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King Arthur's Role-Playing Server

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by VanHuek, Aug 5, 2012.


Is this a good idea and would you like it put into action?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Dr_Ghost

    Dr_Ghost Shopkeep Stealer

    I suggesting making bombs harder to get, lowering the damage done by some units, and then just letting people play RP how they want. Some dwarf was guarding a door to the human (mine) base, unnecessarily and asked me to "say please", so I pulled out a bomb. Expecting him to jump out of the way. I wasn't gonna try to throw it at him. Then a mod freezes me :/. I was just roleplaing. Has no one seen any movies?
    Invaders and kuulness like this.
  2. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    That "say please" line sounds like that guy was being a dick either ICly or OOCly... I can't tell if the guy was RPing being a dick by saying that or OOCly a dick. I understand asking permission to enter the dwarve's mine (it makes sense, it's not your mine so ask permission) but this was the human mine, correct? Makes you wonder what the hell was a dwarf doing there. I wasn't there to see that sadly although I kinda see a lot of trolls on who don't know what RP is.

    Also there really aren't that many things to keep in mind when RPing either of the races.

    Elves need to guard their forest from others since they consider it sacred, if someone wants wood, the elves should ask a trade (stone for wood) and NOT allow others to cut their trees. In other words, hand them some wood, don't let them desecrate your forest. I've seen elves just allowing orcs humans and dwarves to cut their trees freely even though I've wrote it in the race description that they wouldn't/shouldn't do such a thing. Just goes to show how many people actually fucking read these rules and guides. :>:(:

    Other then that there really aren't many other things. Even though I gave a basic description of each race and their general personalities not all of that is set ins tone. Hells! I think the only thing that is truly mandatory is the elves not letting other races cut down their sacred trees and that was meant as a goal and in hopes of improving trading and diplomacy.

    I think the mod was just a bit wary that it might start another ward Dr_Ghost.
    delankski and xChapx like this.
  3. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    I got banned just then and all I said was no killing while talking which is in the rules.
  4. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    The hell... that's not right. >.<
  5. LINUS

    LINUS Shopkeep Stealer

    This server is fun, I appreciate to play on it more than "non-gold" servers.

    I saw some people good at roleplaying and some others less.

    The problem is, there are too many guys who comes on this forum, they take the password and then they join the game directly. So you have people who comes and play like CTF, some others who wish to create a dwarf camp into the elves' wood (for exemple).

    My opinion is: people who does not take time to read the rules and to learn the purpose of this server, should be ejected fastly and invited to visit this forum topic.

    When they do not take 5 min to read some lines, they often waste many hours of gameplay.
    delankski and Raelian like this.
  6. kuulness

    kuulness Tree Planter

    I completly agree, make bombs like 50 coins so people cant just spam bombs at a base.
  7. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    The most important thing for fixing is the gold economy. It needs to be balanced, and have any loopholes fixed so that you can't get excessive amounts of money from a small amount of materials.
  8. xChapx

    xChapx Ballista Bolt Thrower

    today i was king of the humans (some people say i wasnt :C) but i had a lot of fun at the start building a castle talking with other leaders and stuff , then i started a little war and my mom got scared:
    Engine (build 469 version 0.95A) King Arthur's Gold (build 469 version 0.91A)_2.jpg

    The greedy elves where the main enemy so we had to take prisioners
    Engine (build 469 version 0.95A) King Arthur's Gold (build 469 version 0.91A)_7.jpg PrtScr capture_3.jpg Engine (build 469 version 0.95A) King Arthur's Gold (build 469 version 0.91A)_3.jpg Engine (build 469 version 0.95A) King Arthur's Gold (build 469 version 0.91A).jpg
    also i asked for help to other kingdoms
    PrtScr capture_2.jpg
    The war continued
    Engine (build 469 version 0.95A) King Arthur's Gold (build 469 version 0.91A)_4.jpg
    until the elves impire was defeated
    Engine (build 469 version 0.95A) King Arthur's Gold (build 469 version 0.91A)_5.jpg

    Attached Files:

    Hella, edson12edson and Omarlocho like this.
  9. starsoccer9

    starsoccer9 Bison Rider

    I played today and it was great for awhile till the orcs broke the alleince for no reason, then the humans attacked for "No reason" then dwarfs attack for "no reason".

    something has to be done for these no reason attacks. we elfs we doing fine then bam everyone attacks for no reason and ww3 it is.
  10. Madbow

    Madbow Horde Gibber

    damn I wish you stayed on the server longer i became an Orc slave to end a war where i was constantly stabbed
    </br>--- merged: Aug 12, 2012 1:04 AM ---</br>
    dude you where exiled from the elf empire for murder......
    xChapx likes this.
  11. starsoccer9

    starsoccer9 Bison Rider

    No i wasnt. that was in the start im talking bout recently. just right before i went offline
  12. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    I've been to the server today and I was surprised how people do whatever, well this server was all except a role playing server !
    You should give the password only to those players who RP correctly.

    I have a question, can I try to make the map better and send it to the main admin ?
  13. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    We're still trying to get a hold of the server host to change the password and start a white list before he is gone for a while.

    Already modified the current map, each race receiving their own territory with obvious borders so players will know where to build and not fight needlessly over land. Sadly, I still need to get in touch with the server host and ask him to switch the map before he leaves.

    And yes, things are going quite slow here as you can see, it doesn't mean that we aren't trying to fix things, sadly we are limited in that regard. We have only 2-3 mods at any given time (and I think the KAG Guards can also freeze) so it is quite difficult to keep track of 30-40 players doing random things. Reason why some mods are wary of banning unless they witness the act themselves.

    Hopefully if the server host will agree with the whitelist, thinks will calm down and go smoother.
    Rusher and starsoccer9 like this.
  14. starsoccer9

    starsoccer9 Bison Rider

    I hope so. a good idea would be something like // for admin talks. so when you need an admin. ive multiple times had someone greif or something and im screaming ((admin greifer over here)) and no one replys or does anything. idk if its cause no mods care or because they dont see it but maybe a differnt thing for OOC and for admins would change that. just a suggestion
  15. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    Reminder that the orc race overview has been added. Here is the link: https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/king-arthurs-role-playing-server-races-newbie-rp-guide.7870/

    I also wish to remind ALL players to read the RP guide and the race overviews so they know what it means to be an elf, human, dwarf, orc & goblin on the server. And yes this is mandatory if you still wish to play on this server.

    Also... just to clarify, orcs and goblins are indeed barbaric, ruthless, sometimes even honorable (the orcs atleast) creatures but that does NOT give an orc/goblin player the right to go around and kill with for no reason under the excuse "But I'm an orc I kill at random!". If I see and orc player kill with out RPing as to why he killed the person I'll ban that person with out any warning.

    This is a RP server first and foremost not a TDM.

    Killing is only done through roleplay and even then it better be true to the race and have damn a good reason.
    starsoccer9 likes this.
  16. starsoccer9

    starsoccer9 Bison Rider

    I agree. I went and attacked the humans because they choped down our trees and they are flipping out at me because im "attacking for no reason". I said are you stupid you took 2k wood from our forest you will pay.
  17. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    Allow me to clarify for the... hmm... 8th, 9th 10th time? Honestly I lost count, maybe it's the word format, too small to read, in which case let me use a bigger one oh and take note that everything below HAS been mentioned in the race overview so if you read that you would already know this and expect it.

    The Elven Forest is sacred for the elves! They will not allow other races to trespass through their forest unless permission from the elves has been granted (which is rare, at best diplomats may be allowed in to the forest) and anyone who cuts down their trees will be shot with out warning.

    If a non-elf wants wood they should ask for a trade and not just barge in to their forest and take it then wonder why the fuck they get shot. It's like having some random guy walk in to your house and help himself to the beer in your fridge with out permission.

    If I play an elf and I see you, a non-elf, cutting our trees I'll shoot you myself. It's in the race overviews and I just brought it up again. Either learn to ask permission to pass through/trade or expect an arrow between your eyes. It's that simple.

    I hope that was big enough for all players to be able to read.
    starsoccer9 likes this.
  18. Rusher

    Rusher Catapult Fodder

    Its sad... Its a good server but mods are a shit in RP,

    Dwarfs(mod race) killed me 100 times with no reason, invaded our house and burn all the things, the KING OF DWARFS declare war against ORCS and killed all orcs builds near Dwarfs base , and ORC WARCHIEF declare war (detail i dont killed NOTHING!!!!) and get banned... ( i died 4 times in 1 minute to dwarfs with a build orc)

    for sure this guy dont know how starting the wars in the middle ages...
    Its pathetic...
    [23:57:07] <TotalPotato> ((Rusher a orc can attack but only if there team agrees)) = Mod
    (Have only 4 orcs 3 agreed with attack, one is afk our team prepared catapult rocks and bombs... all going to castle...its WAR or just me x dwarfs?)
    "<FlamingDragon96> ((WTH?! THERE'S NO RP REASON FOR WAR!))" = Noob Mod
    "<Royal vaio> Dwarves, kill orcs on sight." - Dwarfs kings
  19. starsoccer9

    starsoccer9 Bison Rider

    lol I do exactly what do you said here and people rip me in the game for doing it. I wish i could show you the logs of what people say. People are screaming kill star, star is random killing, he is bannished(for protectiong the forest), wtf is wrong with you, wth,wtf,fucking stop, fucking moron. Thats just a taste of all the nice words i get from people
    LINUS likes this.
  20. FlamingDragon96

    FlamingDragon96 Shark Slayer

    For the first time in this server I had a good time, all because we decided to not go at war. We built a fort on the forest border and gave wood to those who would need it, but there was so much in between it was awesome. I hope that kind of RP continues, even though Luke sometimes did some "mistakes" and randomly killed people. I also think we had no wars since we have no absolute leader, we all voted on the decision.
Mods: jackitch
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