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[469] Dragonfly tower

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Rambo, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Less text, more images:

    This is how it looks, as you can see there is 14 traps, 7 in each way. There is stone in the right (or left if you are in red) in case an enemy builder wants to cover itself with stone and start destroying the tower, the stone will fall in his protection and break it.

    There is wooden traps on the left (again, right if you are in red) in case knights want to dig thought it.

    And of course it will prevent from builders to ladder the tower up.

    :door: l l l l l l l l l l l l l
    :door: :ladder: :hammer::eek:
    :castle_wall: :ladder: :sword::QQ:


    If you ran out of traps you can always put one block of stone and it will still work

    OR you can put doors on the holes and make it an archer nest (not actually a nest but you got me)

    Same tower, but this one has a big surprise at the end.

    This tower is very effective, I've used allot of times and all I can say is that I love it.

    I hope you guys love it too ;)
  2. BlackKlit

    BlackKlit Shopkeep Stealer

    Nice design and idea, but in my opinion it's not effective in fast-paced battle. Battle conditions are hard; nobody will let you build this tower on front, so you can use it only when peacetime before battle. It's GOOD, but only for defense, not for attack because of long it's build-time. Anyway, catch like;):thumbs_up:
    Rambo likes this.
  3. Aw yeah, I totally agree. I always build it next to the tent cause it wont work or enemies wont let me build it on the front.
  4. Riletyface

    Riletyface Horde Gibber

    I've seen many people use something like this at the top of their buildings. (Although they are only facing one side and less numerous) Nice to see it become even more powerful :rollseyes:.
    mdawg4ever and Rambo like this.
  5. TotalPotato

    TotalPotato Haxor
    1. KRPG

    Dragonfly tower for the win! But it needs something.... maybe a ton of rainbow coloured lanterns?
  6. Like this?
  7. TotalPotato

    TotalPotato Haxor
    1. KRPG

    That's not a acceptable amount of rainbows I demand more!
    Arcite and Rambo like this.
  8. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    I can throw a bomb in one hole and fuck all of your tower.
    I seen it in game and it's very effective but not protected from bombs.
  9. Mmhh, no I dont think so. The traps are 6 blocks large and your bomb will only get in like the third block of the trap. It wont get inside the "control system" and besides, there is a wooden block at the middle of all the traps sooooooooooooo . . . . .
  10. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    I'm sure, I already did that. It broke supports and you can get 3-4 traps easily.
  11. Well fuck you for destroying this precious tower!
    WarrFork likes this.
  12. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    I prefer you and Titmau5's barbie castles :3
    Rambo likes this.
  13. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    I could easily storm this tower.All you have to do is to make 2 supports high,then place some blocks on it and slowly crawl to the left , right under murder zone while extending roof.
    A line 1x7 of falling blocks will pierce improvised stone roof in some places,but thats pretty much it.To kill a single builder who uses this tactic you'd have to use 3 traps in a row,which seems like a huge waste.

    Also,A 1 block deep tunnel 2 blocks high will also do the job.(but tunnels are a bane for almost any tower but those who stand on a greenrock,so thats not a very valid argument)

    In the end,I still like it.Its stylish,deadly,a bit clumsy and with some taste of an overkill.
  14. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    You don't need the traps on both sides
  15. You shush!
    Arcite likes this.
  16. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    Nothing wrong with positive feedback
  17. Haha, well actually . . . I've used 2 times out of 5 the left side (right side if red team) and it works really good, when some builders are digging through the tower and ends up at the left side of it and BAAM traps fall on them
    Arcite and ComboBreaker like this.