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no servers? wtf

Discussion in 'General Help' started by buildordieCZ, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. buildordieCZ

    buildordieCZ Catapult Fodder

    only 1 server and not moun ready:/
    ---sorry, my EN i very bad; thx for help!:) wtfkag.jpg
  2. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    You are running an old build. Reinstall the game from the site.
  3. buildordieCZ

    buildordieCZ Catapult Fodder

    ok, i download "kag-win32-latest.msi" on http://kag2d.com/en/download, unistal old version, and instal new.. play game and search servers.. identical error; i have actual version kag..
  4. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Load up KAG, and go until you get to the login screen. Look at the lower right corner of the screen. You should see in white text "Build: ###". If it says "Build 548", you are still using the old version, and did something wrong during the uninstall/reinstall process. You still will not be able to auto-update. In addition to just uninstalling, make sure that you delete kag.exe and version.txt, just to be safe, before downloading the new client and reinstalling.

    If it says something higher than 548, then something else is wrong here, since your client should be able to patch up to the version everyone else is using. One of the actual support staff would have to help you for that.
    Gonf likes this.
  5. buildordieCZ

    buildordieCZ Catapult Fodder

    thanks guys, next automatic upgrade done, now is running corectly:)