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King Arthur's Role-Playing Server

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by VanHuek, Aug 5, 2012.


Is this a good idea and would you like it put into action?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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Mods: jackitch
  1. kuulness

    kuulness Tree Planter

    We should have a game type were you cant complain
  2. builder321

    builder321 Shipwright

    whenever i go on your server i crash :huh?: do you need the textures?
  3. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Not at the moment. This happens only on this server?
    Maybe your CPU can't handle map size.
  4. TheCrusader

    TheCrusader Shopkeep Stealer

    Oh Del, Potato, Viking, and a couple of others be gods.
  5. kuulness

    kuulness Tree Planter

    kuulness is the only god
  6. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor

    The last two pages explained a lot:
    No one here can read more then 5 words in a row, which explains why no rules from this thread or the newb thread is enforced.
  7. TheCrusader

    TheCrusader Shopkeep Stealer

    ZeThtb, just be quiet. You've made your point, you don't need to whine anymore.
  8. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    this server needs a blacklist, and a place where you can complain about griefers or people that break the rules.
    with good explainations of what the person did, and why thats a problem.
    something like..
    (explaination of what he did)
    (explaination of why this was against the rules/bad, in a way of common sense)
    name of recorder:
    I personally think this would help, because then the admins dont have to stay online 24/7 and the wrongdoers will still be punished.
  9. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Can I get a bancheck for 2 minutes ago on this server?

    I was banned apparently, not pingbanned (I highly doubt it, had 66 ping) while just on. A guy had just beforehand killed me without declaring war or me having ever attacked him.

    Second time this happens in 2 days :<
  10. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor

    There is a bit of a issue with dwarfs being plainly the most powerful race (due to hp and lacking the SLOWNESS of dwarfs).

    [Ignoring the issues with noone speaking English)
    Gofio and Ej like this.
  11. Urgh, I'm not normally one to complain, but some people ruin this server... :QQ:

    Name: [TiT] Dubshed
    Class: Knight
    Victims: ickle me and some other elves and orcs... :QQ:

    He kept on spawn/random killing people on top of a ridiculous bridge which loads of people were bomb-spamming off of onto our treehouse, and gave no explanation when asked...
    I have a screenshot of him attacking me the third time this happened, because, as an elf, I couldn't become a knight and defend myself.. :(

    (Sorry about the texture pack, but it is soooo cool. It's mishKa's, so check her/it out!)

    Normally I try to settle things in game, but it is hard to RP/have fun when you can't leave one god-forsaken bridge...

    I love the server though! :D

    Attached Files:

  12. kuulness

    kuulness Tree Planter

    I dont see whats the matter with the picture orther than it looks like he is jizzing blood on to you, and if jizzing blood on another person is illegal, then lock me up.
  13. godkirby

    godkirby Bison Rider

    just a question can you please reload the map there was a huge war about stealing bombs because of the orcs and the map was ruined please reload it :migrant:
  14. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    I haven't really made any major sprites for KAG but I might be able to lend you a hand if its too much.
    I'm getting into spriting(for about a month now) so wouldn't mind the practice.
  15. godkirby

    godkirby Bison Rider

    agreed that poeple ruin the server ruleral totally ruins it
  16. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Question... is it possible to take some sprites, like say the Warcraft 2 sprites... and make them the sprites for the races we currently have in this server instead of multicolored sprites we have now.
  17. kuulness

    kuulness Tree Planter

    No, if you put one sprit for the knight class, its the same sprite for every knight
  18. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Better question... what is the code you used for the seperate sprite colors..?
  19. Masery

    Masery is actually Maroon Donator

    You'd have to have all the users insert them manually.
    I know that you can do this, because Hawk's Krazy RP server has a team that uses the Samurai that FlamingDragon made.
  20. kuulness

    kuulness Tree Planter

    Well, the sprite color code is just a color templet. Thats why when you look at the sprites, all the classes are blue, so when ever you add a team it just adds the next color in the line.
Mods: jackitch
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