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The price of KAG premium

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JackMcDaniels, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. lavalord

    lavalord Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    I bought KAG for $10 in jan last year and to be honest I don't give a rats ass whether the devs lower the price or raise it. Why can't you just be happy that your money has brought a years enjoyment like me.
  2. wolfwang

    wolfwang Builder Stabber

    What!? 25 bucks aint too much. How can you even compare this 2d action packed sidescroller to a shitty 3d grinding game called wow? They're not even in the same genre. Besides kids, take some finance classes first, and get some proof, rather than playing the all knowing. Personally im waiting for the kag 1.0 and will happily pay even the 25.
  3. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    @OP - Keep in mind, the developers of KAG didn't like the direction it was going in, and decided that they would change the direction instead of just leaving, even though much of their work for a good year rewriting the game engine wouldn't see the light of day for quite a while. Terraria's developers just left it one day because they didn't like the direction it was going, and the game almost died (would have died too, if it weren't for people developing modding patches for it to allow easy extension through mods). But, one of them on leaving went to make their own rip-off, if you will, of Terraria to make those changes to the direction, and will expect you to pay a second time to play with them (Starbound). That $25 pricetag goes to all changes to KAG, not just the ones until the point that the developers decide to get up to remake it.

    On top of that, I recall Terraria's initial pricing at $10, compared to KAG's initial pricing of $10. I'd say that was a fair price for each, considering the stage of development at the time for both. I agree that $25 might be a bit much for where it is right now, but to say that it should remain $10 for the time being is silly with the visible development that has gone into it since the initial public launch. With the scripting / new engine release coming out relatively soon, talking about price right now doesn't even make much sense either.

    P.S. I consider myself to be a mainstream gamer, and have no idea why you came up with the whole KAG is a rip-off of Terraria idea. You may as well say that Terraria was a rip-off of Minecraft, Minecraft was a rip-off of Infiniminer, and Infiniminer was a rip-off of Dwarf Fortress.
    Boxpipe, Viken and Lieber like this.
  4. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    I don't want to come into details like you guys, but honestly, the final price _is_ too high. It is totally ridiculous, for that price I can get few better games. But, the same I can tell about Minecraft or Frozen Synapse, and they are still purchased (and they will for looong time).

    What is my opinion? Price should be lowered to ~17$ (something between current and final) OR don't ever dare to ditch supporting both branches (Classic and Full) in the next few years.

    But, as lavalord said, I've got it when it was extremely cheap, very long ago, so I don't really care anymore.
    Boxpipe likes this.
  5. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    It's true that 25 dollars does seem a bit steep. But the new Scripting Update looks amazing and the game provides a ton of fun so I'll say it is worth it if, like Penguin said, the developers don't ditch the game for a while. Although we will have mods by then.
    Boxpipe likes this.
  6. JimDeBrink

    JimDeBrink Shopkeep Stealer

    But do you want the mainstream gamers on KAG?
    This game is very team-based, and when you get many people on it it will bring many noob, griefers, selfish kids.
    Boxpipe likes this.
  7. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Hey... Wake up! They're here already...
    Boxpipe, AcidSeth, Contrary and 2 others like this.
  8. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    that bold part is a matter of opinion
    i think that terraria looks and has always looked like complete shit. that's why i didn't follow up on the buzz. aesthetically it is horse crap. the sprites are inconsistent at best. maybe it's fun to play, but i can't personally get over the graphical shortcomings.
    kag, on the other hand, looks great. the sprites are all clean and have a consistent quality and aesthetic to them. and considering that the dev team has overhauled the graphics before and are going to do so again, i don't think your argument of aesthetic is valid, opinion or not.
    personally, i've payed over $100 for this game and i'm happy about it. next time i've got extra cash i will consider contributing further. whining about $25 is silly especially before they've charged anyone that much. a great game getting.
    i'm all for appealing to the mainstream. more mainstream players means more competitive players will sift through. but the psychology of the consumer is strange and lowering your price makes your product look cheap. a lot of people who seek quality will turn away if they keep seeing the price go down.
    i say raise the price to $50 and keep the 50% discount indefinitely :rollseyes:
    Boxpipe and thebonesauce like this.
  9. lavalord

    lavalord Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    Fwiw, I have payed over 500 dollars for kag and its community.
    Boxpipe, AcidSeth, Canadian98 and 2 others like this.
  10. Panasonic

    Panasonic Builder Stabber
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    We all appreciate it Lava Well Done Im Sure that wen somewhere good:)
    Boxpipe and vampo like this.
  11. funnymonkey

    funnymonkey Builder Stabber

    I bought premium for $12.55 and it was on a special. :huh?:
    Boxpipe and kevron11 like this.
  12. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    I won't say, that, but Terraria is more "pixely" than Kag, so making it look worser. Although Terraria has the best gathering/digging/exploring with a nice amount of weapons on the side, but the combat itself was meh to say the least. While Kag focuses on combat/gathering and building with lots of team work, which you would of never saw in Terraria.
    Although don't bash on terraria, it had serveral steam sales lowering it to about 3 dollars.

    No one ripped off each other, people like to take ideas and refine them, and add new features to sell, it's kinda like claiming a gold mine when the pervious owner left (metaphorically).
    Boxpipe, GodOfTheChaos and kevron11 like this.
  13. kevron11

    kevron11 Haxor

    Updates keeps us waiting and playing .
    Boxpipe likes this.
  14. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Sorry but out of all the bits of post in here this struck me the most, items and gamemodes are throwaway pieces of shit, and if you think a game been 3D makes it better that's even more baffling. KAG wouldn't work in 3D, just not at all, it's all about gameplay, not whether something's got a fucking ton of items or any of that kinda shite.

    To take a real world example, football is the world's most popular sport, how many special abilities and different maps does that game have? It's 22 people on a pitch that can kick a ball, maybe use their head instead of that, and 2 of them can use their hands a bit, it's a game with a small amount of simple rules, and there's really not very much to it in terms of obvious complexities, you don't have different races or classes of striker, defenders don't use different kinds of armour, it's very simple on paper. But guess what, there's so many subtle complexities in 22 guys following a ball around it makes a very very very complicated game in terms of tactics and individual skill, it doesn't need any fancy shit for it to have that complexity.

    Same goes for KAG as it is, there's a pretty simple formula, and the gameplay makes the game, boats or fire arrows or any of shite isn't gonna make KAG anything it isn't already in some regard. Sure the game will play out differently, but the game will always be about teamplay and tactics, not about item hunting and masses of customisation and abilities. It's missing players that care about that kinda shit that makes the game play so badly as it is, no-one gives two shits about how much tactical devastation you can pull out as a builder with 30 stone and 20 wood on an enemy tower, people just wanna fuck around building the biggest most pointless structure ever, no-one cares about working as a unit as knights, keeping each other alive and retreating to heal and get bombs and help gain territory, people just wanna throw themselves at a tower full of camping archers again and again.

    tl:dr - KAG is a game about gameplay, like a lot of games that actually end up having a long term dedicated community. WoW has a dedicated community, but that's because it's aimed at obsessive geeks that want the latest and best items, and has gameplay based around that kind of obsessive behaviour.
    Boxpipe, feet, thebonesauce and 3 others like this.
  15. KCx13

    KCx13 Catapult Fodder

    Sadly, this is what the 'mainstream' think about KAG, and possibly why people look over KAG and say 'Oh just another stupid Terraria rip off' it's sad, really.
    Boxpipe likes this.
  16. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    I paid 15 dollars for the double fine adventure and I haven't got fuck all other then some funny videos yet, what's your point? Alpha funding isn't about getting things now, it's about getting them when they're done, and to be fair there's a heavy emphasis in any alpha funding on the fact it might not even get finished. Unfortunately with any investment, whether your investing in enslaving children to mine diamonds or in a small developer making a game, things can fuck up and you don't get your monies worth. From spending a good few hundred hours on this game, I think I've probably sunk my money into something that's already deserved the money I've given anyway, nevermind what's coming and the modding that should keep the game alive for fucking ages in all sorts of ways. Can't say that of alot of games I've paid the same/even more for, minecraft certainly hasn't been worth the same amount for me.
  17. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    strongly agree. if you don't like the price or features now, wait until the big caution sign changes from "none of this is guaranteed" to "version 1.0, here's what you get". otherwise there is no point in arguing "what it's worth"
    Boxpipe likes this.
  18. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    Why are the people who have already paid for premium bitching about its future price. Someone bought premium for me, so all i have spent is the 8 bucks for donating to the forum. They could raise the games money to any price and i wouldn't care. Unless they added a subscription, but only shitty games have that. (WoW)
    Boxpipe likes this.
  19. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    I feel this needs to be said.

    "Oh my god, Battlefield 3 is a Doom clone!"

    If you heard someone say this then you would call them fucking retarded, so next time you hear minecraft clone, terraria clone or X clone punch the faggot in the balls for me please.

    On to the meat of the issue. 25 dollars is a really god damn reasonable price for a video game, you get literally infinite playtime out of this game because of modding and its multiplayer nature. The fact you can get it for 10$ now is just a bonus. Look at games like Space vs Zombies, these games were 20$ on launch but over various sales were put down to 15$/10$/5$ at different times on steam. KAG will be no different, I suspect there will be a sale for KAG within 4-8 months of its official launch with a promotion from various sources. This is just how the business works these days, fund your game development by letting people buy the game early at a reduced price, release the game at a low tier price compared to Triple AAA titles and then put it on an uber sale a few months down the line. Literally everyone benifits in this new model. Early adopters are rewarded with low price and developers get access to testers and feedback early in development. Then when it is released anyone who wants to buy it gets a really high quality game thanks to all the feedback for the 1/3 of the price of a typical AAA title and then people who wanted the game but didn't want to pay full price can buy it a few months later for basically fuck all.

    Saying Kag isn't worth 25 Dollars is bullshit and an insult to the work the developers have done. The only reason people think its so expensive is because of the graphical style. There has been this expectation of "Y 2 sidescrolling game was SO CHEAP, WHY ISN'T THIS ONE?". Its getting old, stop it and go away please.

    Admittedly maybe the developers should take it into account for the average retarded acolyte of the unwashed masses when it comes to pricing but I personally think they've picked a good price.
  20. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Actually... No, not at all. This is rather about support and content.
    Boxpipe likes this.