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RP- The Shroud descends

Discussion in 'Spamcan' started by zollie20, Oct 1, 2012.

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  1. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    //Doubtful. ;)
  2. blukey

    blukey Finest Moustache in the Kingdom Donator

  3. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    //blukey, you don't know either!
  4. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    What do you think?

    Name: Lord Zetan Dru

    Race: Demon

    Age: Ancient

    Home place: Kratak, Capital of Hell

    Specialties: Shape shifting into mortal forms, Fire magic, use of Claws and blood rage.

    Back story: Born a very long time ago and into demon royalty, Zetan was one of a few demons gifted with not brutish strength, but of magic and illusion. However, like many demons, there was the blood rage, a frenzy of sorts blocking out their minds and filling it with hatred, malice, and the will to kill all, it only lasts for a short time and only when the blood of the innocent is spilled, or activated by the select demon. Zetan did not find out about that until he was enraged at the fact of not being next in-line for the Throne of Kratak. Needless to say, many Demons died that day. When learning different types of magic one stood out in particular to him. The art of fire. He was a gifted student, but his most astonishing power, was his ability to shape shift into lesser forms, to deceive and trick others.

    The day Zetan went into the Blood Rage things changed, he was stripped of his nobility and exiled into the over world of Loth. He was not happy at the thought of spending his immortal life alone, and with mortals. On his trip to the top however, several ideas flickered across in his mind, power, trickery, and the will to dominate, sadly more thoughts flickered in his mind, he didn't really know anything about the over world, he only knew a select things, like what to eat, the sun, and a few species. Those thoughts were quickly droned out by the others. He would be fine. This was going to be fun he thought. He came up out of a cave, the sun blinded him for an instance but then his eyes adjusted, and around him everything was green. He hated it, it all needed to burn. Something caught his eye however, a human child. A lowly beast with a short life expectancy. Wanting to avoid suspicion he quickly shape shifted into it, and wandered off. Upon arriving at a mere village, his child form went undetected among the streets, he found himself in a human gathering place, a bar it was called. He learned many things, of war, of kings and darker evils, but the things that stood out the most were the tales of those who had done incredible feats. What he found out about them was vague and did not help him. He did however find out where there last location of sorts was and he thought, if he was going to rule, these people might get in his way. They needed to be eliminated. He left the bar walking, and searching for clues, he would find them soon. Then he thought...the green, the vegetation. It was time to start, this over world, this loth. It would burn. They would, hopefully, come to him as he set the forests on fire. He silently said, The demon has come...

    Appearance: In his normal appearance he stands 8 feet and 4 inches tall. It is a almost humanoid form. His natural tone is a deep red. He has no horns, but dark hair tied down his back. He has a small tail. His eyes are Lava red. He has a lean, muscular body with two arms that lead to humanoid claws and thumbs. His garments are of royalty. He cannot fly, for he has no wings.

    Personality; Cruel, charming, and Deceitful

    Allegiance: Pure Evil

    Likes: Fire, Dark places, Night-time, and Blood.

    Dislikes: The day, Mortals, and Order.

    Strengths: Fire magic, and use of claws as weapons

    Weaknesses: Blessed Weapons, Holy magic, and Powerful beings.
  5. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    As i said in the pm, i reckon it's great. We need another bad guy.
    What do you guys think?
  6. Mellian-Quar-Xililix

    Mellian-Quar-Xililix Haxor


    also, about Gorth or the shroud. Vesuvis is oblivious to them in any way and will blissfully continue to do whatever until they somehow run across him.
  7. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    //shroud's coming right now
  8. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    //I say yes to Zee
    zollie20 likes this.
  9. blukey

    blukey Finest Moustache in the Kingdom Donator

    //I vote yes all the way!
  10. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    // Cough
  11. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    With his giant skewer in hand, he progressed slowly down the dark cave. As he got deeper, more and more goblins came up, causing him to become better and better at hiding. He did mess up one of them, however, and opted to just skewer the two of them on his already bloodied spear. Despite it's weight, it was still bearable. He trudged through a particularly muddy area at one point, maken his skin dark and camouflaged. It turned out to be useful, as he turned the next corner.

    Some kind of gorilla on steroids faced his direction from within a dark, tin kennel of sorts. It had two kind of antlers on it's head. However, they were sparking and zapping each other.
    A Huckler..
  12. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    The fire spread and with it, countless destruction. He watched a few villages burn into nothing but ash and the mortals that lived their run for their petty lives. The smoke towered at least 200 feet into the air, and it would not surprise him if numerous people could see it. It was a feat only one with fire magic could achieve and he was proud. The fire burnt for hours on end, and when it finally extinguished, nothing but blacked remains and ash remained. The devastation was not on a grand scale that he had imagined but it covered a lengthy area.
    A hunger grew within him, he had not eaten since he had left home and he was drained. He needed sustenance, but what to eat..Still in his human child form he wandered until he came upon fresh vegetation, and stumbling some more he came upon a house in an open clearing. It was covered in vines and strangely looked teeming with life. He then saw a strange looking creature, it looked fair for a mortal and had pointed ears. Could this be an elf he wondered, it looked like one. He slowly advanced with his small legs. It noticed him before too long. It was a female, or at least he thought so.
    "Little one," as it got closer to him it asked, "what are you doing in the forest and covered in soot?" He panicked, for he did not know if his regular voice would be in this small child. "I-I'm lost.." He said with a small child's voice. Good, his powers worked well, but he was getting weaker. "Do not be afraid," the she-elf said, "Everything will be alright!" Upon a closer inspection, this elf was beautiful, but the way of the natural world is a cruel one. "Follow me little one." She said as she turned back to the house. He had other plans. Zetan shape shifted into his true demonic form. "Certainly." He said in his true voice. The elf looked back and screamed, but it was quickly cut off when he grabbed her by the throat and broke her neck. He then drank the blood and devoured the rest.
    With a full belly and a keen look on the world he shape shifted back into the human child and wandered off into the forest. He would find someone important eventually..
  13. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    Aspathe began walking towards the village she had spotted on her map. The noise of the battle behind her slowly faded away with each step taken, eventually replaced with more peaceful sounds. Another glace upon her map showed a small path for easier traveling, which she soon found. After awhile, the scent of burning slowly accumulated and smoke could be seen in the distance. Hurrying, she soon reached the smoldering wreak of what was once a thriving town. Out in the distance, she saw more blackened wood. She sat down on the remains of a building, looking at the scene of carnage that lay before her.
  14. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    Zetan soon arrived back upon the work of his fire, it was a very ghastly sight, but to him it made him teem with excitement. He could not do this within his own home land, for there was nothing green, just lava and molten black rock. Upon walking a ways into the Black forest he arrived at one of the villages that had not been cleared of the fire. He abruptly stopped, something smelt different, a foul sweet smell, one that he only read of in books. Curious to see if he was right, and still in his innocent human child form, he wandered into the town...
    </br>--- merged: Jan 15, 2013 11:06 PM ---</br>
  15. feet

    feet Bison Rider


    Aspathe heard the footsteps of someone behind her. Turning, she saw a young human boy. Probably a survivor from the town, she thought.
    "Hello," she said, "Do you need help?"
  16. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    For a moment, nothing happened. Then a large amount of footsteps came from behind, causing Ugos to dash behind an old suit of armour.
    What he saw as he peeked between the helmet and breastplate was an extremely short and wide goblin, even by their standards. It bore a very dusty, slimy and overall ugly crown fashioned from spare metal. At it's side he saw a large studded stick and a knife.
    It's posse were close behind; they looked harder and meaner than the goblins he had killed. Checking his skewer to make sure it was there, he had an idea.
    He crouched low as they passed him by, heading into the room with the Huckler.
    He slowly slid behind a broken chair and raised the skewer by his shoulder. Then, with a silent 'HEAVE', he propelled the Huckler-food towards the regal goblin. It stuck into his foot; perfect!
    The Huckler took one look at the skewer... and took the bait. With a terrifying lick of the lips, it leapt upon it's master's leg.
    It yelped and threw it's arms up, as it's cronies took to attacking the beast. Only a few attacks pierced it's stony hide, and even then, they were barely injuries. A sickening 'squelch' marked the goblin's leg coming off.
    However, Ugos was intent on the ring that had been flung into the air by the goblin lord; he nimbly jumped over the chair and grabbed it, unnoticed in the confusion.
    As he sprinted up the old cave (battering aside goblin sentries), he could hear the sounds as the Huckler feasted...
    It made a full-grown Orc shiver.
  17. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    Seeing what looked like a human female turn around at his approach was not what he expected, but he played along, for this female was defiantly the source of what he was smelling. "Help?" asked Zetan. Pondering these words for a short while and wondering if it knew what he truly was, he decided that it didn't and that it would be beneficial to get find out more about these lands. In his innocent voice he said, "Y-Yes, my family..." he dared not continue, for this was part of his ploy. To get the female to pity him. Zetan then sat down and held himself firmly. "Yes, help would be great." he sadly said. Under the protection of his arms, where no one could see, he smiled.
  18. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    Walking up to the kid, she retrieved a juicy red apple from her bag.
    "Hungry?" she asked, offering it to the kid.
  19. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    Getting a hold of himself, he slowly stands up and looks at it. "n-no, I better not. I'm not really hungry.." said Zetan to the female. "Who are you?" he asked her.
  20. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    Placing the apple back in her bag, she replied, "I'm Aspathe. What's your name?"
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