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King Arthur's Role-Playing Server

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by VanHuek, Aug 5, 2012.


Is this a good idea and would you like it put into action?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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Mods: jackitch
  1. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    You're special too, because you count as the 1000th reply. I was the 1000th post, which includes the OP. :)
  2. I love this server sooooo much, but there definitely needs to be more admins... I think all the admins are really helpful (at least all the ones I've dealt with) ad I know they have a very hard job, and I also know that the gods of the server are looking for more, but no one is nominating anyone... :( I would really love for this server to grow into something even more amazing, as I expect it will, so more admins is definitely a good idea! Thanks for keeping this server running! :)
  3. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I have a couple of people in mind, if I get VanHuek seal of approval, I will invite them later.
  4. xRPEx

    xRPEx Shopkeep Stealer

    Hurray for 3rd ban! Anyone wanna throw a party for me? :p
  5. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    This one was permanent, so I guess we will have to party hard.
  6. SJD360

    SJD360 Haxor

    i was banned for some reason, i was in the middle of an epic story line aswell :QQ:
    *Edit, the story line was someone getting a glowing, evil talking skull for me then i absorb its power and become immortal :3
  7. Masery

    Masery is actually Maroon Donator

    Probably a Ping Ban.
    Don't worry about it.
  8. SJD360

    SJD360 Haxor

    how long does it last?
  9. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    Normally Ping bans last 3 minutes.
  10. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    OHGAWD ALL THE TEXT I HAVE TO READ (Thanks for the complement, Gofio!)

    I know I already said this before, but I strongly suggest whenever it's possible (I honestly have no idea when that can happen :p ) that dirt back walls are put behind the main elven structures. Even the humans should get a bit of a boost too. It's just so infuriating how the orcs and the dwarves have no problem with their bases being destroyed but humans and ESPECIALLY elves are victims to it all the time. Some of it is okay and even fun, a couple of post-built towers can fall, but people are so ready to destroy the poorly supported, solely functionally-purpose elven buildings it hurts. It's at the point where it's hard to role-play an elven builder, because some orc is going to declare war because he was random killed and destroy all your shit. I think a lot of rage will leave from wars with elves and humans if they weren't so griefable.

    Elves are underpowered in general, but because of their mobility as archers they're a lot more fun to role-play with (if you're not getting random killed every couple minutes). It's too bad though, the other races want "expand" into the elven woods all the time and kill everyone because they're so useless when it comes to a one-on-one war.

    On one last note, since people like to abuse the lore "dwarves or orcs don't like elves" all the fucking time, why can't it be that orcs and dwarves hate each other? I think orcs and dwarves fight each other the most (mostly because the orcs are always butthurt how the dwarves are op as fuck), with is the best option because their bases are indestructible. They're right next to each other too. I think the awkward point I'm trying to say here is if it's the case that orcs and dwarves are suppose to pick on the weaker races (elves, and somewhat humans), then it's no fun to be the weaker race. I'd love to see it more encouraged that the orcs and dwarves are in a more constant struggle then obviously unfair matches like orcs and elves. There can be fighting, but make it fair, play by the rules even if you don't like them (I'm ashamed I have to even say that) and stop griefing shit all the time, okay?

    I just realized most of this has nothing to do with the more recent posts and more just replies from arguments from a couple days ago and my own bitching, but, what the hell, I'll post it anyway. Also, I think Nominatios would make a good admin :D
  11. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Ahem. I play an orc all the time, and whenever I get a beautiful base up, I get someone come and destroy it almost instantly. Orcs suffer just like you, and we're weaker than all other races, because we only have 2 hearts. Two elves could defeat an army of orcs if they catch us at the right time, because we are as weak as a handicapped sparrow.

    I think orcs a dwarves do hate each other, and it seems we are always at war with each other, with particular individuals especially seeking out to annihilate the orcs, mostly without cause. As a race, our homes get powered through on a regular basis, generally by a single enemy, because our low health makes it difficult to fight back.
    On the other hand, I also believe every race hates the orcs, considering the orcs always seem to be killed on sight, without reason or provokation. Please don't say that elves have it bad, when elves have a massive advantage when in their home forest. The only advantage we have is that we aren't immediately visible, but that counts for vitrually nothing when someone is set upon finding us.
  12. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Orcs and elves are getting HUUUUGE boosts on next mod version. Orcs are so OP now that you have to ask an admin to assign you to it (I can't let them be a public race, but I will make a trustworthy player seclevel, so regulars can have access to it without asking every time).
    Yes, elves main building will have dirt thanks to your constant well-written walls of text complaining about it.
    They will also get other kinds of natural protections, but I don't want to ruin the surprise.

    PS: I really need a hand with the sprites, if you're a pixel artist and want to help, please PM me.
    DrZaloski and ComboBreaker like this.
  13. cleggy

    cleggy Arsonist

    I was just playing on the server when i had to leave for 5 mins, After giving a clear warning not to F*** around with our base (we were orcs) i left. 5 mins later i returned to find this greifer.png

    All the expensive shops that id mined for ages for were gone and i was pretty pissed off so i asked the people (the same ones that were on before i left) what happened. This was the reply: greifer2.png
    So the suspect is Dwarf digga i cannot be sure of this but i thought i would post this so that at least one of the greifers/non-rpers has a chance of getting his arse banned.

    Thanks for reading, Cleggy
  14. martinm

    martinm Catapult Fodder

    AAA JEAHHHH I AM FAMEOUS :3333 Iam Minicraft123 :3333
  15. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    You only had to say the name, he is a well-know griefer. He was supposed to be permabanned, I will check the blacklist. Thanks for pointing it out!

    EDIT: He was perbanned, but blacklist have some glitches. I added him to a deny_join seclevel which solves the problem.
  16. I was going to post about how Cleggy was griefing/random killing just now, but I have decided to forgive him. I will not hesitate to report it if it happens again.
    Still a great server, even with all of the unnecessary fighting... :)
  17. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor

    Yeah Cleggy calls everyone griefer (though the above post seems like the real deal, without any evidence though) - he would yell griefer all the time, without a cause or reason.

    And we found a admin worth his salt with unnamed, the first one I saw that actually does his job well! He didn't break any of the server rules, can you belive that? Maybe some of the other admins should learn from him.

    ** On the dirt wall for elfs issue... One should adapt the balance fixes already suggested (way slower dwarfs), it would do so much for the game....
  18. cleggy

    cleggy Arsonist

    Was just having a great time on the server as a dwarf when a war started and i went to help my fellow dwarfs in this fight. During this war i collapsed many structures which made the elves very unhappy (understandably). I was then subjected to multiple accusations of greifing and random killing (i killed very few people in the war as i was a builder). After we had pretty much obliterated their base we stopped attacking ant i returned to the main fortress to find Zethtb (an orc) in the process of destroying/greifing our base. i was not aware of any war at this time so i told him to stop and get lost back to his own land to which he carried strait on and taunted me the whole base was pretty much gone or stoned up but he did, in the end leave (slowly and with "persuasion" from an admin). I was happy to forgive and forget until he started acting all childish and bitter covering our base with ladders. i was the only one on that side of the map so i got this screen shot zethtb.png He is the one in the building on the way out of our base, and, had the admin (unnamed i think) not intervened and frozen him, he wouldn't have left without taking half the base with him. I don't like doing this but it seems that its the only way to stop these people. i don't request a ban but can you just warn him not to be a dick
  19. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    We(orks) already do.Most of the wars I've been fighting in were against dwarves.

    Its unfun to fight with elves,because of elves beeing very underpowered.I think the fact,that they cannot have stone walls is enough of excuse to have knights and archers with 3 hearts or knights with 2 and archer with 3 hearts.

    Doors are powerful trait to have.I think elves should be able to place doors,not dwarves.Well,in fact it'd be great if all races could place doors.But if only 2 races should be able to do it because of coding,I'd choose humans and elves.
    cleggy, DrZaloski, Contrary and 3 others like this.
  20. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    As I said in my wall of text, I do see more dwarves and orcs fights then any other pair, but I see orcs or dwarves or even humans just destroying elves way too often. And lots of people just say "// ORCS HATE ELVES" too much as an excuse, that's my only point. I agree that it's unfun to wage war against a much weaker team, but there are tons of players who do it anyway, that's why we have a problem with people going around just random killing builders.


    As for the orcs base, unless you're building your MAIN BASE, then it's nearly impossible to destroy everything they have easily. You can destroy their shops and maybe make a few holes with some kegs, but you can't DESTROY THE ENTIRE BASE AS A FUCKING KNIGHT. There's a huge difference there. Elves do NOT have an advantage at all, they are clearly the most underpowered. They don't have knights, and they can't even place stone for fuck's sake. Also, or orc builders (or Goblins, if you want to be a bitch about it) only have 2 hearts, knights (orcs) don't. We all know dwarves are OP, that's not news. That doesn't make orcs as underpowered as elves though.
    On the idea that orcs get random killed the most, that's because they random kill the most. Because the lore says that orcs are violent and brutish, and people spread the word that they can random kill during the night, people who want to random kill typically join orcs. The rest usually join dwarves because they're just straight-up stronger.

    LASTLY (I promise): I do think elves should get doors, but I think dwarves should switch places with humans next map. It's mostly because humans can be a pain in the ass to pass through, because of their doors. They can cut off elves from the rest of the world if they want, so elves CANNOT afford war with humans. If both the "door races" were on opposite sides of the map, this wouldn't be a problem. On the other hand, this would make orcs and dwarves much weaker, because they cant use doors and they are attackable from BOTH sides, unlike the other two edge-races, who only have to deal with one side.
Mods: jackitch
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