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New OSX version of KAG won't run on my mac HELP!

Discussion in 'General Help' started by electricspear, Dec 14, 2011.

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  1. electricspear

    electricspear Shipwright

    I have just heard of this game from reddit, and i immediately went to download it. I have a mac and had my fingers crossed because normally the games i want to install are windows and lion can't run them ect. So i downloaded the mac version but it doesn't want to cooperate. I have played the game three times now on my computer, but when i try to open the load screen it normally just says it "quit unexpectedly" please please please help this game is awesome! Oh and i have purchased the premium version, thats how much respect i have for this game in the few instance i have had to play it. Thanks!
  2. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    We have to fix this issue in the game, noone can just help you get it working magically. Any debug output the game gives upon crashing would be appreciated.
  3. electricspear

    electricspear Shipwright

    I apologize for the long posts, i just couldn't think of another alternative. Hope this helps.


    External log:
  4. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

  5. only way to run KAG on Mac is in fullscreen. Try that.
  6. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    It works perfectly in windowed mode on my Mac. Please do not make unfounded claims you cannot back up cause you end up misinforming people (e.g via exaggeration, as in "the only way to run KAG" is so on and so forth etc)
  7. Shark_Skull8

    Shark_Skull8 Shipwright

    I have this problem also, but only when I updated to the most recent OSX client. Is there any way to back date so I can play temporarily?
  8. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    This thread is extremely extremely old and outdated. Please create a new thread with the specifics of your problem
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