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New Textures, Workshops among others!

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG Classic]' started by Red47, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Red47

    Red47 Shipwright

    Hello, I'm new to the forums and I was interested in creating my own mod server. I was originally intending on adding a few new classes, new blocks etc (Basically a complete overhaul) but found all I could do was change textures and add new workshops. (And of course change the config files to change how things work) I've pretty much scrapped my idea now (Although I am still interested, is it possible to upgrade a character? E.g spend 200 coins at a workshop to become a knight with an extra heart etc? I didn't get too many replies to my earlier thread) due to this I decided to give away the few things I have made. Not much yet but I will keep this updated :)
    #NOTE# Nothing has been tested ingame yet. Screenshots of ingame would be appreciated as I'm not so bothered to do it:rollseyes: And yes, I am aware not all the things in this thread can be added in game YET.
    Anyway on to why you're probrably here; So far I've a few new workshops. They're all just edits and snips of existing workshops but I quite like the way they turned out. Also if anyone could think of uses for these I'm eager to hear :) I was thinking about retexturing gold and renaming it Iron for use in these workshops to do fun stuff with!

    COMPLETE; as follows Smiths shop, Smelter, store room
    UNFINISHED; as follows; Meeting room[?]/alternate meeting room
    COMPLETE; as follows; Stone door texture

    Character heads (completely from scratch!)
    [​IMG][​IMG] (yes, they're tiny. Download them and blow the image up to see them properly)
    No permission to use is needed. If you want feel free to distribute these edits etc blah blah blah legal shit here just be sure to credit me for theses edits :) Credit to Geti for creating the original sprites these are created from. Sprites modified from King Arthur's Gold (c) 2011-2012 Transhuman Design, no infringement intended!

    To download just right click on the images in your browser and click "save image as..."
  2. Zer0Striker

    Zer0Striker Shipwright

    Sounds interesting, looking forward to some competition, if you need some help with your mods just tell me.
  3. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Fwiw, you cannot give "permission" for use of most of this sprite work because the first 2 shops are blatant vanilla edits, the 3rd is a mashup, the meetingroom is >60% mashup and the door is a colour edit of the wooden door texture (and is not used in classic kag anyway).

    It always bemuses me when people include copyright information from things they didn't make. The actual copyright disclaimer would be closest to "Sprites modified from King Arthur's Gold (c) 2011-2012 Transhuman Design, no infringement intended". This goes for >50% of textures on this forum - just because you drew over the top of it, doesn't stop it from being our (my) art.
    link6155, Graver, wolfwang and 8 others like this.
  4. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    This is true, most of the shops here are mashupsed, or a few things added to a differnet shop, then saved as something totes different.

    The meeting room is like a mix of Library and Carpentry shops. Im not saying this is shit or anything, but if your going to workshops and things like that. Make it from scratch, not off another shop. Like geti said, it is still there art and if you are going to draw over some shops just say that you drew over the previous shops there and dont say "credit to me". There not your shops fully.

    Just give the KAG team some recognision, your drawing over there workshops that they (Geti) made.
    Froghead48 likes this.
  5. Red47

    Red47 Shipwright

    I said they're based on previously unused workshops. I wasn't sure who in the staff made them but I never claimed to have created the original sprites they were created from. I was implying if you wish to use my edits feel free. I'd taken it for granted that you know they were edits. (After all I do state that) Besides, an edit is still not the exact same as the original sprite, and i was mixing them up abit in case someone may want to use them in a server to add abit more content. If it truly bugs you that much think of them more as textures. Replace existing workshops with them or something. Also the recoloured door is a texture. Its meant to be the stone equivalent of the wooden door so it may as well share the same structure. The stone door is meant to be a recolour as its a texture. Not a whole new object Granted theyre based on another sprite but it is still different and I feel I'm allowed claim responsibility for those edits that I have made.
    I do apologise for improper credit though. If you wish I could relabel them mashups
    Also the meeting room was from scratch except for the frame it was made in. All the interior thing was done by me. The frame is from the tunnel (I think, might have been from the unused doorway) You didn't actually think Geti would do an interior part of that room of such bad quality? I'm not the best pixel artist! I also made the crate and the pole thing in the store room. Axes weren't me. I can only assume Geti again. I quite like them so I added them to quite a few things. (Overused? Perhaps?)
    Apologies again though. Yes they were based off Geti's design and I hadn't properly credited him/ Trans human design. As you said, no infringement intended :) Poor choice of words on my behalf :(
    #EDIT on a read through it actually does look like I was claiming 100% of the work there. In my defence I had stated they were based off of vanilla sprites though.
  6. lomichelotti

    lomichelotti Shark Slayer

    To download just right click on the images in your browser and click "save image as..."

    ... I was thinking it was workshops but is only the sprites.
    But in The base folder we can see the original smithshop, and the other are part o the portal sprites.
    But good job!
  7. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    @OP: no worries, just don't put in a legal disclaimer without thinking about what it implies ;) it is intended as a legal disclaimer after all.
  8. lomichelotti

    lomichelotti Shark Slayer

    lol! :D
  9. Graver

    Graver Haxor

    We cant know what Michal Marcinowski and Geti created -.-
  10. Red47

    Red47 Shipwright

    Looking back on this I'd actually given it up :P saw negative feedback and thought "feck it, no interest in this" ..I might come back to it later. Just today decided I'd visit the forums and see what was here and it seems this thread actually did get a few responses. I'll update it later this week...
  11. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    im liking the idea... looking forward to more