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Beo's KAG Servers

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Beo, Sep 21, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. copper40

    copper40 Casual Misogynist

    Oh well, at least KAG's going to get a mute button soon.
  2. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    I greatly look forward to that event, copper40. In the meantime, I always have the ignore button on the forums. ^_^
    thebonesauce and justi01 like this.
  3. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Seriously copper, if the word "nipples" is enough to offend you, the internet obviously isn't for you.
  4. Wrath

    Wrath Catapult Fodder

    Wrath here.Got banned on Beo's (non-platinum) server for bad reasons.
    "zeta_beta" was griefing and I watched him, as a knight.
    After griefing two towers he then blamed me and boom him and 3 others vote for me and I am banned.
    So I have some questions for the forums:
    1) Why would you vote for a griefer you haven't even saw, and if you pressed tab would see is a knight
    2) Are there any systems to unban me, because I would like to play on this server?
    3) Have YOU ever been wrongly banned? If so, tell us your story.
    Oh and people you can vouch for me:
    Medieval: He was there.
    Prime9 (or a name similiar to that): The only other guy who voted for zeta_beta
    GalenMalek: I see him around, he can vouch for my semi-regularity
    Paul The Peasant: He can also vouch for my semi-regularity.
    It is such a shame griefers have to ruin a game in this regard, but what is more shameworthy is that people believe others without proof. I mean the guy even used a 1 in place of a exclamation mark in one of his sentences, I know my grammar isn't that good but...C'mon!
  5. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Firstly, 'non-platinum' players are the equivalent of heavily armed sheep. If one 'NPP' (as we call them around these here parts) decides to kick another, NPP or PP alike, and publicises their actions, thus encouraging others to do similarly, then most will do it without thinking, because most fellows trust most other fellows without looking to much.

    Secondly, you should be unbanned within a short amount of time, if not already, as votekicks don't last. You've done a sensible thing talking to us kind fellows on the server thread, so that we can explain the complex and intricate thingys of the server to you. The only kicks which are really significant in the long run are those made by moderators, not just because I am awesome, but also because we can make them last longer than 10 minutes or so.

    If you can provide evidence against Mr. zeta_beta, then he'll probably be smushed off of/into the face of the earth as punishment for his grevious crimes against humanitykind.

    I'm pretty sure you look like a nice fellow, and you seem to be acknowledged/known to multiple other fellows, although I wouldn't trust the GaylenMarek character with a 10 foot pole!!!1!!!
    GalenMarek, Beo and justi01 like this.
  6. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Hella.... That was supposed to stay IN the clan :eek:

    lol :p

    And yes, I know Wrath, he plays regulary on the BoW server; he is one of the good ones.
  7. Wrath

    Wrath Catapult Fodder

    And heres me thinking that vote-bans were permenant.:oops:
    Sorry for the commotion but I do like that server! ;)
    I am now able to play again.
    And thanks for explaining it to me, servers and stuff are not my strong point. :bison::migrant:
  8. Medieval

    Medieval Haxor

    Indeed, i was here!

    Few minutes after you got banned, your team kicked zeta-beta... :lol: So it's seems that the griefer was REALLY zeta-beta.
    I can say that zeta-beta's behaviour was typically a griefer's one.

    Also, Wrath is a regular player on Beo's ctf server, and he never never never griefed! and he's a trustworthy man.
  9. superpokes

    superpokes Bison Rider

    I suggest you ban that zeta-beta guy. Yesterday he was swearing against any living thing on the server. Especially Cadbury :v
    I don't know if he was griefing because he was on the other team
  10. Medieval

    Medieval Haxor

    Well.... i report a guy called Arti188, a kid probably..

    In the beginning of the game (after the building time), my team was holding the hill and we put some stacks of resources there, arti188 took 2 of them and he gave it to the enemy team then he used this smiley when i said it to him ":bird:" .

    After that, when we had an outpost, he took it and he launched it with cata to the enemy team.
    And few minutes after that, he did the same thing!!!!!!

    I hope something bad will happen to his account on beo's ctf......
  11. Villekille707

    Villekille707 Shipwright

    Today, once again I was playing at Beo's War server. There was his guy called [fox] goldmen2. AsuMagic claimed he was hacking I didn't see it happening, but later [fox] goldmen2 and [fox] darkshooter both switched teams and griefed our great tower. We managed to kick darkshooter, but goldmen left. I thought someone should know about this, so I came here.

    Here are the chat logs:
    [14:52:28] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> hacker!!!
    [14:52:33] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> goldmen hacker!
    [14:53:02] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> fuckin hacker!
    [14:53:05] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> teleport!!!!
    [14:53:08] <Dwarf Villekille707> Report to the forums!!!
    [14:53:15] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> don't have screen shot!
    [14:53:22] New player joined the game
    [14:53:22] Unnamed player is now known as Terracotta
    [14:53:28] <Terracotta> hi
    [14:53:44] TermiN left the game
    [14:53:54] <[PL] kapi989> ooops
    [14:54:02] AGRIVATED1 left the game
    [14:54:05] <Dwarf Villekille707> Hey terracotta :)
    [14:54:05] <I lov Idifix> grief?
    [14:54:05] <[PL] kapi989> fucking golden amn
    [14:54:13] <[PL] kapi989> no?
    [14:54:17] <Terracotta> Hey Ville.
    [14:54:19] Terracotta has joined the Red Team
    [14:54:22] <Terracotta> swapsie!
    [14:54:32] <Dwarf Villekille707> :D
    [14:54:46] New player joined the game
    [14:54:46] Unnamed player is now known as yriell24
    [14:55:03] <[fox] darkshooter> move
    [14:55:27] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> lol
    [14:55:51] Terracotta left the game
    [14:55:58] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> hack abusing -_-
    [14:56:08] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> now he is teleporting in our tower
    [14:56:29] <[PL] kapi989> Repair the castle!
    [14:56:32] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> gg vile
    [14:56:36] <Dwarf Villekille707> Thx :)
    [14:56:42] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> fr?
    [14:56:44] <[PL] kapi989> i cover you
    [14:57:20] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> omfg, viva les tunnels x)
    [14:57:23] <Dwarf Villekille707> Nah
    [14:57:24] [fox] darkshooter has joined the Red Team
    [14:57:36] [fox] goldmen2 has joined the Red Team
    [14:57:44] New player joined the game
    [14:57:44] Unnamed player is now known as Antsticot
    [14:58:10] Antsticot left the game
    [14:58:25] New player joined the game
    [14:58:25] Unnamed player is now known as fus_o
    [14:58:25] fus_o is now known as Ms fus_o
    [14:58:27] * [fox] darkshooter * has been voted to be kicked by [PL] kapi989 (1/3)
    [14:58:31] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> someone griefed the tunnel
    [14:58:32] <[PL] kapi989> fgirefer
    [14:58:37] <[PL] kapi989> omg
    [14:58:40] <I lov Idifix> wo was it
    [14:58:41] [fox] goldmen2 has joined the Blue Team
    [14:58:43] * [fox] darkshooter * has been voted to be kicked by Dwarf Villekille707 (2/3)
    [14:58:43] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> fuckin switch griefer
    [14:58:47] * [fox] darkshooter * has been voted to be kicked by [Pxl] AsuMagic (3/3)
    [14:58:47] [fox] goldmen2 left the game
    [14:58:47] <I lov Idifix> kick goldman
    [14:58:48] [fox] darkshooter left the game
    [14:58:49] <I lov Idifix> kick goldman
    [14:58:51] <I lov Idifix> kcik goldman
    [14:58:54] <I lov Idifix> kick gold man
    [14:58:57] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> done
    [14:58:57] <I lov Idifix> kick goldman
    [14:58:59] <I lov Idifix> kick goldman
    [14:59:00] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> erf no
    [14:59:03] <I lov Idifix> yo blue guys
    [14:59:04] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> KICK GOLDMAN GRIEFER!!!!
    [14:59:06] <I lov Idifix> kick goldman plz
    [14:59:10] <Dwarf Villekille707> Report them to the forums!!!!
    [14:59:12] <I lov Idifix> he switch teams
    [14:59:15] <Dwarf Villekille707> Goldmen left
    [14:59:16] <[Pxl] AsuMagic> he is griefing!!!
  12. copper40

    copper40 Casual Misogynist

    Wow, I can't even play in CTF without having unbalanced teams. Can we get auto balance fixed?

    I was telling blue team to balance, but they never did. They just kept laughing. Fucking trolls.

    It was 6 vs 3, and no one was helping. screen-12-08-25-18-41-14.png
  13. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    It's not like Beo can do anything about it, it's down to the devs to get auto-balance sorted.

    There is litterally nothing we can do to fix auto-balance. Complaining about it here really isn't going to help either, it's a game-wide issue. Team imbalances happen all the time on every server.
  14. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    I believe the term that is appropriate here is 'grow a pair'.

    Hell, grow twelve pairs. The practice that weighted teams provide is beautiful to the extreme, and taking a few down with you is sheer poetry. It is generally known that the greater the quantity of testicles present within a single team is directly proportional to the quality of their fighting, ergo fellows/fellowettes with multiple scrota have a greater advantage upon the field of battle.

    I admit, it can be awfully tiresome to lay seige to a team larger than your own, but the auto-balance does work, it just doesn't auto-switch people at the ends of games, which is a good thing. If it did do that, then people who wanted to be together would be torn apart, like two peices of velcro, although with a lot more blood. Currently, it channels people who join in order to balance the teams, which works insofar as people have to join to balance the teams. Fortunately, most players generally seem to be incompetent to the extreme when it comes to appropriate warfare for differing volumes of enemies, and so they are easier to kill as the all rush in trying to claim prey for themselves as rapidly as possible. Try the dropping of stone blocks, arrow spam, highly explosive counter attacks, and the good old tactic of human sacrifice.
    justi01 and jackitch like this.
  15. copper40

    copper40 Casual Misogynist

    Oh wow, I didn't know this was a problem on all servers. Thanks for telling me.
  16. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    No problem. I felt that if I could be bothered to write something, I could be bothered to write at least 2 decently lengthed paragraphs of nonsense in answer.
    GalenMarek likes this.
  17. owner

    owner Builder Stabber
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    hello beo,
    i was playing kag a time and my dad said that i needed some new hockeyshoes and then i forgot to log my account out then my little brother screwed me totally on you'r server he did things and when i came back i was not permanantly banned but just banned but the worst thing is that i was muted and i am very sad now :QQ:
    can you un-mute me please:(
    then i am happy again on your server :)
  18. Steve_Of_Future

    Steve_Of_Future Catapult Fodder

    why every guilty one has the "Brother" Excuse? :D
    Kouji likes this.
  19. owner

    owner Builder Stabber
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    but,but,but serious its REALLY true believe me!
  20. Fantomas2D

    Fantomas2D Shopkeep Stealer

    :thumbs_up: Thanks for the server's
Mods: jackitch