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King Arthur's Role-Playing Server

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by VanHuek, Aug 5, 2012.


Is this a good idea and would you like it put into action?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Actually you can become mod by donating, that does counter your argument SinZero.
  2. SinZero

    SinZero Haxor

    Ahem, VIP only.
    You dont have full mod powers, if you did *Cough* THIS IS MADNESS! *Cough*.
    You dont have full admin capacity.

    Argument? All I'm trying to do is defend the mod's case because I've noticed a lot of people have been getting banned and complaining here.
    Tiruin likes this.
  3. Request for the OP (Original Poster) for additions//refurbishing of the main post:

    >Clarification of the rules or an addition to the rules: that in most cases if one wishes to attack another player they must announce themselves; ie, if playing a bandit//highwayman, they should call out retro-style, despite it being cliche'd, it still ensures that fair warning is given, and if the target player is any good in RP'ing, he/she won't go all "RUN FOR THE HILLS! BANDITS!" But act it out.

    Or Bandit-style characters can just adopt the Clan Tag: 'Bandit' or 'Theif' or 'Evil'...or anything resembling a shady character. Nothing irks others off like a backstabbing silenced character (I mean, thinking about it, the only people who are silent in their kills are either psychotic or too cold to care, which cannot be true IC if you don't have a good background for it).

    > [I've noticed a bit of flaming(I guess) or at least personal attacks on others in this thread, other than clutter it up, why not go in and make a Conversation with the player in question to settle the matter in private? Believe you me, it's better that way for those who want to settle fights rationally, other than calling names with no backing evidence. Ad Hominem is not the way to go, just to remind.]

    > [If any player would make offensive remarks about others IC, no usage of modern slur words that are considered vulgar or such, please. "Hey fag, get out of my territory" or "Fuck you niggah, gtfo!" are very much indecent to see (not saying I've seen anyone drop that low, but as a precaution), and do not reflect well upon the character you wish to play in-game.]

    Just a few wishes I'd like to point, and apologies if I am taking this too seriously, or showing immodesty through this as I'd really wish to see this server//idea prosper and not fall to bickering and trivial fights. If players screwed up in the past, help them rectify their errors and teach them the wrongs of their ways. Rebuke, do not get personal.

    Edit: Approaching WoT stance. Collated in spoilers for clarity.
  4. Madbow

    Madbow Horde Gibber

    Okay bandits are out of the question, what about assassinations?
  5. TotalPotato

    TotalPotato Haxor
    1. KRPG

    Yes, if you are hired by another player and aim to only kill the player your contract demands and avoid unnessesary killing
  6. FenrirITA

    FenrirITA Base Burner

    I know but i think that is possible to use the same color but allowing only the team that place them to use.

    FREAKHEAD Shipwright

    Just wanted to quickly make a few points as I've spent several hours on this server.

    -First off, thank you for creating the server. I found this server to be very enjoyable most of the time and I appreciate the efforts and thoughts dedicated to it.

    -Thank you to the admins that are there, when they can be. I can imagine it is quite difficult to get to play and police and I am grateful for when you can assist in settling matters

    -Finally, I used to play on <MOLE> a lot and I love CTF. I also enjoy many of the other servers....I come to this server to explore a different side of the game. To build small virtual communities that are never possible on those other servers. I love being a builder, I mind my own business, share resources with others and try and be a good citizen. What is beyond frustrating is spending an hour or two building a great castle/home/base and for whatever reason, someone, such as RUSHER, will "RP" ( I use that term lightly) an orc that essentially just wants to greif, break-in to my space and destroy my stuff. Or, someone from my faction reportedly acts against another faction and then that is used as an excuse to destroy my stuff. I can understand that there will be "wars" or "conflicts" on that server but if I am not acting in an aggressive manner, asking you to please move along, that I am not involved in your conflict, please respect that. It takes a long time to gather resources, to trade for some, and then to build those spaces. It only takes a few minutes to blow them up and it really has soured me on this server.

    At its's best, I love it and want to donate money. At it's worst, I really am disgusted that active members in this community would behave in such a way and want to uninstall the game. It's really baffling why you would pay and register this game, then go onto a pw required server to be a douche bag. I really hope things improve and I wish those of you that are behind this effort the best. If you see me on this server and you feel there are things that I can do better, please let me know.

    Tiruin and Lieber like this.
  8. TheGrimReaper

    TheGrimReaper Catapult Fodder

    Leiber? what is the password for Hawks Krazy Roleplay Server?
  9. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    I made a new map I hope you'll like it :D :


    Some screens :

    Nananas, Raelian, Froghead48 and 4 others like this.
  10. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    ^ Wow, thats a great map! I will see if we can get it up and working, but don't get your hopes up. Vanhuek ( the owner ) is on holiday until the 28th.
  11. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I love it! The Tree for the Elves is amazing!
  12. kuulness

    kuulness Tree Planter

    Why does everyone insitste that the mountins are on the sides, thats the best spot. Please someone make a map were the mountins are in the middle
  13. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    If you're not happy you can make yourself a map :rollseyes:
  14. kuulness

    kuulness Tree Planter

    Your right, so i did make y own map, its not as fancy as yours but you get the basic idea of what it is

    KAG map.png
  15. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

  16. Sarkalest

    Sarkalest Haxor

    The hell!
    There was a massive lag after Zeeee changed the map, got disconnected and say I'm banned.
    What the shit?
  17. Mr_Henki

    Mr_Henki Shark Slayer

    Guys i suggest you to ban DIGGA forever he ruined the game 4 times this day and he collapsed a massive tower right before zeee changed the map, i beg you, please ban him,because he mostly change team when does something.

    P.S. If someone noticed him grifering too - please write here to confirm my words!
    12anger likes this.
  18. Sarkalest

    Sarkalest Haxor

    I saw him grief too.
  19. 12anger

    12anger Ballista Bolt Thrower

  20. kuulness

    kuulness Tree Planter

    Could it be possibal to bump up the player cap? Maybe 32, thats about the avrage cap servers usaally have, and it would make the server feel a bit more lively. (I know why you decressed the map size/ player cap)
    </br>--- merged: Aug 13, 2012 7:54 PM ---</br>
    Also it wouldnt be so hard to get on
Mods: jackitch
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