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King Arthur's Role-Playing Server

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by VanHuek, Aug 5, 2012.


Is this a good idea and would you like it put into action?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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Mods: jackitch
  1. kuulness

    kuulness Tree Planter

    I was playing on zeros server, for all of that dont know, his server has a TON of shops.

    Maybe this server could also add shops so people cant go to war right away beacuse of how little stuff they have.

    Like you would have to upgrade bombs shop untill they got to normal bomb streagth. Stuff like that.
  2. SJD360

    SJD360 Haxor

    if Viking and Zee are gone the whole server is going to shit
  3. Viking176

    Viking176 Shipwright

    That is what I like people not arguing but making suggestions on how to improve the server. I think this server went to shit the moment Vanhuek left the admin team alone.
  4. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Well I say we still make it a voting option where if everyone votes, they get regular hearts. But if not they can't die. This way everyone votes for wars, and thus no one can go to war for a stupid reason like 1 person trying to decide war for 20 other so people.

    Also while Viking may abuse the editor from time to time, he does actually do his job. With so many active people on, it's hard to tell if an admin is doing their job if you don't actually see it.
  5. Viking176

    Viking176 Shipwright

    Again its called an arena -_-
  6. No, I'm talking about the time you made a huge arena in the middle of the map an blocked everyone's way with it, and that was WITHOUT Ramsis' permission. As well as freezing people for giving out kegs just cause your structure was in the way
    Lancelotz likes this.
  7. Viking176

    Viking176 Shipwright

    That was a minor flaw :oops: I was asked to build it there.
  8. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    Goddamn, if you're going to post a reply, at least put SOMETHING at least MILDLY constructive. Don't go on just to bitch about the admins and how much they hate you and then act as if you speak for the majority of us. Never do that. It makes you look like an asshole. Not to mention most of the people bitching are people who constantly get kicked for breaking the rules and then complain how that's unfair because THEY THINK THE RULES ARE STUPID. I think I already said this, but seriously, HOW OLD ARE WE!? I'd hope most of us are at the maturity level where we have the respect to follow other people's rules when in their house. You can only dream.

    Also, more arenas. That saves so many lives, and keeps the devil from raping many kittens.

    For the voting thing, I'd like that (if at all possible), but it would have to be a majority, not a unanimous vote. It's not realistic to expect a unanimous vote, and that's not how this stuff usually works. It could be more dynamic too; like a draft. People can sign up for the war, so they can be injured and can attack, or you can choose not to sign up, then you cannot be hurt but you cannot damage others. This basically makes everyone happy, but we may need more then 24 players on at a time for something this dynamic. Also if we had larger maps and elves and humans weren't so griefable, it wouldn't really be a problem if you didn't want to join the war, just sit behind the lines and do whatever the hell you want. I don't know how realistic any of these ideas are, though.
    MooCowMan and UnnamedPlayer like this.
  9. Viking176

    Viking176 Shipwright

    Thanks for the ideas Zal :D although if you cant damage or be damaged Oops im in a doorway, not letting people through ....
  10. So then who, may I ask, told you to place it in such an idiotic place?
    Lancelotz likes this.
  11. Viking176

    Viking176 Shipwright

    A couple dwarves.
  12. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay


    Well during the "Can't get hurt" phase, we need Ghosting. The type where you can walk passed someone if you hold that direction down long enough and someone is in your way.
  13. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    Right now this server is a creative sandbox server, there is no conflict, and when conflict arises, it is soon ended by butthurt Creative sandbox players whining to admins who are locked in Creative sandbox moderation mode.Without a constant or almost constant ambient threat to everyone on the server, the server soon gets extremely dull and boring.

    What in the world do you RP when there are no conflicts or problems?

    "How is your day?"
    "I need resources"
    "Have some resources"
    "Are you my prisoner?"
    "Yeah I'm your prisoner"
    "Alright lets go"

    See? God damn boring, yet you people insist on locking the RP server in this dull mode which usually leaves it near empty with under 10 players, who are constantly following this dull routine.

    When me and the rest of the Orcs hoped on the server, it was near empty, the admins were afk and players were running around not talking at all. We ran around for a bit under the command of a Dwarf hating leader named Zod. Now we've built a conflicting scenario that is opened to some interesting RP. We soon attacked the Dwarves, and the humans allied themselves with the Dwarves seeing it necessary to crush the Orc Menace. Not too long into our vicious campaign the server population count sky-rocketed and the server was full of players RPing around the Orc tribe running around and killing the Human and Dwarf faction. After we left the server finishing our vicious campaign, the player count soon dropped back down to 6 players on the server going back into their dull routine of playing Creative Sandbox on the server.

    And you know what? The only admin on was AFK, only 1 player was whining (Thiamor), and yet the player count stayed at it's peak high for today. HOW ABOUT THAT?

    My Point: The server is crap at the moment, and the poor administration on the server by the many incompetent admins is only worsening the scenario. Either: Add ambient hostile life or screw off and leave the Orcs alone when they go rampaging and pillage, otherwise prepare to have one of the most Over-hyped boring Creative Sandbox that will peter out not to long from now.
    Beef, -Grey-, goodyman8 and 1 other person like this.
  14. Viking176

    Viking176 Shipwright

    I actually see your point on this BUT you can still not run around killing people! You never even warn! you can say we demand tributes and stuff and I like when you do, but raping people for no reason, no. Go ahead and slay the dwarves for killing your chiefton but not a random. I;ve seen perfectly good orcs doing that stuff and then alot of the time i see you, running around and killing people without the slightest of warnings.
  15. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    And I've seen you abuse admin abilties, but I've already expressed my feels towards the admins, how about a compromise?

    How about we officially declare me as a permanent hostile player? That way no player will have ANY misconception as to why I'm attacking them, I pretty much only play as Orcs so I fit the RP lore already. This would fill the void of a needed constant threat, and since I would be the only permanent hostile it would really make it a minimal threat since only a few knights are needed to kill me. I'll still pay attention to the rules, all except the "random killing". I would also limit myself to killing players ONLY, and not attempt to destroy or break into structures forcing players to be much more careful when walking and trading outside and even making them consider bringing a couple guards with them.

    I'm not suggesting that I be exempt from the whole RP aspect, I'm merely putting forward that I would be officially hostile to everyone... who isn't willing to bribe me to ignore them or hire me to do aggressive brute work.
    -Grey-, AJ and Bammboo like this.
  16. kuulness

    kuulness Tree Planter

    Bandit class, we need them and everyone wants them.
  17. Turtleey

    Turtleey Builder Stabber

    My two cents:
    Back in Garrysmod, we called it this little thing called, 'Passive RP'. You can chat with someone, and make a new friend. You could aspire to be a chef, so you do a '--Begins gathering herbs--' '--Places the numerous roots and other plants in a small cast iron pot, over a fire--', then sell off your foods at acceptable prices. Lots of things pertaining armies doing training. Elves could set up a target to fire at, and Dwarves could do sparring.

    Above all, RP is about doing whatever you like. There are no confines or constrictures inside of text, unless a word for what you are trying to do doesn't exist. And believe me, war is the only thing that exists, so it's impossible to say, 'There's nothing to do without a fight'. Albeit a 2d Minecraft-esque game, with so many features, you barely even need to type to have a bare-minimum roleplay, there is so much more to expand on.
  18. cleggy

    cleggy Arsonist

    One rather important issue is when races enter into war when they have nothing to lose. It is a scenario that they cannot lose because they have nothing to defend and they constantly respawn meaning that they will keep coming until they have crumbled the opposition to dust. I have fought several of these pointless battles and it is very demoralizing when you collapse their tower and ask for a surrender and the only reply is retaliation. YOU CANNOT ATTACK WITHOUT ANYTHING TO DEFEND or you are essentially invincible. Once your base is destroyed you are defeated-imagine that you are actually in this situation, you would be angry yes but you would re-gather and re-cover before counter-attacking because in life there are no unlimited respawns. My suggestion to fix this would be some system that makes it very clear when the war is won or lost. Maybe an icon where the unit count usually is that states relations with all other races and any current wars.
  19. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    So you're basically saying if they don't do that, for them to fuck off and ignore you yet they made the rules and you all think you don't have to follow them. Basic summary of your CRAP post.
  20. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor

    Viking does his job.

    About as well as the cops that shot 9 civilians while firing on one baddy.

    And if you look a few pages back (screenshots and all) - you see just how bad and unguided he is.
    No admin > Bad Admin

    Boxpipe has a good point, 97% of chat is //omg this guy is defending himself after the 3rd time I spawn killed.
    Autoban if you kill someone thats typing (x3)


    There are to many kids in here that respond to a post with various curses and insults, but never with arguments. Did you see me calling someones posts "crap" or telling them to "gtfo" the forums? (like you did?)

    The person who has to lower themselves to verbally throwing poop around has already lost the argument and is resorting to a last ditch effort. I know your mad, your very angry at the bad internet people, but show some respect for yourself and others. You don't get respect by brown nosing others or attacking without reason or logic.
    -Grey- likes this.
Mods: jackitch
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