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[590] Cake's 1st Front-line Tower

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by GCake, Dec 20, 2012.


Rate out of 5?

  1. 5 --> Perfect. No errors and could take on a whole team.

    1 vote(s)
  2. 4 --> A couple of minor errors, not too shabby.

    10 vote(s)
  3. 3 --> Important errors, needs a lot of fixing.

    2 vote(s)
  4. 2 --> Near useless, would NEVER use in a real game.

    2 vote(s)
  5. 1 --> Absolute bulls**t. Go stick your d**k in a toaster.

    2 vote(s)
  1. GCake

    GCake Shopkeep Stealer

    • build number added
    GOD it's been a long time. I decided to play around on sandbox after about 2 months without KAG. Anyway, back to the post X3
    GREEN BOXES - Completely optional elements in the design.
    - No idea why I put the back wall there :huh?:
    - Spike trap is just there to piss off enemy knights, refer to BLUE TEXT

    RED BOXES - NOT needed. Ladder was just for the camera positioning.

    ORANGE BOXES - Potential workshops?

    BLUE BOXES - No idea or unsure about what I was doing :eek:
    - Trapdoors hurt knights, right?
    - Is this spike trap effective? Any errors?
    - Saw this a few minutes ago on another thread saying it was an archer shield . . .

    Now then, HIT ME WITH YOUR CRITICISM :r_flex::>:(: :flex:


    Thanks for your time and consideration! 25252525:thumbs_up:


    EDIT: Thank you -Ej- for adding in a build number :)

    Attached Files:

  2. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    The thing you're referring to as an "archer shield" would actually have to be a completed shop. It absorbs arrows.
    Arcite and GCake like this.
  3. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Making a thing to make it fall on knights, on a trap, a blue trap, would be useless. (Because, normally, they don't walk on traps, they fall in. Normally.)
    GCake likes this.
  4. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    This whole main idea of the actual structure is very nice, but there are a few errors in the design.

    1. The spike pit is only 4 block high, any knight (Who has enough brains, and skill) Can just slash jump over that.

    2. The workshop pieces on the door are useless unless made into a full workshop. bandicam 2012-12-21 11-29-52-918.jpg (Which needs backwall behind it to stay in that position)

    But apart from that and the fact that the bottom can be destroyed by a few bombs i say its a nice design GCake, keep it up ;)
    GCake likes this.
  5. GCake

    GCake Shopkeep Stealer

    :eek: Didn't notice that...guess I was too intent on building the damn thing to notice the massive flaw :QQ:
    Thanks for noticing :)
    WarrFork likes this.
  6. Tyngn

    Tyngn Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Spike Trap is 4 high

    Elevated the building with 2 layers of stone - waste of resources

    Excessive Spikes in spike trap

    Could save wood from using less trap bridges

    The optional stone blocks on the back shouldn't be optional, because its purely aesthetics or if the enemy happens to seize the tower, they can use those blocks to make it into their tower.

    Archer shield is not worth it, it gives enemy archers too much gold - I would rather use that space for a quick door drop thing

    Just trying to optimize your design
    GCake likes this.
  7. GCake

    GCake Shopkeep Stealer

    Thank you everyone for all your feedback, a better (hopefully :L ) design will be up in a few minutes 25252525
    </br>--- merged: Dec 22, 2012 11:27 PM ---</br>

    [590] Cake's Front-line Tower V2.0
    Okay. I have crammed as much advice as I could into this little sucker right here. Again, thanks to all of you and especially Guro for his outstanding Builder/Building Guide. Also thanks to Killatron for his simple but effective Spike Boostpad which I had to modify slightly. Anyway, here is my second creation :D


    OUTLINED IN GREEN - Defensive elements. Modified Killatron's spike boostpad, bomb-jumper deterrent, workshops, bomb-catcher (someone elaborate on this)
    OUTLINED IN RED - Completely unnecessary ladder (simply for the camera angle)
    OULINED IN ORANGE - Self-explanatory archer nest, however quite unsure about the door positioning as an exit...(too high maybe)

    Now then...Critique me! :spam:

    Also can someone teach me how to put spoilers in a thread? I am still quite new to the forums... :QQ:
    I3lue likes this.
  8. Chaos-Knight

    Chaos-Knight Bison Rider

    You should copy-paste this into your first post.

    Much better and adressing one of the biggest mistakes: The door was too low and the tower too thin. I would have camped in front of your first edition and chucked in a bomb when someone came through the doors. I know it seems unlikely but something like your first tower is much easier collapsible than you may think, one well-placed or lucky bomb could have done it.
    GCake likes this.
  9. I don't believe the tower was too thin, actually. But yes, quite easy to chuck bombs in. Besides that, I'd like to see possibly a trap bridge to the immediate right of the spikes, so as to get a real boost pad in there. You were also pretty truthful where you said that the upper exit is a bit too high. Maybe make it a straight down drop instead?
    GCake likes this.
  10. GCake

    GCake Shopkeep Stealer

    I'm confused :huh?: which tower are you talking about? My first post or my Front-line Tower V2.0? Also I tried out this design yesterday in a CTF match. It lasted quite long for the first half-hour or so, until an [AOS] member (not too sure) came up and lobbed a bomb through the front door :huh?: . Sh*t got downhill then :eek:
    </br>--- merged: Dec 24, 2012 12:37 AM ---</br>
    :castle_wall::spikes: :bridge:

    So you mean something like this? (sorry the blocks won't line up :>:(: and the spike is meant to be upside down, but I think you get the idea.) Also would it be a good idea to remove the chute?

    I can't seem to find any alternative for the alternative, higher-up exit that would prove a pain in the neck for the archers or make it easier for builders to breach the top level and take over the tower.
  11. Yes, exactly like that. Also, I use chutes on all of my towers -- They just work so well. Also, builders tend to not destroy higher-up blocks and just aim for either low doors or just ladders. In this case, you have an overhang large enough and 2 sets of doors, so I applaud you on the difficulty of getting over the tower without 2 or 3 knights.
  12. GCake

    GCake Shopkeep Stealer

    Thanks so much for you time and the building tips 25252525!!! Imma go test this design in-game right now, with the modifications I have in mind of course ;) I'll let you know how I go! Stay tuned.
    </br>--- merged: Dec 24, 2012 4:46 AM ---</br>
    OK so I just finished testing the new additions to the initial design of the tower. In conclusion, the spikes did improve the overall performance of the tower, but nobody AT ALL used the new exit I put on the overhang.
    Overhang Exit:

    EDIT: The additional trapdoor, not the additional spike, derp. :oops:
  13. Yeah....People oddly tend not to use the best exit, but the one that damages them most and then they scream bloody murder at the man who meant that exit for knights with parashields. Archers are an ungrateful lot.
    GCake likes this.
  14. GCake

    GCake Shopkeep Stealer

    Ahaha...The ones I come across are quite nice, although it's usually the knights who blame me for the shoddy defenses when I join at the end of the game 25252525