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King Arthur's Role-Playing Server

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by VanHuek, Aug 5, 2012.


Is this a good idea and would you like it put into action?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    ZeThtb is unprovokingly blocking our buildings and breaking shit/spamming shit on our lands right this minute. Not even role playing. If you log on he's doing it now.
    -Grey- likes this.
  2. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor

    Please feel free to, there is nothing going on. A ladder was placed to go over one of the many places blocked with dwarf doors.

    RP was there as well (5 dwarfs attacking me when i spawned, then a fun time of luring them into obvious traps till cleggy rage quit) - but its fun to collect pet-stoned-in-dwarfs. Orcs and dwarfs not liking each other is apperently enough reason to attack without a word these days, but i had fun regardless~

    >unnamed showed up (good man) and gave the dwarfs a warning for there harresing, hehe
  3. Clost

    Clost Arsonist

    A good way to have a quite peaceful RP is a PvE system but everybody know that its not even possible (maybe with the scripting update). I think that if we make a "demon" team where there is 3 admins (to get a challenge and a common goal : kill the demons), some player are gonna whine because they will be owned by a quite overpowered class. Like I said before, we have an IRL life, so we cant be connected all the day and administrate the server 24/7.
  4. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Warning? He also warned you, ZeThtb.
    Also Unnamed also said the Type Killing rule will not be removed.
  5. cleggy

    cleggy Arsonist

    I have clear evidence of zethtbs greifing now.
    He, and another orc snuck into our fortress (we were all at peace) and this is the result Picture1.png Picture2.png Picture3.png
    Can you please ban his arse, read the log and find out who has been on today and they will back me up, especially the dwarves Picture4.png Picture5.png
  6. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor

    As I said in the server. When you start a war with 2 orcs, thinking you 5 dwarfs can easily win (and spawn kill), you have to deal with the consequences - btw you show pictures where you collapse your own shit, I don't think that would work well as evidence O_o...

    How strange that you don't care to put your mouse on the builder in question, to show the name - except when I (and the other orc) are telling you to deal with the ic stuff you started.

    Long story short: Admins can read logs, your crying and refusal to rp the situation you got yourself into only attest to your age.
  7. cleggy

    cleggy Arsonist

    we started a war with the orcs......... Bull shit

    We collapse our own shit............ Bull shit

    I took those photos in the heat of the moment to prove that you were a lying greifing troll, i didn't line them up and prepare them. whats more, this is the second time this has happened in two days. make your smart mouth excuses Zethtb and try and wriggle out of it again with your silver tongue but at the end of the day you achieve nothing but a load of enemys
  8. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor

    "The heat of the moment" times 6? As you see in my posts, it's perfectly possible to take fine, normal screenshots with evidence, here, I'll give you a example:

    Topic: Dwarfs Spawnkilling Orcs.

    Note that each screenshot has a timestamp and CLEARLY shows the person killing and that they are all withhin moments of each other (first corpses are still onscreen by the 2end kill, for example.) There are 6 screenshots, showing a clear series of events and who did what (namly, dwarfs constantly spawnkilling a orc).

    I don't bother reporting rule breaking 90% of the time, I just deal with it ICly. Sadly, you have never been able to face the consequences of your actions.


    Oh lord, I noticed that your picture is a flaming baby, at least you're self aware : D
  9. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Halting and LexaCZ will be banned now for spawnkilling.
    And unless you explain IC reasons to why your char was griefing their base you will be banned too ZeThtb.
  10. cleggy

    cleggy Arsonist

    I understand that spawn killing is wrong (as i myself have been subjected to it many a time) but these dwarfs were retaliating to your greifing. I know two wrongs don't make a right but you put an outpost in the area so you would spawn there. That is essentially why they killed you- You were indirectly hostile and spawning in the base to collapse it some more.

    Edit: sorry unnamed, i don't post many messages so im not all to familiar with message etiquette. I will take heed of your advice from now on
  11. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor

    "Griefing" is a big word, we (me and other orc, as you see on the screenshots) removed some doors and replaced there tunnels with our own + captured the outposts.

    But the obvious reasons:

    >The constant slaughter of orcs (plainly obvious from the log, at any point in time), regardless of where they are, ignoring the chat bubble over there head.
    > Spamming dwarf doors far outside there home (his screenshots + mine easily proof that half the map is filled with dwarf-only-buildings).
    >Cleggy thinks that spawn mountain belongs to the dwarfs and acted accordingly IC
    >Taunting, ic (i just count that as his rp, since its the only thing that could be taken as IC) / plenty of insults
    > Destroying our orc base without war/reason. (No, I didn't send in a ban request for that, since I deal with IC in IC)
    > So much chat-killing...
    > Spawn camping/killing

    I even tried to make peace with them, which they laughted at and then slung some more verbal poop around...

    Anyway, here are some screenshots (which actually show something, unlike cleggys which prove nothing and point to none...)

    Peace request image:

    + there response (more murder)

    Cleggy being (again) informed that the war he caused is IC, not OOC (got some more of those, if you don't want to read the logs)

    Finally, me calling off the war, seeing how ICly, the issue was done.

    Yes, I do point out the log a lot. I did nothing wrong, I actually RP and I trust that unnamed can make a judgement on his own, based on true evidence. Afterall, he saw with his own eyes how you act towards me, how you instantly go into a occ rage without a rulebreak and so on.

    Thank you for reading.


    Dwarfs RandromKill & therelike
    So apperently we are at war? Fine, offer peace
    Refuse peace offer
    Short War
    I end the war
    >cleggy can't rp/deal with ic in ic
    >drama everywhere, it's just a game, try playing.
  12. cleggy

    cleggy Arsonist

    To your reasons for greifing:
    1.the slaughter of orcs (on our land) began after the greifing (yes i call it greifing, because the dwarven base was not, just blocked and collapsed, the whole thing was brought to the ground- again)
    2. The only doors were on our towers which were there to stop you getting in and greifing. No doors were spammed outside of our land.
    3. we went nowhere near the spawn mountain, built nothing on it and made no claim to it (you might be a little confused as you ran away after greifing into the mountain and we followed shouting "leave our land" this was not a claim on the mountain)
    4.When you greif, prepare for insults.
    5. You never had a base...... and if you did, we never saw it.
    6.chat killing? i think not.
    7. I have been over this.

    Now, the images:
    1.+2. I accepted the peace, you greifed again and so we attacked you and killed you.
    3. that was your attempt to wriggle out of it when an admin was consulted by being patronizing and painting the word war over 1 orc getting bored and repeatedly greifing.
    4. a) there was no war to call off b)you continued to grief.

    Your post is a pile of B$ and butlicking unnamed, due to your desperation not to get banned.

    Sequence of events:
    (before zethtb has joined)
    3 dwarfs are only ones on server, they build up fort.
    Zethtb joins.
    I say hi and he seals me in hole
    Many more people join and we dont see much of zethtb.
    About 8 dwarfs witness Zethtb doing some minor trolling and greifing and generally being a nuciance.
    Zethtb leaves us alone for a bit but comes back for some heavier blocking and laddering.
    He offers peace while we are chasing him :huh?:
    we accept on the condition that he leaves.
    he returns and breaks some stuff blocks some stuff and we kill him.
    I do a load of role play with the humans and elves about being tourists.
    I come back to my kingdom to find zethtb in the procces of destroying our castle (did you notice the spawn killing trap he set up?)
    kingdom is destroyed slowly while we are blocked off with stone and arrows from another orc (rommel) and we have to watch it. Zethtb leaves, comes to forums to save his arse

    Edit: Happy now zethtb?
  13. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor

    No need to reply to the post, since there is nothing in it that is worthy of a reply, but could you stop qouting if the post is right above you? You are bloating the page side by making everything appear twice. You do this a lot.

    ** May I suggest making repeated use of lies a offence? A look at the log quickly exposes him.
    *** "Spawn killing trap" on the img was not done by me.
  14. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    For you two:
    Zethtb: The fact is that you were in other races territory griefing their buildings to take revenge for a thing that a couple members did to you. I understand that not all the damage in the images was done by you, but some of it was. "They spawn killed me" is not a IC reason to take back in a whole race, therefore, you're now with a ban due to griefing. The guys who spawn killed you got a week ban.

  15. DrWhoCares

    DrWhoCares Shipwright

    So, quick introduction.
    - Last night I was talking overheard McChunks debating that Orcs, namely Rayne and his crew (also mainly Boxpipe) are destroying the server by attacking people. After a while of hearing Boxpipe and McChunks go back and forth about stupid stuff I decided to butt into the conversation and offer a counter point, this is what I'm posting here:

    Roleplaying on KAG. A simple concept; build a fort, make a storyline.
    However, Roleplaying does not, and CANNOT exist on the current build of KAG without major adjustments on the part of the players.

    The KAG Roleplaying server lacks any sort of real roleplaying experience. This is, contrary to popular belief, NOT because of the Orcs killing people, others typekilling, or bad admins. It is simply because there is no Conflict, and as such, there is no storyline.

    What you currently have here is a simple creative server. You have your builders, building. You have your... builders... Building.
    Oh, that's all you have. Unless you call the attempts at roleplaying anything but an attempt.

    "We must gather the elders from each race to stop the bad things from being bad!" - Any person ever trying to start something
    "Are you my prisoner?" - Any Knight
    "Yes! I am your prisoner!" - Any Builder
    "Good, get in this box." - Any Knight

    Good on you guys, you found out what real rolepaying is.

    Then you have the Orcs. You have this race comprised of people who are currently bored of normal KAG in a sense, and have found a new spark of enjoyment coming from this server. Instead of your normal KAG, you have several races, several bases, and no flag to capture.

    In fact, the Dwarves even have extra health, adding a bit of a challenge to the game, even if they constantly complain about it, they enjoy the difficulty.

    The Orcs are the only sense of Conflict in this server. They are your storyline. They are your key to an actual roleplay. However, in order to actually have a real roleplaying experience, you need to pass two obstacles:

    1. Everyone is stupid and hates dying and losing their stuff. (Yet every time they build a building and the Orcs start killing them, they restart the map and lose it anyway and its their fault.)

    2. Orcs are not declared a hostile race.

    To address the first issue:
    - You have everyone on the server building, and instead of having infinite resources, they have to go mine for things. The Dwarves have tons of stone, the Elves have tons of wood, the Humans got shafted with the middle. However, where are the Orcs in all this? They don't build, and for good reason.

    Orcs don't have a base, they don't need one. Orcs are there to TAKE a base. To kill you for your resources. Instead of building a cool house made outta gold, you have to build defenses to protect yourselves from the Orcs.

    So, now the map is Elves on the left, Humans in the middle (that's anywhere from the end of the Elven base to the start of the Dwarven base), and Dwarves on the right. Orcs spawn on the spawn mountain and go off to kill things.

    Now there is a reason to roleplay.

    To address the second issue (and wrap everything up):
    - Declare the Orcs as a hostile race. They don't care if you're trying to talk to them, they are just going to kill you anyways. They don't care what you have to say, they don't want prisoners.

    Boom, typekilling problem fixed. People complain? Too bad. Orcs don't care about your complaints.

    Now you have three separate races all fighting the Orcs. Elves have the wood, Dwarves have the stone. This makes it so races need to work together to trade resources.

    I can easily see a situation where Dwarves are on top of their giant mountain of stone, safe from any attack from the Orcs. However, the Humans are not safe, and are directly below the Dwarves. The Humans have some wood around them, and some stone, but no real source of stone.

    In order to build safe defenses, the Humans must contact, and trade with the Dwarves (while they are being attacked by Orcs), by perhaps giving them gold in exchange for stone. Perhaps the Dwarves even decided they want to send soldiers to help the pitiful Humans.

    Then maybe that is not enough, Humans need men to defend their base, Elves are good at archery, how about them? But... The Orcs are in the way you might say. Oh Ho! That is true! Now you must make a caravan to set out through Orc territory, whether it be straight over the mountain, or perhaps through the old tunnels below.

    Then when you reach the Elves, you must find a way to convince them to join with you, and bring them back to your base. This is where the real roleplaying lies. Now you have a conflict, and a way to battle it.

    Now is the point where you can make a King of your race and he might have a back story where his brother is the diplomat, then one day the Orcs kill his brother, and the King, in a fit of rage, wants to go on the offensive.

    Now the Humans gear up for war and take to the hills to battle all the Orcs and rid them from the server for good. Then, after some battling, perhaps they are victorious and the Orcs give up and go home (Leave the server for a while). Or maybe the Humans lose, and half their base is destroyed.

    Destroyed, not griefed. These are hostiles, not random people joining your team and blowing your stuff up. Get that straight.

    There's my little rant, probably left out a few points that I brought up last night, but it looks good to me.

    Now you can start your complaining and whining about how this would ruin all of your good fun.
    You joined a roleplaying server to roleplay. Not build. Go to a creative server if you want to build.
    UnnamedPlayer, Rayne, Beef and 5 others like this.
  16. Madbow

    Madbow Horde Gibber

    Why can't we just have a nice rpg server, It seems simple enough to make a story for those who rp and kick those who don't, why is there so much hate?
    </br>--- merged: Aug 30, 2012 1:30 PM ---</br>
    Oh an Drwhocares as i recall you where murdering at random, including myself a number of times.
    DrZaloski likes this.
  17. cleggy

    cleggy Arsonist

    Drwhocares: Orcs are just another race (albeit more warlike) wait for the bandit class and, should you theory prove correct, the server will be even better than it already is
  18. DrWhoCares

    DrWhoCares Shipwright

    Hell yeah I was. I stood around. I stared at people. Then I killed some people. Then I got banned 3 times.
  19. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    This is something I've looked into in the past before, while it is viable there is a problem.

    1) Wood > Stone always, wood grows back you can make gold with it super easily and laugh as it grows back and you make more, on this server I've made over 1,000 gold in under an hour

    2) We need more/better materials, perhaps when metal comes out or scripting and we can make our own, for now the best that could have been done was make gold expensive so that stockpiling could be accomplished.

    3)Upgrading damage on things like that, I'm not sure that that can be done (yet), such as bombs. It can be done by grenades and kegs and such for sure. We also cannot upgrade damage output of knights otherwise I'd suggest making knights a bit hard to 'unlock' and then allowing several classes of knights you have to upgrade to make them stronger.

    As it is now the server is dying, when there are no Orcs or conflicts I on there are never more than 6-8 people on 'soft RPing'.
    Even when no orcs are on, if there is no action (I play human, and elf from time to time too with no conflicts at all) I never see too many people on until there IS action, then numbers start to swell.
  20. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    There should be "conflict" and "action", but that's not for two players to decide. "Oh, I'm making a conflict" is basically saying "I'm bored so I'm going to break the rules and say that I'm making the server interesting when everyone else is actually just pissed off at me". You can't just take matters into your own hands. A big part of RP is that everyone RPs together, it's a community based activity. If you are going to make a conflict, you ought to be an actual dungeon master, not someone "harhar I griefed all the elf building and now I'm spawn killing them I created a conflict harhar". Someone going around random killing and destroying everything isn't creating a conflict, it's them being an asshat. I also doubt someone is just going to "declare someone constantly hostile" and let them break the rules whenever they want just because they want to. This isn't your server.

    I think it's that you see action when there are more people, not the other way around. People don't know when lots of fighting is going on the server before the join it, but when tons of people get on, you get more people who just want to kill people and who spur on huge wars.

    And for bandits, it would help, but it would have to be very controlled and there would have to be some adjustments:
    1) Bandits would have to be a limited class; if not then way too many people would join them and just steamroll over entire kingdoms. The people playing them would also have to be trusted with the rules of the class, given the ability to kill without warning is big.
    2) Maps would have to be bigger. The way I see bandits is that they are a threat to unprotected travelers in the open and maybe to outer walls and towns, not a threat to actual kingdoms. Unfortunately, the only area that is really isn't built on is the middle mountain, which is not a lot to work with, and would be frustrating to try ambushing unprotected trade goods or rich diplomats on.
Mods: jackitch
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