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Realm of the Mad God

Discussion in 'Other games' started by who, Jun 2, 2011.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Okay.. a little bit longer post.

    I met Guro today. He looks verrry cool ;) He told me that the prices are very low.. Does everyone know why? It's because duping exists in that game.. It is possible to do it with lag exploit and after few attempts I managed to duplicate some low-tiered items..

    That means that the marketing system if going down and we will soon have many many noobies with wc tops, UT items etc..
    Even now when INC= Ammy and You get all kind of rares for like 2-4 ammies it's sad.. We should try to find a way to repair the marketing? Maybe buying everything? Or stop trading items? Or is there any way we could affect the marketing system?

    Also.. it's hard for us to find each other if we aren't in the same guild. Neither in the same server. Superping, Guro should we have a guild or not?
  2. Skids

    Skids Shark Slayer

    Amazing game already 100 hours.
    Happiness likes this.
  3. superping

    superping Drill Rusher

    i bet in about 2 months the prices would be normal again.
  4. Yep, but many many players are 100x better just because of that duping :/
  5. superping

    superping Drill Rusher

    ikr :C its so unfair :C
  6. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    I just started playing this game, and I must say its pretty addicting. However, I suck at it. I've only unlocked the first five classes so far, and have only reached lvl 20 once, with an archer.
    Happiness likes this.
  7. superping

    superping Drill Rusher

    if u want i can help you.
  8. pokefrag

    pokefrag Shopkeep Stealer

    My name is of the game is Pokercraft.I'm ok for join you guilde
    Happiness likes this.
  9. Oh guys.. I found myself being founder of NightinGale II. This means that I have donated 1000 fame to the guild and Nightingale is really... a good clan.. It got seperated from NightinGale and most of our members are 6/8+
  10. superping

    superping Drill Rusher

    nightingale II hm idk but i think i saw a few of your members walking around when i play
  11. ^^ My members and Nightingale members, we are all one big family. The best of the best of the best of Nightingale II will get promoted to Nightingale.
  12. superping

    superping Drill Rusher

    wait wdait wait wait wait... are u a member or leader or founder or what???
  13. I'm the founder of NG 2
  14. CattleTheBoss

    CattleTheBoss Tree Planter

    Rogue is cool...
  15. superping

    superping Drill Rusher

    karovich whats your ign again? i talk to some guy in your guild his name jameswho he said hte founder is like hiddenmule
  16. The founder is MuleHidden. I am mulehidden. With mah divine and ammy.
  17. superping

    superping Drill Rusher

    selling plane walker :3 4-5 life :3
  18. Hey, you guys still playing? I know that SnareSlash is playing and Dublion. so we have..6?
  19. superping

    superping Drill Rusher

  20. Lemmingworld

    Lemmingworld Haxor

    I find ROTMG sad. I played and unlocked everything and it got REAL slow. If you want to play expect these common symptoms: Daily ragequiting, depression, and suicidal thoughts after your beloved level 20 guy dies.
Mods: BlueLuigi