

    Good luck!
  19. Landoo2

    Landoo2 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    sry JaCK but i did the same u showed me again, and there are 5 programms in the same folder like kag.exe.
    but there comes the same error request.
    can it be tat the problem is that i have windows XP?
  20. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    It may be. You need to have installed the .NET 2.0 framework.
    Check that and try again.

    As I've said to you before in-game, I can't really help you with every detail. You need to know some basic stuff before
    you start trying to setup a server. The app is pretty much self explanatory and most of your problems (beside this one) aren't related
    to the app itself.

    You can ask here for help with problems you have with the app. Other problems you'll have to google it yourself.

    Anyways, to run a server with this app you need to:
    1. Have the .NET 2.0 framwork or greater installed
    2. Unzip the app in the King Arthur's Gold folder (usually C:\KAG)
    3. Run the file KAGServer.exe
    4. Input the parameters in the app (name, description, map cycle, etc)
    5. Make sure that your ports are correctly forwarded (this is not related to the app)
    6. Run the server pressing the "Start server" button.

    Good luck.