I have HAD ENOUGH OF THESE PEOPLE They Grief and piss around. They both griefed a base that i built and i was desperately trying to stop them Ruias helped Alot stopping them we replaced blocks and told lavalord in chat (this is the Australian Server) Evidence is supplied this is Teeqy below </br>--- merged: Oct 3, 2012 12:25 PM ---</br> Also woodie :p bad quality (srry)
Why are you defending them just asking like Even ask all of the people that were on that server. On red Team or Ask Lavalord he banned one of them!
Who says that a forum moderator is defending a griefer? He's saying that in order to get a ban, Furai prefers video evidence. Anyone can doctor chat logs or screenshots. Not saying you are, it's just pretty typical, especially if you dislike someone and just want to get them banned. Read the rules on reporting someone...
Fair enough that i was wrong to say why are you defending him. But i dont hold a grudge with people Except for "one" he ticks me off but i dont have much against him i was happy to play with these guys Until they started griefing hope that clears some things up :>