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Build 137 Combat Discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SpitfireXero, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. Noc

    Noc Bison Rider


    Man, I always listened to that sign that said: "Don't worry-fall damage is not apart of KAG" Oh well, you guys did well with the wall skimming.
  2. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Man, I'm not telling you what you should or shouldn't do. I'm not the maker of this game and I know it. Don't take it so personally, all my posts are in IMO. I was voicing my thoughts, perhaps in a little arrogant way, but anyways there just are things I don't like and I'd like them gone or polished. There have been lots of great new features and stuff in few previous builds, but also lots of bad things- I don't like them, I don't want them into the game, and I'm saying that. Then I give reasons why I think it's so bad. Then I just wish that you will do something about it.

    However, I apologise, I was harsh. That's what happens though when you ragequit and come straight to the forums whining :p
  3. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    I really beg to differ about the parkour part. You can still move your arms and legs midair even if you're flying in a certain direction, I bet you would be moving them frantically if you're thrown off a building. I'm not saying they'd change direction mid-air. As for pain, well, ask a knight to keep moving at the same speed and fight efficiently after being plugged with 5 arrows to the chest (half heart each) and they do it fine. We're not even talking boromir knights either, just regular ones.
  4. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    ...I'm not sure what part of that post was meant to convince me differently about air control, Neat. Flailing is just as useless as idling. I said they might be able to turn around to land on their face not their ass, but that doesn't really help. You still harm people you land on if you're thrown out of a fight as is, and mid-air collisions are fun too.

    @Monsteri: as I've said, that's fine. I have an issue with your tone in those posts, not with what you're saying.

    @Noc: I didn't put that sign there ;]

    Anyway, more tweaks will happen. I'm more concerned with changes terrain-wise than combat-wise for the time being, I think we'll have a better idea of what needs changing soon, but that said some fiddling with the bounce and stun might happen in the interim.
  5. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Flailing therefore means use of your arms. Use of your arms means use of your shield/sword. Stops you from dying midair without having anything to do with it. Gives you a feeling of control, which is important in a game. At this point, i'd even be happy to be able to flail in midair, at least i'd know I was still doing something, rather than just watching myself.
  6. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Kind of related has anyone noticed that bouncing off of walls has completely borked bomb jumping? I loved bomb jumping out of pit, bomb jumping over bedrock walls, even bomb jumping normal walls just to surprise people. I thought to myself, this is just a matter of skill I have to place myself just right etc etc but while I think it's still possible it's ridiculously difficult for such a situational move. I would love to have control after a bomb jump.

    See enemy -> Bomb Jump -> charge in midair -> epic smackdown.
  7. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Bomb jumping was borked for me anyway because of lag. I can only do it in single player.
  8. Quimbo

    Quimbo Shopkeep Stealer

    When castles are destroyed, archers just move to the previous one. It's just not fair that knights have to risk their lives while archers can get a LOT more kills by just standing around and shooting into the sky randomly.

    So you are saying we always have control of our character, EXCEPT when we do not?
    If the parkour guy would be in a videogame, he would still be able to move after a big fall. On the one side you say KAG is a game and add skybridges, on the other side you compare to the real world. I don't get what's the common theme here.

    Glad that YOU want our money, not vice versa.
  9. t3hk0d3

    t3hk0d3 Shipwright

    Knight became too overpowered. Bombs should make same damage to own teammates as for enemies. Shield shouldn't save from explosion near your boots. Also ability to break blocks without supercharge is very very disbalancing.

    Builders were nerfed too much. Now it's nearly impossible to kill knight by builder, and stone falling ability were removed completely unfair.

    Archers were also nerfed too much. Damage is too low. Full charge shot should kill archer/builder (2 damage).

  10. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    Wrong build, kid.
    We're on 142 now.
  11. t3hk0d3

    t3hk0d3 Shipwright

    no matter, mechanics didn't changed, oldman

    also skybridges are nonsense
  12. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    it's not excatly like that, don't come to whine if you don't know how to play.

    Edit: Well, by that I mean: If bombs made damage to teammates it would be a griefing heaven. If the bombs would kill you if they were near to you and you were shielding, it would be stupid. How would we know in what radius it doesn't kill anyways? Learn to throw behind them right before it explodes, man. Archers - well, they are almost perfect. Damage is just fine. I know that usually when there is big battle going on, you mostly just make damage to ppl and they pass you. But you are doing something for your TEAM, don't think it as a lose of your kill, think that it just saved teammate's life because he was on advantage to the enemy you harmed. It's a team game, archers are at their maximum succesfulnes when they cooperate together. If you don't have archer friendlies, then go to the battlefield. Jump over knights. Hop into safety. Repeat. Keep your eyes open. If you just have team knights in there, you're very hard to kill. Pretty much only if enemy has archers too you have to back off. Please hone the tone you're voicing yourself.
    The builders - why should they be able to kill knights? And they already have a way for doing damage.

    Only thing that I agree with is the ability of knights to break blocks without the full charge. Please devs, if you're going to nerf tunneling by knights, make the only full charge attack break blocks. Except ladders and background and catas.

    Oh and yeah skybridges are lame.
  13. bilbs

    bilbs KAG Guard Tester

    Since the last patch I've had a few more graphic glitches.

    Knock back animations initially look HUGE, then you snap back to where you should be.
    And the "fake" falling glitch is still happening for me as well.