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King Arthur's Role-Playing Server

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by VanHuek, Aug 5, 2012.


Is this a good idea and would you like it put into action?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Rusher

    Rusher Catapult Fodder

    Wrong, you had a good time why dont have any Admin/guard online to check your bans with no reason.... into your KAG empire you are the "BIG KING"if we dont follow your line of RP we get banned...

    "Some mistakes like 6 Dwarfs burn and pile our Home( i and others guys spend 1hour to make that in the underground), and kill all of us, same without declared war..."
  2. edson12edson

    edson12edson Shopkeep Stealer

    :C so... i can return? D:
    xChapx likes this.
  3. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    It's hard to administrate so please consider me being busy (when I'm far way to your character),
    So if anyone of you got griefed/teamkilled/abusedwithoutreasons just go nearby to me and report what happened.
    I can't see some report chats because there are many chatting :D
    It's hard to spot a report chat because we're in a RP.
    But I'll try my best to see some reports INGAME :)
    edson12edson likes this.
  4. edson12edson

    edson12edson Shopkeep Stealer

    i got banned or permabanned? :QQ:
  5. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Oh I forgot to respond, I'll ask the other admins .
    And see what they can do :)
    I'm sorry if i'm outrageous earlier .
    I just got from being Super saiyan :p
    Hope you forgive meh anyways
  6. edson12edson

    edson12edson Shopkeep Stealer

    it's okay, i can wait, i think i don't do something so bad, just bad xD
    (sorry if my english is bad)
  7. BlackKlit

    BlackKlit Shopkeep Stealer

    How to become outlander? Very easy - you just need to become an orc! Nobody likes orcs, nobody won't talk with them, just constant killing. "Orcs must die!" - they only say. And who's now evil? We did some troubles in the past, but all the round we're going to be hated by all. Anybody wants slay you. Anybody will cry: "Orc! Orc!" a nd they will crowd around you to kill you. I can't RP in that such conditions. You can? Smb said me "Just go away", but where should I go? I tryed to live underneath, but there was no stone, no gold and no wood, only retarded dirt. I digged up a tunnel under half-map, I wanted to help dwarves and become their ally, but no. They found me and killed me, saying"Give us 100 gold and you'll be alive or we'll kill you!" I didn't have such amount of precious metal and died. Endo.
    Why you're killing entire race for some troubles did in the far past? I don't know.
    Now, some suggestions again:
    1. Friend/foe system. You can make friends from dwarves, humans, elves or any another fraction. S o you won't hurt them at all ways of damage, and it's good. You can make a group from 3 mens, 2 dwarves and orc without any troubles came from random hitting each other. Also, friend means that he can open any doors which were built by you, and any bridges were built by you won't open when they step on. I think, it will be awesome.
    :B): :D:thumbs_up:
    2. King=moderator. Each fraction has 1 king=moderator=game master. He can give quests and demands for his folk, small crown is shown above his head, and his death will be great lose and shame for entire fraction. So we need only 4 moderators on server to control RP.
    :gear: ???
    :rollseyes: :right: :huh?:
    3. The main diplomacy status. I think there no need to explain, just imagine a transparent window nearby left-up corner of screen with all fraction relations. It will be very OP.
    4. Fraction-chat. This I explained earlier. I don't want to listen a lot of spam from other chars when speaking to my King.
    5.Unconsious state. First, when character goes to 0 hearts, he will fall down and get unconsious. So anybody can grab his body and bring to.. quarters, graveyard or smth else. Also, you can murder unconsious character, but player, who did such fucking thing must be banned instantly. With this mechanic we can really make prisoners and a lot more.
    Rusher likes this.
  8. Ramsis

    Ramsis Ballista Bolt Thrower Donator Tester

    We don't do permbans unless its a dire need, you're just temp banned, either for 5-24 hours

  9. SinZero

    SinZero Haxor

    Well that was insane!
    Just came from playing on the RP server, dwarves attack without reason, hard to fend them off with their "INCREDIBLE" 5 hearts.
    It's suppose to be the orcs that have the high hearts, not the little midget dwarves.
    Also, can we report those who break the rules in-game on the forums?
  10. FlamingDragon96

    FlamingDragon96 Shark Slayer

    Report all you can, that way if we go whitelist we know who to blacklist.
  11. SinZero

    SinZero Haxor

    I just came back from playing it, we we're having a peaceful moment until the dwarfs killed our messager (I'm pretty sure it was AL3X_j_M ; their king who ordered our destruction) they attacked without reason hence why we we're almost annihilated,
    Is starting a war without a reason or crime ban-able for a few hours? (The king issued the war. Then decided to fake RP his death so we wont retaliate.)
    Our homelands and colossal wooden structures we're ruined, well that's all.

    All in all, it's AL3X_j_M fault.
  12. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    Mostly dumb wars happen beacuse one kid decides to have fun from deathmatching.
  13. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    as of now rocky reported that too :)
    I got KAG crashed again , and It is because of some softwares I installed , I'll try to jump in and keep my eyes on the watch.
  14. Grendell100

    Grendell100 Haxor

    Hi! Why I cant join to your server? If I try to join, it will disconnect me. Have I slow internet, or what. In other servers I have ping 33-66...

    Sorry for my bad English.
  15. FlamingDragon96

    FlamingDragon96 Shark Slayer

    As rule number 3 from World Rules says:
    3. No going to war with another faction unless you have a legit reason to do so.
    This has been done many times by AL3X_j_M. A suggestion to the mods/admins, next time AL3X_j_M makes a war without reason freeze him, tell him why he's frozen and temp ban him.
    delankski likes this.
  16. randombeing95

    randombeing95 Shopkeep Stealer

    We had a good rp...until the dwarf king raided the elves(I was one of the dwarfs sadly) after they were raided..I felt like a jerk.
  17. Masery

    Masery is actually Maroon Donator

    AL3X_j_M is nothing but a troll.
    He should get his own race. "Trolls". They can be neon pink and spawn in a prison.
  18. Rusher

    Rusher Catapult Fodder

    AL3X_j_M this same annoying guy and random killer , kill me a lot times with no reason and say to Mod " ADMIN BAN RUSHER!!! when this guy are a knight with 6 hearts and i play with builder orc with 2 heart lol, Mod banned me, (and insult me a lot times in chat)

    More one thing, when i said DWARFS x ORCS WAr and get ban if for this reason... Dwarfs king declared war , late when burn and pile our houses i declare it and get banned !

    Dwarfs king dont get banned... or adviced...( of course it race of MOD flamingDragon96 and Potato)

    [23:57:18] <Caiorc> excuse me, who is the current dwarven king?
    [23:57:19] <orc gonchon> opps
    [23:57:21] <TKK Thiamor> Till it's over.
    [23:57:21] <Elf FenrirITA> if you become a builder i'll let you in
    [23:57:25] <Royal vaio> I'm, caio.
    [23:57:29] <FlamingDragon96> I'll take it as a yes
    [23:57:36] <GHST SavaGhost> What
    [23:57:38] <Elf Iapetus> If, and only if, the attackers could be held off.
    [23:57:39] <Royal vaio> The dwarven are in war with the orcs

    [23:57:39] <Caiorc> oh, alright vaio.
    [23:57:42] <FlamingDragon96> We agree
    [23:57:49] <Royal vaio> Men, kill all the orcs.
    [23:57:57] <Royal vaio> this is war
    [23:58:03] <Derp AL3X_j_M> ((Ban rusher))
    [23:58:05] <Rusher> Kill all dwarfs its a war!

    [23:58:12] <Derp AL3X_j_M> ((He's not roleplaying he's just killing))
    [23:58:12] <Royal vaio> WAR AGAINST THE ORCS

    [23:58:50] <Derp AL3X_j_M> ((Rusher is a fucking downy who forgot to take his ritalin the dip shit))
    [23:59:27] <Derp AL3X_j_M> ((It's not the orcs fault Rusher is a mental patient))

    [23:59:43] <FlamingDragon96> ((WTH?! THERE'S NO RP REASON FOR WAR!))

    THIS SAME GUY BAN ME ..For declare war later then declare it...
    -Grey- likes this.
  19. FlamingDragon96

    FlamingDragon96 Shark Slayer

    Not sure why you highlighted my statement, I think you got me wrong. Atm I was an elf talking to a lone orc who wanted an alliance, when I said "I take it as a yes" I had asked the elves in the fort if they wanted to ally but they stayed quiet. So I returned to the orc and said the part of "We agree". Also I'm not a mod/admin, but I have access to the admin chat.

    [21:51:37] <TKK Thiamor> Only when you're forced in the situation, would I call upon your services.
    [21:51:37] <FlamingDragon96> We will agree if its defensive only
    [21:51:43] <Elf FenrirITA> talk first,we are peaceful
    [21:51:43] <rocky4321> DONT CATAPULT US
    [21:51:46] <Invaders> All my money
    [21:51:47] <TKK Thiamor> So we have an alliance if need be?
    [21:51:47] <Rusher> LETS ATTACK
    [21:51:52] <orc gonchon> YOU CANT
    [21:51:54] <Elf Iapetus> I think so.
    [21:51:54] TVV65 build777 fell to his death
    [21:51:55] <FlamingDragon96> Let us consult with the others
    [21:51:55] <Invaders> ((jesus, the coin loss rate is fucked u))
    [21:51:57] <Elf FenrirITA> man what you need?
    [21:51:58] <Elf Iapetus> But not in attacking.
    [21:51:59] <wow lukepop> if they need help we go if we need help they come
    [21:52:05] <orc gonchon> no war
    [21:52:06] <GHST SavaGhost> I died protecting your kind from mine. And yet you still don't let me guard you?
    [21:52:11] <TKK Thiamor> Defensive purposes only.
    [21:52:11] <FlamingDragon96> Fellow elves!
    [21:52:15] <Invaders> ((I lost 800+ coins from a builder killing me, I went form 850ish to 2
    [21:52:19] <Elf FenrirITA> it's to dangerous
    [21:52:19] TVV65 build777 left the game
    [21:52:22] <Elf FenrirITA> i'm so sorry
    [21:52:22] <TotalPotato> ((Rusher a orc can attack but only if there team agrees))
    [21:52:22] New player joined the game
    [21:52:22] Unnamed player is now known as build777
    [21:52:24] <Elf FenrirITA> but
    [21:52:28] <Royal vaio> I DECLARE WAR WITH THE ORCS
    [21:52:28] <FlamingDragon96> What do you say on an alliance with a certain orc faction in defensive only?
    [21:52:31] <TKK Thiamor> if my faction needs savefty, and you're forced to defend, would your people be willing to house my people?
    [21:52:32] build777 is now known as TVV65 build777
    [21:52:33] <wow lukepop> we have our fortress
    [21:52:33] <Caiorc> excuse me, who is the current dwarven king?
    [21:52:34] <orc gonchon> opps
    [21:52:36] <TKK Thiamor> Till it's over.
    [21:52:36] <Elf FenrirITA> if you become a builder i'll let you in
    [21:52:40] <Royal vaio> I'm, caio.
    [21:52:44] <FlamingDragon96> I'll take it as a yes
    [21:52:51] <GHST SavaGhost> What
    [21:52:53] <Elf Iapetus> If, and only if, the attackers could be held off.
    [21:52:54] <Royal vaio> The dwarven are in war with the orcs
    [21:52:54] <Caiorc> oh, alright vaio.
    [21:52:57] <FlamingDragon96> We agree

    I'm not sure if you're trying to say that the elves agreed on war because I said that last part but if it is then now you know you read it at a bad time.
  20. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Damn I keep crashing on this server, but I had a lot of fun today. I was racist Hitler-esque Elf and I managed to:

    1. Propagate anti human sentiments
    2. Suicide bomb the human embassy
    3. Break the longstanding peace between humans and elves, causing a huge war.

    I'm wondering if it's possible to differentiate the races more. For example have different classes of builders reference different builder_blocks configs or available workshops. I think this server needs a lot of balance tweaking in general but I think it has an insane amount of potential for fun.

    edit: later the elves tried to get revenge but got murdered again :(
    Overlord likes this.
Mods: jackitch
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