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Contest [HAMMER] Themed Category Voting (Civilization)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bioautomaton, Jan 2, 2013.


Which is the best Civilization-themed map?

Poll closed Jan 5, 2013.
  1. 3D Arena (Beepo)

    2 vote(s)
  2. Egypt (Dandyking7179)

    5 vote(s)
  3. Fractured (PhirePuncher)

    0 vote(s)
  4. Metro (Feet)

    2 vote(s)
  5. Milvius (Reyman)

    1 vote(s)
  6. Parthenon (Gonf)

    0 vote(s)
  7. Persian City (Ne3zy)

    18 vote(s)
  8. Ruined Castle (Kouji)

    8 vote(s)
  9. Valia Ruins 7 (JackD)

    10 vote(s)
  1. Bioautomaton

    Bioautomaton Mysterious Man/Machine Donator

    The culmination of the HAMMER mapping contest is upon us! We have 9 entries into the themed category. A companion poll is also available for general voting. We have some fantastic maps to choose from and I would like to thank each of the creators for their contributions. Great job guys!

    The theme was Civilization. It's intentionally broad in its scope; it could be anything reflecting the growth, achievements, or even decline of a civilization. Monuments, cities, whatever. Please vote based on whether or not the map fits the theme, the merit of the map, how fun it is to play on, quality of design, and aesthetics, among other factors. Take some time and play on the maps before you vote! They are all hosted on my server, see my signature for details. You can also load them manually and play them by yourself, see Beepo's handy post for more details.

    Please do not vote based on clan affiliations, whether or not the person is your friend, etc. Obviously I can not enforce this, so I leave it up to you to vote fairly and honestly. Please do not try to game the system. Yes, I know there are ways you can do this. I'd like to think we're better than that as a community. //I, however, can enforce it. I am watching you. Right now. Be good and play fair or... :skull:~fbb

    Finally, it turned out that all entrants into the contest already had Gold status! Because of this, I will randomly select three voters who do not have Gold status to receive a key. To be eligible to be entered into the raffle you must post in this thread or the other thread (only in one place please) for the themed maps stating that you have voted and somewhere in the post you must have the tag [HAMMERTIME] (exactly like that, in brackets, no space, I don't care if it's bold, just put it in your reply's main body somewhere). Obviously we can tell based on your name if you're Gold status or not, but this makes it easier for me to do a quick search to compile my list. Gold users who vote will not be entered into the drawing for the key (not even for your friend who is non-Gold - they can post to enter), but your input is valuable! Please vote to make this contest a success!

    One last note - there are two entries titled "Fractured". One is by Gonf (large hill with multiple divides), one is by PhirePuncher (multi-layered with lots of ladders). They are two completely different maps in separate categories.

    Now, without further adieu, here are the entries:

    Beepo - 3D Arena
    Dandyking7179 - Egypt
    Feet - Metro
    Gonf - Parthenon
    JacKD - Valia Ruins 7
    Ne3zy - Persian City
    PhirePuncher - Fractured
    Reyman - Milvius
    Kouji - Ruined Castle
    feet, Beepo, reyman and 3 others like this.
  2. mr_blood

    mr_blood Catapult Fodder

    ne3zy's map is so much better than all other maps :0
    in my opinion at least
    larsalon likes this.
  3. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    thanks but it's not true others did good job too :huh?:
  4. reyman

    reyman Shopkeep Stealer

    It seems all people really love Persian City and Valia :)
    Good job :)
  5. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    I voted Persian city because the map has form and contrast to make the buildings really stand out. While I cannot say anything from a gameplay perspective, this map is my personal favourite out of all contestants. The layers of soil and rock add a unique character to the basically irrelevant.
    Ne3zy likes this.
  6. Was I the only one who voted based on how the map plays ._.?
    Radpipe likes this.
  7. Bioautomaton

    Bioautomaton Mysterious Man/Machine Donator

    I've had a chance to play on Persian City and, I have to say, it plays pretty well. It's essentially a wooden castle map. The prevalence of gold makes me wonder about catas and such on a prolonged match due to the lack of gold starvation, but maybe that's not a bad thing.

    I'd really like to play on a few of these I haven't had a chance to. I found Valia a bit clunky and Milvius looks fantastic but promotes extremely slow gameplay ( take out front low door, fortify, bam instant wall) but both might be betterr in big servers. Egypt is a really cool concept, but I didn't see much reason to venture into the crypts. Parthenon is nice and simple, but I felt like the roof was too high to get a good feeling for the concept. I could see it being useful as a high ground, king of the hill sort of deal, though.

    Ruined Castle is one of the ones I am really interested in trying, as well as 3D Arena.
    reyman and Ne3zy like this.
  8. reyman

    reyman Shopkeep Stealer

    Thanks for this great report based on your gameplay test ! :)
    I hope there is other critics/report since the end of the poll, we can make better map with your help !

    About the instant wall, you talk about the "red wall" at the start of the game ?
    When i build the map, i totally don't think about this, it's silly, in my head, this limit was fixed by the administrator/moderatorso i not take in account this "detail" :/
    In my head, the red wall is more thin, only on the middle column.
  9. Bioautomaton

    Bioautomaton Mysterious Man/Machine Donator

    No, sorry, to be more specific I mean the lower "bridge support" that has doors built in. Ironically both I and the enemy builder came to the exact same conclusion: "Low door, huge wall of stone? Okay! Remove low door, put up higher, trap door launch pad and ladder, fill in base as needed, put in shops. Done! Instant tower." :B): The sort of nigh-impassable fortification that often takes well past the starting build time is set up in no time flat. There's still the high ground but the gaps between sections are large enough to require supports to be built to do full bridging.

    Don't think I'm bashing on the map, though - I rather like it, and it looks fantastic. :) It's just that it is more conducive to slower play due to the terrain and pre-existing fortification options.
  10. reyman

    reyman Shopkeep Stealer

    Thanks a lot for precision ;) , you're right, this is probably a slow gameplay ctf map.

    To limit the big wall effect, the middle tower can be tunneled, and ennemy can build structure bottom the "bridge support", and so bypass the castle defense.
  11. Bioautomaton

    Bioautomaton Mysterious Man/Machine Donator

    The winner for this category was Ne3zy for his map "Persian City". Great work, Ne3zy! Thank you to everyone that entered for your hard work and participation!
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.