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Frosty Trunk

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by HardPenguin, Dec 4, 2012.

Mods: jackitch
  1. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Frosty Trunk is a public server dedicated for all experienced KAG players annoyed by stupidity and cheats abuse spread around vast majority of public servers. If you are fed off with 'that stupid bunch of faggots' from your team ruining every game on popular public servers, you should love our server.

    We're also trying to form on IRC some kind of server community making finding game partners and monitoring current state of server easier. You are free to join, it is #frostytrunk channel in Quakenet.


    It is ruled by those four simple regulations:

    - Speak English only
    Don't spam other players with your foreign talk. Even if you play with friends from same country, it is annoying to the rest of server guests.
    - No abusive behavior
    Griefing, hacking, cheating, extensive offending/cursing (beyond the joking manner), being a dick or just annoying and any other kind of impolite behavior is not tolerated. The one who decides whether abusive behavior occured is always the admin.
    - Not for beginners
    Server is aimed for experienced players, so if you're a newcomer or playing KAG as minecrafter (person who focuses on building useless structures all around the map, especially spawn base) you will be probably asked to leave or simply kicked. You can learn the game on other servers, and for minecrafting there is creative mode.
    - Admin is the god
    Each admin of Frosty Trunk with HardPenguin as king of gods has always the deciding voice in every issue which appears while playing. None of them will hestitate to set on you a divine punishement in a form of ban if you're spoiling the fun. But if you feel that your penalty was unfair, come to this thread or Frosty Trunk IRC channel and we'll discuss that.
    - Use !admin to call the god
    With the great power comes great responsibility. The admin crew is there to help. If you are experiencing any problem while playing on Frosty, just type in the game chat:
    to call an admin. If there will be a any on a duty, he'll come to the server!

    Other (useful/less) information:

    Name in server browser: Frosty Trunk
    Gamemode and setting: CTF (almost default setting), bombgliding off, antigrief off, guards on, 18 player slots, 200x120 generated maps (custom generators)
    Hosted in: Poland
    Server support: #frostytrunk on Quakenet IRC
    Admin crew: HardPenguin, Freddex, GalenMarek, Mazey, Juaro, Kalikst, SpideY`, Cpa3y, justi01
    Available in-game commands: !admin - calls for admin (be patient and wait at least 3-5 minutes), !summon - tries to summon more players from the IRC channel
    Beef, nkChehov, Burndie and 9 others like this.
  2. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Nice server, always good times there!
    16th and HardPenguin like this.
  3. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    All praise 2 new admins, BlauweSmurf and Juaro!
  4. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Great server!
  5. rocker2

    rocker2 Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    This is one of the only servers where I do not have to deal with griefers + trolls. Thank you for such an amazing server!
  6. Imaperson2

    Imaperson2 Catapult Fodder

    Are you taking admins or such because i would fit in :D
  7. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    If you'll prove yourself as a fitting person, maybe.. First thing you should do is play much on the server and be often on our IRC channel :)
    </br>--- merged: Jan 9, 2013 11:31 PM ---</br>
    To all server fans, friends and for any players interesting in getting nice, skillful companionship in the well-moderated server for advanced players: if you're IRC users, join #frostytrunk on Quakenet. We'll try to make there something similar to 'gathers' known from Soldat.
    </br>--- merged: Jan 10, 2013 7:25 PM ---</br>
    Added two new admins: Kalikst and SpideY! Also implemented !summon ingame command for summoning more players from IRC channel.
  8. RaMmStEiN_2012

    RaMmStEiN_2012 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Can't access the server Frosty Trunk. The connection does not show any errors, but it is infinitely. How to fix this problem?:(
  9. Freddex

    Freddex Haxor

    Just wanted to say quickly: This is an awesome server. It is well moderated, and if there's trouble makers, we get rid of them. Just try it, people, gives you a good time. :D
    rocker2 and Kalikst like this.
  10. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Maybe your IP is banned. It may happen if someone using your IP address got banned as well (a family member? or maybe do you use some kind of public connection?). Send me your IP address via private message and I'll check on banlist.
  11. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

  12. Juaro

    Juaro Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Mind the rules mister:
    As for the first part, you called Kalikst, an admin a bug-abuser/glitcher for using jumppads, which is absolute nonsense, he muted you 10 minutes for stating that, after said mute you started spamming the /rcon chat, after various lines of insults to Kalikst or just simply throwing around the words "admin abuse" too much, i banned you permanently.

    But since you already cleared that up with HP, and you'll get a second chance by getting unbanned in 1-2 days, why would you come here and downtalk our server.
    HardPenguin likes this.
  13. Cool! Another server where you can expect that AsuMagic won't come arond (besides Action!). Now we just have to get rid of Lee_Lemon... :skull:
  14. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    I didn't.
    It wasn't.
    I didn't.
    He was.
    Not engouth to do it.
    Why a second chance? I hate servers where there's admin abusers. I don't think I'll got back in this server.

    I got random perma banned by thebonesauce too. Exactly. Because I was talking in french with a french about skype, exactly what thebonesauce asked.
  15. Besides, I don't really care if you come here around or not. I would rather prefer not to see you again. You're known as local idiot. I hate kids who are calling for admin abuse without reading the rules. It's not your server, you didn't pay for it, so you're guest. And mods, as stated in quoted rules, decide whether you should be punished or not. So please, stop making a storm in a teacup. You clearly deserved to be banned because after you got muted for 10 mins you kept using rcon to call me admin abuser. And none likes to be called admin abuser, especially when he's not abusing.
    HardPenguin likes this.
  16. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    What he said. You're banned. Deal with it.
  17. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Why'd you even want to get unbanned, you don't like the server (anymore) anyways + admins/active players there...

    Asu, you've been really annoying and we just muted that for you, if you would've just played/left there was no problem, just write a proper English paragraph about why you were muted and you are sorry.
    That's what you didn't do, you were doing /rcon /What did I do -again and again, this isn't the way, if you continue and really get annoying while you are muted, you should know the consequences, man!
    HardPenguin likes this.
  18. Cpa3y

    Cpa3y Shark Slayer

    In some countries ISP share one IP between many users. For example: my provider has at least 10000 clients, but it has less than 200 IP addresses. Some ISP give us dynamic IP address.
  19. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Yep, but since RaMmStEiN_2012 didn't answer, I cannot help him.
Mods: jackitch