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Epic role play mode help! (share after)

Discussion in 'Game modes' started by godkirby, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. godkirby

    godkirby Bison Rider

    help me:eek: ok so i added the new workshops etc... and i cant seem to swap to archer or knight at that matter. can someone help me like now please very helpfull (this is going on public roleplay server all who help get either admin or important role so please help ME ( ok i have 4 teams darklords elfs dwarfs and humans help)

    GodKirby :zchicken:
    </br>--- merged: Sep 30, 2012 4:07 AM ---</br>
  2. Doomky

    Doomky Catapult Fodder

    i can help you i modding too.....:)
    but if you want help i must to see your problem please share your folder;)
    and if u want admin and modder i'm here :p
  3. 00crossfire

    00crossfire Shopkeep Stealer

    yeah and how come i can't join any roleplaying severs :huh?:
  4. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    You probably haven't downloaded the proper files, or don't have the correct password.
    Froghead48 likes this.
  5. Livesparkk

    Livesparkk Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I dont know, but I'd be more than happy to be an admin, and i have a map if your interested
  6. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    # room syntax - room name; room level (0 menu - 1... upgrade); room sprite; room help text; room items/functions, item2, item3 ...; costs , , , (g gold, s stone, w wood, c coins, l level, u upgrades_from, r requires_roomname - none) ...
    @$rooms =
    ARCHERY RANGE; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/ArcheryRange.png; Archer $KEY7$; class 0, class 1; w30;
    KNIGHT ARMORY; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Armoury.png; Knight $KEY7$; class 0, class 2; w30;

    # room_function syntax - function name; function actor name; function config file; function icon; function make sound; function icon frame; function icon frame size; function help text; costs , , , (g gold, s stone, w wood, c coins - none) ...
    @$room_functions =
    class 1; -; -; GUI/MenuItems.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/SwitchArcher.ogg; 16; 32; Archer; -;
    class 2; -; -; GUI/MenuItems.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/SwitchKnight.ogg; 12; 32; Knight; -;
    class 0; -; -; GUI/MenuItems.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/SwitchBuilder.ogg; 8; 32; Builder; -;

    I'm guessing you add the things in italics to your room CFG file your using.