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The automatic balance system

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Landoo2, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. Madoka

    Madoka Shopkeep Stealer

    Why would someone complain about autobalance? I love how people randomly die and turn into money when the autobalance works and it's fine if you remember how unfair could a game become when a team was losing, then the half of the team leaving and the other half getting screwed until the flag was capped (even in those cases, some sadistic teams sealed the enemy's flag to make them suffer even more)

    Autobalance solves all of this and prevents some players from the common logic:
    >We are losing, gotta join the winning team

    And if someone wants unbalanced teams on purpose, why not hosting your own "[Insert clan tag here] vs The world" server with magnets and all?
  2. Ponis

    Ponis Arsonist

    I think I get mad about auto-balance a lot more than I should.
    Half the time it's just a trolling admin who's playing god. :p
  3. Fozzbael

    Fozzbael Shipwright

    I only get frusturated when the autobalance happens after you spend a lot of time as a builder building/repairing/defending the base.

    Then the teamswitch happens and i get stuck in some cat's ass of a hovel where no one has done anything for since the preperation phase. Not to mention having to destroy the stuff that you built yourself in the now hostile base.
    zollie20, Jim_Dale and Beef like this.
  4. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Auto-Balance happens because of lots of things, one team is noobeir then the other, one team is out numbered by the other team, i dont mind the auto-balance.

    But, i do have a query, why does everytime you kill someone, then before you can get the kill, it Auto-Balances that player you just killed to your team, thats really frsutrating, to me.
  5. Beelzebub

    Beelzebub Ballista Bolt Thrower

    How about spawn times for teams with more players go up? Or, conversely, spawn times for teams with fewer players go down.
    </br>--- merged: Sep 29, 2012 7:19 PM ---</br>
    Also an announcement like "Player X has built over a tree" would be really handy for admins to determine what faggots keep building over the trees.
    Andr01d likes this.
  6. Magpie_

    Magpie_ Builder Stabber

    'ello KAGers!
    Obviously auto-balance has some problems, another being (that I didn't see mentioned here) that friends who want to play together can get split up.

    I came across a different sort of balance problem the other day.

    Here's a situation:
    Red team had crushed us 2 games in a row, and the third game was shaping up to be the same. Although the teams were balanced in numbers, I suggested some players switch teams for fairness sake. I was quickly called a "whiner," "bitch" and told how arrogant I was for assuming I was the only skilled player on my team by several folks on the opposing team (something I didn't even imply. I'm the first to admit I'm a horrible KAG player in every class.) Eventually through the process of players leaving and joining, blue eventually came back and won, so I was reminded how foolish I was to request such a balance.

    I have witnessed teams winning streaks much longer than this. I know this is an issue in every multiplayer game, but does anyone else see a problem with this? Can a new form of auto balance solve this issue using some k/d algorithm, or is that going to be way too complicated and make things worse?
  7. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    New round starts, teams randomly sorted. Problem partially solved. Yes, you can still get stacked teams, but they will be more spread out, and the people who get to play on the stacked team get randomized too so that they won't just get beaten down every round.

    Also, how about actually locking people to a team for a moderate period of time after they get rebalanced? I've seen way too many people just switch back and ruin balance again after getting rebalanced. That, and anyone on the losing team doesn't get to switch over unless the other team is down by at least 2 players.
    Magpie_ and Canadian98 like this.
  8. Brilly

    Brilly Haxor

    Autobalance ruins entire games.

    The only time it is ever needed is at the end of a game.

    Furthermore, I have seen the consequences far too many times of switching right before the end of the game.

    1. Players from the losing team usually quit.
    2. A horrible mishap occurs where I am the one switched even though I have top score and kills.
    3. I am then FORCED TO FIGHT MY BRETHREN WHOM WITH I EARNED A HUGE GAP between the teams remaining lives.
    4. Against all odds, I work with the losing team to even the game and gain the lead.
    5. Players from the originally winning team now quit.
    7. By now, server numbers have dwindled to about 3 players on both teams.
    8. Brilly going out by himself can handle 3 players of moderate skill.
    9. Brilly wins the game.

    KnightGabe13, cameron and Canadian98 like this.
  9. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    dear brillygod,
    i have same problem. <3

    in all srsns, though: auto-balance is necessary. as frustrating as it can be. there are some things that could be done to make it less frustrating. maybe server options for only balancing at the end of the game. maybe only moving dead players. either way, i don't think that changing it is a priority right now. i agree that it can ruin games the way brillygod describes, but usually it works how it should. at least, that is, during peak hours...
  10. Xlayer

    Xlayer Haxor

    Well if a flag is not at the tent, I feel the autobalance system should not be doing anything. One time, I was switched right before my team won. :\
  11. AdrianC

    AdrianC Haxor Tester

    Even worse, one time it switched me when i had the flag.
    Xlayer likes this.
  12. Andr01d

    Andr01d Haxor

    the way i see it, teams will usually balance eventually, skillwise, because the losing team will have people quitting, and have less people than the winning team. thus new players will be added to the losing team. after a long enough time, at least some of those new players will be good.
  13. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    That or people like me feel sorry for the people who are sticking it out and swap over to help them try survive at ratios of 7v12.
  14. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    i've also had this happen and we were losing on spawns and i had a clear path home with no enemies and i had totally ninja'd the flag. this should never happen.
    or the few left get frustrated being on the losing team that is also heavily outnumbered and they quit too and then the winning team sees that there are very little players left in the game and obviously won't want to switch to a heavily outnumbered team so they quit too and the server is dead. this sounds hypothetical but it's actually a very accurate description of how the mole server ends every night.
    Andr01d likes this.