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Disconnected unknown reason

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Haymuff, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Haymuff

    Haymuff Catapult Fodder


    Can't even get into the game. After it says 'Trying to connect' it stays like that for around 3 minutes then it says "Disconnected from server". Anyone know a fix?
  2. Okay, so you the client updated, now the problem might be with your internet. Check that is your internet speed stable, you can check the jitter and packet loss via pingtest.net If it says that "trying to connect" for a few seconds and doesn't connect, then just double-click the server again.
  3. Haymuff

    Haymuff Catapult Fodder

    I've tried various servers as well as restarting and trying again. My internet seems to run nicely with most things and games so I don't know what might be happening.
  4. Did you try to connect to American servers? Also, sometimes it even happens with me, but it takes you about 2-5 secs to connect to server, if it's not like happening, then just connect again by double-click.
  5. Haymuff

    Haymuff Catapult Fodder

    Tried but nothing ):
  6. Do you use a cable or wifi? Make sure your connect is stable.
  7. Haymuff

    Haymuff Catapult Fodder

    Wifi. The internet has been good and I've tried several times but nothing. It's been some time now...
  8. Leoprime

    Leoprime Shopkeep Stealer

    try rebooting your pc. I had a similar problem and reboot fixed it.
    </br>--- merged: Dec 20, 2012 5:03 AM ---</br>
    i just checked the dates so it seems that isnt the problem
    </br>--- merged: Dec 20, 2012 5:05 AM ---</br>
    Ok try this.
    1.Try connecting directly to the internet and see if that fixes it
    2.Disable any antivirus and firewall you have on.
    3.Try any other multiplayer games and see if it lets you connect to any server.
    4.re-install kag
  9. Haymuff

    Haymuff Catapult Fodder

    Well did all of the above, I uninstalled/installed the game.
    But now I have a different problem.
    It isn't loading any servers in the list at all. kagerror.PNG
  10. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Uninstall kag, delete the remaining folder, then install kag again
  11. Haymuff

    Haymuff Catapult Fodder

    I've installed the game and uninstalled it like ten times. Servers still aren't showing.
  12. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

  13. Haymuff

    Haymuff Catapult Fodder

    Yes, I did this. Scanned the computer for any remaining files as well.
  14. Leoprime

    Leoprime Shopkeep Stealer

    Try running in diagnostic start up.
    1. Got run
    2. Type in msconfig
    3. Click "General" Tab
    4. Select "Diagnostic Start up"
    5. Apply
    6. Reboot
    </br>--- merged: Jan 5, 2013 8:17 AM ---</br>
    Or try this one first and not the other one
    1. Got run
    2. Type in msconfig
    3. Click "Boot" Tab
    4. Check the "Safe Boot" box
    5. Choose "Network"
    6. Apply
    7. Reboot