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Buying the Game

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Undeadstab, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Undeadstab

    Undeadstab Catapult Fodder

    I've been playing the free version and I'm wondering if I should buy it. Though I've been buying games non-stop since all the holiday sales.

    So everyone who bought the game, is it worth it, and are you still having fun playing it?
    Also, how long will the Christmas sale last?
  2. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    [22:07:59] <Undeadstab971> Hey
    [22:08:33] <Undeadstab971> Posted a thread asking a question, but no luck. So I'll copy and paste it here
    [22:08:34] <Undeadstab971> I've been playing the free version and I'm wondering if I should buy it. Though I've been buying games non-stop since all the holiday sales. So everyone who bought the game, is it worth it, and are you still having fun playing it?
    [22:15:55] <04@rAYNE01> Undeadstab971: i bought this game back in january- still playing it
    [22:16:12] <04@rAYNE01> it's a matter of personal preference really
    [22:17:34] * Undeadstab971 (webchat@ Quit (Ping timeout)

    there's no set date for when the sale will end, afaik.
  3. Undeadstab

    Undeadstab Catapult Fodder

    Ah thanks for the answer, still debating though haha.
  4. Tyngn

    Tyngn Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Well, you played the game what do you think? Do you like the game as it is? If you do imagine, that you are paying for the updates and the new re coded gold version that will improve upon almost every aspect of the game right now.

    I've bought the game on November 2011 and i still play it
  5. Undeadstab

    Undeadstab Catapult Fodder

    Well it's settled, thanks for the feedback.
    I'm going to buy this game tomorrow. (Buying something at 2AM seems suspicious :P)