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[CTF] Unnamed Map

Discussion in 'Maps' started by Formed_Zeus, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. Formed_Zeus

    Formed_Zeus Shipwright

    Oh Hai there.

    This is my first map, so feel free to judge me harshly. Please keep your comments constructive, so I can get better. I suppose this map could be used for pretty much any main stream game mode. I tried to keep the outer islands balanced. The Three Middle ones are symmetrical, the middle one containing a good bit of gold in it's belly. All three of these have some trees, and a good bit of stone.


    I... I think I did that right...

    Anyway, any tips, suggestions, or comments are welcome. (Don't remind me about the trees)

    Attached Files:

  2. allknowingfrog

    allknowingfrog Bison Rider

    Did you put a tent in for each side? I loaded it in sandbox and got a spawn error message. Otherwise, it seems functional.

    What program do you use to paint maps? In mtPaint, it's really easy to copy, flip and paste. I make all of my maps symmetrical.

    This might be personal preference, but I generally try to make stone require a little work. Matches tend to stalemate when too much stone hits the battlefield. Plus, we have wood now. Force people to get creative with their scarce resources.
  3. Formed_Zeus

    Formed_Zeus Shipwright

    Sounds good. Maybe I should have made the stone located more towards the bottom of each island. That way, a careless builder may leave a hole for his/her team mates to fall to their demise.
  4. How much gold is on the map total? It looks like too much. It should be scarce cause catas could be effective. People could also farm a lot on it. Make getting coins harder-ish.
  5. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I like the main idea. I do think that the island are a little flat (well, diagonal or whatever, you get the idea) maybe some more holes/little mountains to make it more interesting to traverse. Another thing to consider is that, as it looks right now, one explosion or hole will collapse the map, so you should add more dirt to the base of the islands (connect them to the ground)