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A thread about. " Why does Griefer's Grief? & Why does Hacker's Hack

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by narutoluffy, Sep 28, 2012.


Do you like cheaters?

  1. Sure

  2. Hell No.

  3. I wouldn't mind.

  4. I guess.

  1. narutoluffy

    narutoluffy Shark Slayer

    Hello Kag Forumers, over the past year, I have been noticing the griefer and hacking population growing more and more, why do they do this? I do not know, so I want your answers on why does they cheat? I have been really disapointed about hackers speedhacking because of this the gamin experience for others becasue a "flaming fight" with the cheater. I also want your answers to how we could fix it.

    From: narutoluffy

    Please have a detailed answer and not just say they are *%*#@$@!, you know what I mean.
  2. HasseKebab

    HasseKebab Haxor

    I belive griefers grief because they are bad at reaching the enemy castle, so they destroy their own team buildings for filling their destruction needs.

    And hackers hax because they are really, really, really, really bad at playing KAG. :)
  3. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Simply put, they do it for fun; some griefers enjoy bringing negative attention upon themselves-or sowing discord by promptly blaming somebody else--, and others just enjoy ruining matches, the kind that leave before they can be caught. They certainly don't gain anything of consequence out of the act, and if anything they-less often than I'd like-- lose their account for it. I don't know what a hacker's mindset could be, though! From general exposure, I imagine it's just mad little kids that aren't very good at the game, who feel it's perfectly acceptable to compensate with speedhacking; nevermind that they usually just run themselves into holes out of ineptitude.
  4. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    As for hackers, some people just like to stomp on lesser skilled players. They don't care for a competitive element, only for the primal satisfaction of beating someone else. But, if they too happen to be lesser skilled, that becomes a problem, since they would normally get their face punched in. So, they use hacks to give themselves whatever advantage they can get, so they can successfully grow their e-peen.
    AcidSeth and Cirom like this.
  5. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Yeah I think with hackers some poeple just like that very unchallenging feat of hacking down hordes of people very easily, the kind of people that would gladly play TF2 against bots with constant ubercharge just to cause destruction for the fuck of it.
  6. ImAwesome

    ImAwesome Haxor

    Totally agreed with this,
    and this.

    Not as many griefers/haxors as I used to see though, and when I do see them its usually in the funhouse, so I just ban their arse.
  7. Fozzbael

    Fozzbael Shipwright

    In my experience griefers sometimes destroy stuff in order to bring the enemy closer to the flag where they spend time building stuff.

    I guess they feel like all of their time spent constructing went to waste since their team pushed all the way to the enemies fortifications rendering the castle the griefer built useless.

    And who in the right mind likes griefers? I personaly am having a hard time playing anytime earlier than evening when the guards/admins show up. In the day/afternoon griefers seem to be everywhere no matter to what server you go, since there is no one to control them.
  8. Shadowofgold

    Shadowofgold Haxor

    I know from personal experience why griefers love what they do. Tearing stuff up is fun. Really, really, REALLY fun. The problem with them is they are to stupid to realize what they are smashing is someone else's hard work. Then there are the jerks who hide spikes in buildings, I don't know what their problem is. But I will say, it feels awesome when there is just one block from a big collapse, and the culprit gets froze right before they can click. Now, on the matter of hackers.... I think they are just stupid noobs who want to pretend they are MLG. Just.... dumb. IQ of 60 kind of dumb.
  9. maplelord

    maplelord Shipwright

    Griefers: They just wanna have fun with collapse or jus want to be big jerks as in get a keg or break a block and leave without seeing the callaspse so they are JERKS
    HACKERS: people with no skill or just want to kill pros and noobs quickly and win but in other games for example in shougun 2 and strategy game you could hack it and have so many troops and the make the enemy have so many troops too then FIGHT for fun in lolz [single player campaign]

    FUZZYSLIPPERS Catapult Fodder

    I once did hack on this game and got banned from it. :'( But I can tell you I didn't do it to make people mad. I just wanted to see If I could use this client With it and all I did was run across the map partly. I didn't mean harm to anyone and I was going to turn it off immediately but I happen to have been caught and didn't have a fair trial. But for others hacking, they are either bored and want to stimulate others or they are just like me, trying to see if it works. That's my take on hacking.
    Can the Cookie Monster guy consider this post towards my ban. I would appreciate some feedback :)
  11. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    That what they all say, if you needed to test your client if it works, you should of went on the singleplayer sandbox. Just btw never argue when your banned just talk with the admin privately, don't start a fuss about being banned
    FUZZYSLIPPERS likes this.
  12. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    I don't understand why people hack THIS GAME. Seriously. From my experience (mostly speed hackers) they still lack the skill to play even with the hack on. The hack literally does nothing skill wise for them apart from letting them jump over huge pits and building to building, like bugs bunny or something.
    GalenMarek and arcanecat like this.
  13. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"
    - President George W. Bush

    Rarely is the question asked: Why does Griefer's Grief?

    Take out the apostrophe, and change "does" to "do". Thank you.
  14. GoodleShoes

    GoodleShoes Catapult Fodder

    Sorry I couldn't help it.

    Why do griefers grief? & Why do hackers hack?

    Edit: Woops, didn't notice the post above me.
  15. There's douchenozzles that grief for the fun of it for no reason, and then there's a griefers who call everyone a hacker, switch teams, and break their structures 'cuz they blow. Honestly, I think most of these people just have anger or otherwise mental problems that make them want to yell at everyone. I seriously cannot understand how someone who just started a game can yell at everyone for being better than they, so they believe it's their right to derp around being a dillweed. This game taught me to hate people.

    also hackers are hardcore griefers that chose to do something worse
    rocker2 likes this.
  16. SeanAS

    SeanAS Meth Addict Donator
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    I think cheaters cheat because they just get a kick out of killing EVERYONE. I think griefers grief because there jealous of some of the amazing builders skills.
  17. Beelzebub

    Beelzebub Ballista Bolt Thrower



    Mods, kill this thread. It's retarded.
  18. SeanAS

    SeanAS Meth Addict Donator
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    I Agree.
  19. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    I believe they could do what they do to be trolls, some probably get enjoyment out of people yelling "OGM HAXR/GRIFER!!!".
  20. Demon_Jester

    Demon_Jester Haxor

    griefers... as long as they don't kill me im fine with it. Hackers.... like my friend >..> only hack when their about to quit the game of boredom. Not being mean to kag, but it is 2D. Only reason y i play it is because of the rep i have. (which pretty much is lost and im waiting for war mode) So they get the game, see how it is, if its bad they hack for shits and gigs, gets banned, never plays again.
    Canadian98 likes this.