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Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by VanHuek, Oct 13, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. TheShadowOo

    TheShadowOo Shark Slayer

    Help me please, when I try to go by link to download files it writes me

    King Arthur's Gold Forum - Error

    You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.

    I payed for game and registered here.. why? )
  2. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    You have to join the social forum page, and make sure you read the rules before downloading the sprites.
    TheShadowOo likes this.
  3. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    On the right it should say Join Social Forum
  4. DawnOfNights

    DawnOfNights Shopkeep Stealer

    If you ever need help with the texture pack, I'm willing to do a bit of work
  5. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    WOuld definitely love some help, especially when scripting is out? I can PM some details?
  6. DawnOfNights

    DawnOfNights Shopkeep Stealer

    sure, pm me :)
  7. magmamanfire

    magmamanfire Catapult Fodder

    i hqvent been on KAG in about a month thanks to minecraft but what happened to this server? i havent seen it up any time iv been on. i havent seen any of the big servers up like the mole server and this one. is the game dieing or something?
  8. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    You're obviously on the wrong build the server is up just not many people on as most are playing other games or waiting for the update - some things could be added just very busy at the moment but holidays very shortly.
  9. Mr_Mojo

    Mr_Mojo Shipwright

    Do you think with the new water engine, where it actually has water physics, you could add A MerFolk race or something or another.
  10. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    We plan to!
  11. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Hello, I'm not really sure where to put ban appeals, so i'm sorry if this is the wrong place, but here we go:
    I haven't been banned yet (i think), but someone intends to "report me" for attacking them, they claim i randomkilled and blah blah blah, a bunch of other nonsense, they claim to have "video evidence", all they have is evidence that i killed them, nothing about the reasons, so i figured i might as well state MY side of the story ahead of time.

    the orcs started off to the left of the map, we were mining resources and starting a base, when a ton of elves came and attacked us out of the blue. no provocation, just completely random. they have stronger builders and we didn't have knights yet, so they slaughtered us. we came back, and without warning they killed us all again. we went over, set up a new base elsewhere. they keg-ed it. a big keg, right not top. I'd have photographic evidence, but i got ping kicked before i could take a screenshot. Me and i think 3 other orcs saw this as the LAST straw, and we attacked the elves. areo did not agree with us, he demanded we stop our attacks (he was an orc as well), but he was greatly outnumbered by those who saw war as the answer. The person who intends upon getting me banned, not sure of his name, he claimed that a single keg upon our base was not reason to destroy them. I think it is, and if it isn't, remember that they random killed us and stole our land (we never got it back, they set up their base there). As for the other orcs who were attacking, well I guess this guy doesn't care about his teammates, he's only after me because I was the one who killed him. And i did, with JUST reason.
    EDIT: I have the chat logs, but i don't want to sort through that stuff right now in case he doesn't try to get me banned, if he does I'll post them to prove that I'm telling the truth
  12. Sarkalest

    Sarkalest Haxor

    I've banned you for 10 minutes, not a ping kick. You're unbanned now.
  13. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Yah i assume you'll be banning me forever now :P . i mean, ej and beefy, often came on action raging about scrub admins banning them on karps and how they were all stupid asshats, and i thought that they were just upset that they didn't have any power there, but i have to say, action admins may be jerks, but at least we follow the fucking rules. "to make sure you can't be aggressive" is not a legitimate reason to come into our base and start destroying our shops completely unprovoked. also for the first ban, you didn't ask for my side of the story, you didn't even notify me, you just took what that asshat was saying as the complete and total truth. no offence... wait, yes, lots of offence, but I don't care if you ban me forever, i don't want to play on a server with such shitty admins, I'll take actions jerks over you any day.
  14. Sarkalest

    Sarkalest Haxor

    I didn't ban you forever. I didn't ban you at all.
    Btw, this server is not for you. You're just minging around, not RPing, and doing random useless things.

    -" "to make sure you can't be aggressive" is not a legitimate reason to come into our base and start destroying our shops completely unprovoked "
    1. I only destroyed your knights shops, so you can't be knights and by destroying them, you are all harmless.
    2. If I destroyed them it's because we were in war, we won the war (or almost), then I checked your base, I found knights armory, I destroyed them.
    3. I know Ej and he's a 12y kid. He's griefing, when admins ask him why, he does not answer, etc. And Beef, he's RPly playing on the server, so you must be confusing.

    End of story, now go play on some shitty RP servers or some CTFs.
  15. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    yeah it might not have been beefy, but anyway, I could bring up the part where after you won the war you declared "peace" then kegged our base... repeatedly. I could bring up the part where you were slaughtering innocent builders who were trying to escape you, I could provide chat logs, but what's the point? Simple solution, I'll go hang out with people who hate you even more than I do. I'll stay on my server, I hope that you'll stay on yours. Goodbye, I hope to never hear from you again. And, in case you were wondering, no, I WON'T let your door hit my ass.
  16. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester



    https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/karps-1-0.10834/ for future
  17. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    (VanHuek I'm posting this here because it's where i posted the other comments which this applies to)
    ... I believe an apology is in order, Sarkalest. I was way out of line before, I was upset because of things in real life and I was venting my anger through raging at you, I'm really sorry, I hope you can put this little incident past me, and I can (with semi confidence, what, I get really angry sometimes :P) promise that it won't happen again. Are we cool?

    p.s. I don't take back anything I said about actions admins though, it's true they means :QQ:
  18. Sarkalest

    Sarkalest Haxor

    I didn't banned you.
    You're free to come if you're here to play RPly.
  19. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    I meant like, are you gonna hate me now, because now that I've had some time to cool off, I see from your responses that your actually very nice and very mature, so I hope you don't hold a grudge against me D:
  20. Sarkalest

    Sarkalest Haxor

    If you're nicely RPing I won't hate you :) .
Mods: jackitch
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