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Vip users[mod]

Discussion in 'Game modes' started by vanchobe, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. vanchobe

    vanchobe Builder Stabber

    Hi can someone share or tell me how to make a vip user mod ex: if u are vip start with 100 or more of all items and have 5x more life or something like this. Other example if u are vip u can build fast x2 or x4, when hit dmg is more from normal and rcon admins can make player's vip. This is possible?
  2. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    I don't think you can exactly do this. You can create an entirely new team with some of these attributes (not all of the are configurable yet), and assign a seclev that only lets certain people on the team, but I think that may defeat the purpose of what you're looking for.

    Plus, why would you want to do this? You know that those guys are just gonna get called hackers. And unfair advantages in game because you donated or because you're friends with the server owner are stupid.
  3. You actually can do it, partially.

    You need to create an extra class lets call it "strongknight.cfg" in /kag/rules/ctf/. You can do this simply by duplicating the "knight.cfg" and renaming to "strongknight.cfg".
    Add the name into its respective place in team1.cfg and team2.cfg.
    Create a seclev called VIP (or your desired seclev name).

    To make it so only your VIPs may use this class, open up every other seclev and add "no_class_strongknight" to the list of features.
    And Voila! You have a class only your VIP seclev can use.
    To add health simply open up strongknight.cfg and change the health value to your desired value. Your entered value is half the health you start with: e.g. Value of 2.5 gives the class 5 hearts to start with.

    This post above was according and thanks to lavalord.
    Lord_bugg and lavalord like this.
  4. ImAwesome

    ImAwesome Haxor

    Also to edit the classes decently you will need to add this to under "friendly_damage_modifier= 0.0" in the gamemode file you are using (however CTF already has it):
    # class modding
    # builder
    build_speed = 8
    builder_hitspeed = 14
    # knight
    knight_drawtime = 1
    knight_maxthrow = 120
    knight_maxpower = 28
    knight_speed = 13
    shield_stomp_velocity = 5.25
    max_bombs = 3
    shieldbash_push_factor = 2.0
    max_shieldbash_push = 3.5
    min_shieldbash_horiz_vel = 1.15
    clientside_shieldbash = 0
    shieldbash_uppysidey_ratio = 0.4
    shieldbash_knockdown = 15
    # archer
    build_arrow_speed = 25
    archer_dig_speed = 30
    archer_drawtime = 23
    archer_maxpower = 66;
    archer_nodamage_vel = 1.0
    archer_max_vel = 15.0
    archer_slow_arrow_damage = 0.5
    archer_normal_arrow_damage = 1.0
    archer_charged_arrow_damage = 1.5
    # knockdown
    sword_knockdown = 12
    small_sword_knockdown = 0
    arrow_knockdown = 0
    charged_arrow_knockdown = 12
    # misc
    arrows_buy_amount = 10
    resupply_time = 180
    # end class modding 
  5. lavalord

    lavalord Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    no idea what your on about but yeah i told soul to post this