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Action! Unlimited

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Rayne, Dec 5, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Nazna

    Nazna Link's Lover Donator

    I'm a Jew. >:
    rocker2 and arcanecat like this.
  2. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    Whaa, whats with all the random hate, and big grey text, you think you special ;]. You're not special
    neil_v likes this.
  3. neil_v

    neil_v Shark Slayer


    Hate? All of it? You are reading it different than I wrote it I guess. Strange big grey text, not sure how that happened.
  4. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Probably just found the advanced text editor. -.-
  5. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    lol I take offence to crosses too, that's why for every cross I see, I build 2 inverse crosses... HAIL BEELZEBUB! :p
    also, you needed to destroy the swastika for stone? 5 hits to get 2 stone vs 1 hit to get 2 or 4 stone from actual deposits? If you weren't bullshiting on that one, you have bigger things to worry about than being banned on the action server...
  6. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    He was bullshiting. Look at the chat, just before it JTG was just telling him about that nice stone mine beneath the swastika. He was saying "look at all the fucks im giving about ur sign" after taking it down. And, if the others were telling the truth about their team using it to climb up the tower, then he probably would've seen that too.
  7. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    yeah I know this was just in response to his claims of being bullshit free.
  8. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    For some reason I was frozen :(, any reason why? . because I did nothing except move my cata, and take another guys cata....

    edit:I left when I was still frozen and asked multiple times why I was frozen, and asked to be un-frozen there was no answer.
  9. miketh2005

    miketh2005 Arsonist

    Jehovah's Witness?

    Jews are one of the best religions (which is picking the best of the worst), second only to Buddhism which can barely be considered a religion to begin with. They believe in evolution, or so I heard, so they must have a head on their shoulders compared to the morons who deny it. There is still the sex before marriage hate, which is a shame, but once you are married I think they are fine about it, compared to other religions who even say only missionary is allowed, etc. So Jews are cool, and you are kind of born into it even more so than other religions.

    Plus there are a lot of cool Jews I like, Steven Spielberg, Howie Mandel, Howard Stern (practicing? Not sure with all of his sex talk), etc. etc. etc.
  10. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    *Cough* *cough* That was very contradictory to the religion you were talking about .
  11. urtek974

    urtek974 Catapult Fodder

    Hi, I've been banned yesterday for wrong reason. I explain : at the very start of the round (first 5 seconds) something collapsed and killed some players (I wasn't even looking at the screen at this time, I just HEARD it). Then i got freezed and banned with the reason being "teamkill".
    I honestly don't know what happened (plus at the first few seconds of the round all players are packed up around the tent), but maybe i clicked my mouse without intent (you know, the heavy finger syndrom) and by misfortune i erased a teamdoor that supported some stones, and voila !!!

    Please unban me, I swear I'm no griefer, in fact I despise them (and you can often see me bitchin' about them if you look at chat logs)

    I've already been banned in the past by some griefer that accused me of the grief HE did (and people/admin blindly believed HIM... the "sheep effect"). It kinda make me sick to see some blatant (and frequent) griefers unpunished and being myself banned.

    Anyway, hope you will give me the benefit of the doubt.
    see ya
  12. miketh2005

    miketh2005 Arsonist

    Jews? Oh well. Are there different views in the religion or something? That's what a Jewish guy told me.
  13. Considering the fact that you were standing right in the position to kill half of your team (fucking 20-30 seconds respawn) when it collapsed and then you were the only one who survived the "accident" you can't really say there was no reason.

    You weren't even blacklisted either, bans are cleared right after the server restarts.
  14. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Woah, WOAH.
    Position to cause harm does not imply that someone actually caused the harm, and does not actually give a 'reason', it simply makes him look suspicious, but it doesn't mean anything, in this here game where even logs lie.
    Domis likes this.
  15. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

  16. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    PumpkingSlice likes this.
  17. RyanCarlson

    RyanCarlson Bison Rider

    Disclaimer: I am not asking you to do anything, I am only stating facts and my opinions derived from those facts.

    The day before yesterday, I was playing on the server. I had just built a tunnel/teleporter right next to the respawn point (teleporter #1), and another at the front lines (teleporter #2). I tried to teleport to any other teleporters, but no others had been built yet. A few minutes later, I died and respawned, then, wanting to go back to the front lines, I tried to teleport to there using the teleporters I had made. However, someone had built another teleporter, (teleporter #3), approximately 20 to 30 blocks away from spawn where teleporter #1 was. As it took only about five seconds to walk between the two teleporters, I made some quick calculations* and figured that the new teleporter wasted time and was, therefore, annoying and close to useless. I started to destroy teleporter 3, but a moderator (I forget exactly what his/her name was, but it was something like Kalsik, or Kalisik, or Kalisk) froze me and told me I was griefing. I said I was sorry, explained what I was doing and what I thought of teleporter three, but the moderator banned me. I don't know what the definition of "griefing" for this server is, but I feel that I was not griefing and that I was, therefore, wrongly banned. I like this server, and want to play on it more, but I am fine if you don't unban me and I will appreciate your decision to prevent a possible griefer from playing on this server.

    *Imagine that it takes five seconds to walk between teleporters 1 and 3, one second to teleport from one teleporter to another, and ten times as many people want to teleport between teleporters 1 and 2 than 1 and 3. With teleporter three it takes a total of (10*(1+1))+(1*1), or 21, seconds for eleven people who just respawned to get where they want to go. Without teleporter 3 it takes a total of (10*1)+(1*5), or 15, seconds for the same eleven people to get to where they want to go, so teleporter 3 was effectively wasting 6 seconds. That assumes that it is of equal priority that people go between [1 and 2] and [1 and 3] as quickly as possible, which I don't think is true.

    On a different topic, I want to voice my opinion that the moderator was abusing his/her powers. Twice I have seen him freeze someone because he disagreed with their building style. The first time I saw him, he had frozen someone to tell the person that he thought skybridges shouldn't be made of stone, only trap bridges; personally, I agree with him, but I still don't think that that is a reason to freeze them. The second time, he had frozen another person because he thought that a tower was tall enough. The tower was made of solid stone, and was about 20 to 25 blocks tall and 10 blocks thick. I saw no reason to freeze the person, and no reason the tower shouldn't be made taller.
    Another time, I saw an undisputed griefer, (Lokilop, I think), trying to destroy the building around the respawn point. The moderator saw the griefer, froze him, reprimanded him, then let him go because the moderator had seen him before and he "was not a bad player".
  18. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I will say thanks for voicing your concerns and I appreciate you taking the time to post as much on the subject as you have.

    We here at Action believe in strong buildings and not doing stupid shit. In the instance where Kalikst froze someone for building a stone skybridge (NO, DO NOT EVER DO THIS), I can't say I blame him as I would have done the same. Most players do not listen when you simply speak to them, so in most cases freezing them gets their attention, and quick.

    As for the ban, I can't really say because I wasn't there, but if it is as you say it is then I see no harm in unbanning you. I've never seen you in game before but your actions seemed harmless enough. Judges?!
    neil_v likes this.
  19. Shenron

    Shenron Tree Planter

    I like this server because I like unlimited units, and you get to have unlimited resources in building time.
    Radpipe likes this.
  20. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Every server with tents have unlimited resources during build time. Just saiyan.
Mods: jackitch
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