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GOLUM - Classic Dungeon Crawler [^w^]

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by SirSammy, Jul 21, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. SirSammy

    SirSammy Shark Slayer

    So yeah - I just wanted to share this small game I'm developing at the moment. Some Screenshots:



    I currently have 3 splash_screens similar to the one you see above(I plan on adding more). So basically what it does is chose a random splash to display from those 3 screens - then fades it out(5 second fade-out period).



    Ugly menu - but to me it's fine for now. Only buttons that work right now and actually do something is the:
    • How To Play
    • Credits
    Forgot to add Exit Button :p(Although they can do it by clicking the exit button on the window). When the mouse goes over the buttons they turn to bright yellow. More updates soon.

    If anyone has any quotes they would like to add for the splash please let me know - it's harder than it looks(I want to have at least 10 different splashes). I even have a splash that says "I used to be a warrior... till I took an arrow to the knee". Lol - I'd accept anything as long as it's not overly vulgar or corny(like the Grim Repear quote above).

    EDIT: I honestly have no idea why I named it GOLUM. I guess I'm a LOTR fan.
    </br>--- merged: Jul 21, 2012 4:29 AM ---</br>
    Sorry - I never posted screen-shots today but I did make progress. I have worked on the core of Procedural Dungeon Generation - generating rooms and such but it hasn't been perfected(some bugs) so I wont post screenshots :< The only thing I will post for laughs is this:

  2. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    Hmm. I would like to Keep track of this thread. post for follow thread :p
    SirSammy likes this.
  3. SirSammy

    SirSammy Shark Slayer


    Caption: After about 3 tries of switching and experimenting with tile-sets. I finally found the look I want for the first few levels of the dungeon crawler.

    So yeah. This is just a prototype testbed. Nothing too complicated. I made this a hard-coded map so I can perfect collision, AI , player movement, etc then get to perfecting the Procedural Dungeon Generation :>(too lazy to figure out why connecting rooms won't work) but I expect it to be done sooner or later(I am a lazy programmer by nature :p).

    EDIT: Will probably get some lighting going :D

    EDIT x2:
    Expanding and Contracting Menu Exclamations - just like Minecraft. All random btw - selected from a .txt file with about 25 different exclamations :D

    EDIT x3:

    Cant go much further without asking this question:

    Turn Based or Real Time GamePlay? Most dungeon crawlers use Turn-Based mechanics but I really don't care which I use. I'm just pretty indecisive.
    Noburu likes this.
  4. Well.. usually the "how to play" is 3rd on the menu and "new game" and "load game" move up. You know.. if some little kids wanna play it they click the upper button usually. ^^
  5. SirSammy

    SirSammy Shark Slayer

    Don't take me as an arse but - menu's are menu's. IMO their only purpose is to display options for the users that take it to different states of a game, as well as tweak some of the ways a game functions. I really could care less about where my "How To Play" button is. IMPROVISATION FTW. The way I order my options makes my games' ever so uniquer.
  6. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I like the way the menus are set. Personally, I think roguelikes/dungeon crawlers work their best when it's turn based... Allows for more strategy like chess, rather than a free for all. So yeah, I think it would work best as a turn based combat system... Unless you pull off something like Shoot First.
    SirSammy likes this.
  7. SirSammy

    SirSammy Shark Slayer

    Alright. I'll work on the combat system tomorrow - I've got some grid-based movement going so that's good. Collision tmmrw as well. Seeing if I can upload a vid atm.
    </br>--- merged: Jul 23, 2012 6:53 AM ---</br>

    I get carried away with staring at my menu for some reason. Don't blame me. Also shows weird grid-based movement(has some slight bugs(going diagonally has to be resolved somehow)). I hope you like the Menu-Effects :3 It's all random - 25 Random Sayings to Choose From(yes, Shadlington is one of them :3)
    </br>--- merged: Jul 23, 2012 2:54 PM ---</br>

    Collision is working (◕O◕). I est now working on ze AI and Ze Turn-based Combatz. The First Behavior I'll work on is "Follow". Just need to use A* PathFinding Algorithm. Once that's been implemented smooth sailing :B): From there I'll work on - other behaviors like Patrol, Wander(and implement Passive and Non Passive Mobs).
    </br>--- merged: Jul 24, 2012 6:25 AM ---</br>
    D: Looks like I'll be working through the night on this one :p

    I did implement stairs though. Will post another video as soon as I get the PATH-FINDING done.
    </br>--- merged: Jul 24, 2012 8:42 PM ---</br>

    This wasn't easy lol. It took me 1 and a half days to get this right. I stopped 12:55 AM last night - got up at 3:34 AM and started plugging away on it again. Mere minutes ago I just finally implemented the algorithm correctly. Thus is the life of a wannabe game developer.

    Talking to ppl on IRC while coding helped me limp through it lol <3

    So now I can make it move towards my play once it enters my AI's awareness zone. It would be really uncool to have AI that was aware of what was around the map at all times.. unless you guys want it like that. Anyway'z - I HAZ NOW TO IMPLEMENT THE *static* and *static*.

    RANT: Why can't I make new posts - merge is getting annoying. Plz halp?
    </br>--- merged: Jul 24, 2012 9:05 PM ---</br>

    ^Featuring Shad
  8. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    SirSammy likes this.
  9. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    dungeon's style reminds me of Realm of The Mad God.
    SirSammy likes this.
  10. SirSammy

    SirSammy Shark Slayer

    Well I think I know what I want to serve as a background for my menu.

    Just a dungeon level, with perhaps a camera panning around to show different parts of the dungeon. Other than this I think I'll just spend the whole day revising my code structure :/
    </br>--- merged: Jul 25, 2012 7:47 PM ---</br>
    Found "okay" soundtrack for my menu - and it's royalty free. Yay me.


    If anyone can find a better 8bit dungeon themed tune like this - plz share :>
    </br>--- merged: Jul 26, 2012 6:34 AM ---</br>
    Stairs Fo' Everyone:

    </br>--- merged: Jul 26, 2012 8:01 AM ---</br>
    And you guys probably noticed how I did NOTHING today :> Except maybe 10 lines of code lol. I was a bit busy so I didn't have a whole lot'o time to implement new features. Although I did get the Menu-Theme playing the background :3 - Currently trying to get the Level-Theme in there when you click "New Game". New video might be coming :/
    </br>--- merged: Jul 26, 2012 9:24 PM ---</br>
    Oh snap:

    Making a tool to help me make maps more efficiently :)

    Will probably be done by today ;3
    </br>--- merged: Jul 27, 2012 12:38 AM ---</br>
    Almost done:

    </br>--- merged: Jul 27, 2012 5:56 AM ---</br>
    Getting held up by random bug:

    I'll see what I can do to coax my gf(computer) into displaying graphics correctly instead of fighting back and giving me a giant 'X'. :/ Oh the pain.
    </br>--- merged: Jul 27, 2012 7:34 AM ---</br>
    Fixed the bug like a pro:


    Have a few more things to implement before I'm done...
    </br>--- merged: Jul 27, 2012 10:17 AM ---</br>
    I am unbelievably tired. And this is just a rough draft v

    I'm sure I made plenty of mistakes(typos) but I was tired. Screw grammar nazi's :p

    This isn't even my first "Prototype" of the software and I spent 15+ hours on this - nonstop.
    </br>--- merged: Jul 28, 2012 7:12 AM ---</br>
    Crikey. After millions of re-writes and research. I have finally figured out how to refresh my screen - without it flickering like a cheap knockoff of Sony Vegas Pro 11. I did mention rewrites - so the whole Create Map window looks different and much more sexier than the ugly-faced screenshots I posted above. You can see the difference. I would have probably gotten this done much faster and quicker but life gets in the way(you know what I mean).So yeah, screenshots/videos(Lol, I am totally embarrassed for posting the screenshots above - I mean lookatit it's a piece of shit.):

    ^Beautiful.Now that's perfection(slightly)^

    Also updated the controls:

    • Grid Can Be Removed(and Shown). It can be shown in Blue,Red,or Green.
    • Map_Width and Map_Height are constantly updated at the bottom(I plan on implementing a feature where th euser can define these attributes)
    • You can fill the map with StoneWalls or StoneTiles(haven't done this yet but - from there you can delete tiles and place new ones... kinda think of it as a template)
    That's pretty much it. But you can see how this differs from the rest :) Also doesn't flicker as much(you barely notice it in this build).
    CheeseMeister, Noburu, Arcite and 3 others like this.
  11. RobertStephenson

    RobertStephenson Builder Stabber

    So what are you going to do in this game and where are you going to post it?
    SirSammy likes this.
  12. SirSammy

    SirSammy Shark Slayer

    I'm trying to make this game a combination of an RPG with the elements of a dungeon crawler(this will be freeware :D). I am not entirely sure on what I want to put in this game just yet(I will definitely get back to you on that) aside from the fact that I want RPG/Dungeon Crawler Elements. If you have suggestions please share :)

    Hmm.. where I'll post it? When the game is done - I'll post it on IndieDB or something and see if I can get it uploaded to Desura. Maybe even Steam because the GreenLight program may turn out to be better than what's IndieDB is doing.
    </br>--- merged: Jul 28, 2012 2:30 PM ---</br>
    Hay dar,

    So I have finished building most of my editor. I have now added a tile selector and the ability to select and place blocks at will. All that's left now is the save and load functions which should be pretty simple and not that complicated to do. Anyway I want to share a screen shot of how my game looks now and some of the maps I'm creating in my editor:
    This one was made with the "Technique " Option of filling the whole map with stone walls then carving it out with stone tiles. The other "Technique" is to fill the whole map with tiles instead of walls - and go from there. By default all maps are filled with stone tiles(there can never be a black texture) so it might seem weird that I added a fill with stone tiles. So yeah here are some other examples of what I've been working on:
    Stupid Map is Stupid(HerpyDangDerp Map). Still have to add a hide and show button to the tile pane so users can actually have access to the whole map. Moving on:

    As you can see - the "technique" of filling the map with open tiles does have it uses. I think it's more geared towards a user who wants to make a open-map - or just want's to start scratch just for the heck of it :)

    So yeah I'm almost done :) and it's only taken me... what? 3 days? Lol :B):

    Fun: Since I don't have an icon(currently looking for one) - I am looking for someone to make me one if they want. If I use your icon - I'll list your name in the credits of GOLUM and both Tile - Editor. PM it to me. It's gotta be 32x32. (The icon that I will pick has to be sent by 5:00 tomorrow(going by PDT time)).Must be saved as a .ico
    </br>--- merged: Jul 28, 2012 8:23 PM ---</br>

    </br>--- merged: Jul 29, 2012 3:21 AM ---</br>
    Working on a Loading Map Function. So basically it opens up a window like so ^ and then you select the <GolumMapName>.txt which then(after it make sure that the file isn't corrupted and such) displays it to the Map Pane :)

    Not done yet - still have to make the Save Function. Shouldn't take too long :D
    </br>--- merged: Jul 29, 2012 7:35 AM ---</br>

    Watch in full-screen at 480 p or 720p.
    </br>--- merged: Jul 30, 2012 12:54 AM ---</br>
    Load Map Function is working just need to work on save.

    Also, no one sent me any PM's so I guess I'll go upload a 2D representation of a the grass block in minecraft to server as my icon :/

    Adobe PS like icon :D with the initals TE for Tile Editor. Color-Scheme is Black and Purple.
    </br>--- merged: Jul 30, 2012 5:30 AM ---</br>
    Yay 420 views and counting

    </br>--- merged: Jul 31, 2012 2:47 AM ---</br>
    Hey guys,

    This is just a video that shows my load function - and how I represent tile data in my files(1's for walls, 0's for tiles). Although making maps by opening the .golum and manually editing the data will become obsolete once I make that save function :).

    The video above is best viewed at Youtube.com in large player mode at 720p. If there's anything I can do to make this tile editor better, I'd love to hear feedback from you guys.
    </br>--- merged: Aug 1, 2012 12:46 AM ---</br>
    So I've taken up another project and I'll need to put this one on hold for a moment :)
Mods: BlueLuigi