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RP- The Shroud descends

Discussion in 'Spamcan' started by zollie20, Oct 1, 2012.

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  1. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    "Nice to meet you Aspathe." He says. He then thinks about a human name for himself. "My name is Ze Ferto, son of Lod Ferto." he says as he gives a small bow. Then he quickly glances around looking at all the destruction. "There was a fire...It killed everyone here." He sadly said. "Where did you come from? When my village was still standing we did not get a lot of outsiders." he asks.
  2. blukey

    blukey Finest Moustache in the Kingdom Donator

    Wiggles lifted his head, seeing the smoke, and smelling it.

    He gestured for Vesuvis to move into the village, and that's when he saw it, he saw the destruction. He also saw a young child, and a woman, and it all suddenly came back to him. Memories flooded through him, of him talking to an elf and an orc, ""the name's Frost. Do you happen to be Ugos and Ella by any chance?" He remembered Laurel, he remembered the destruction, he remembered the orcs.

    His name was Frost, that woman was a healer, he tumbled off the horse, and crawled towards her.
  3. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    Aspathe glared down at Frost.
    "What do you want?"
  4. blukey

    blukey Finest Moustache in the Kingdom Donator

    Frost tried to gesture to his broken back, "you wouldn't mind making some extra coin?"
    He winced, and waited for the reply.

    Meanwhile, there was a dark and foreboding castle, not far off from Retribution, that town lay in ruins, long forgotten, the home of Aspathe and Raven. But the castle was not like your regular castle, it was... 'different'.

    Unlike other castles, the owner, had taken his advice from his generals, and made all necessary tunnels that led through the roof of the castle, too small for a man to fit through. A familiar set of armour lay on the throne, he stared out a window at The Shroud making its way to Prospor, in less than a day it would arrive, that would be the perfect distraction for anyone who would try and stop him.

    "Double the guards, weapons, and traps, I want anyone getting in here, without me knowing." Lord Skorge barked. The maintenance runners gave a half hearted nod and stiffly walked off to commence their duties. "Guards, always go in groups of at least two, and if your companion disappears, treat it as a full emergency," the troops briskly nodded, excited at the chance of stabbing something.

    "But sir... what could possibly go wrong? It's just a lizard, an elf, and an orc, surely they could not defeat your mightiness, what can they do?" Lord Skorge paused, his troops morale seemed low, they were being disrespectful, "What can they do?" Lord Skorge replied mockingly, then changed to a more serious tone. "This" the sword slashed the man across the chest, and he fell, clutching the wound, "you see? Flattery gets you nowhere! Get me a new advisor!"

    A man, sprawled into the room, he could barely be classified a man, he looked rather weak in Skorge's opinion. "He was immediately seized and brought to him, "What's your business here?" "My name's T-tyler, I came to investigate here, I've heard about some Skorge guy terrorizing places."

    "Well then, you've come to the right place, here I am!" "I ch-challenge you to a duel" "I don't do duels, I kill people." Tyler panicked, and tried to run, but was shot by an archer, Skorge walked over, turning him around, and lifting the sword. "WAIT WAIT! Before I die, can I at least know your supposed plan is?"

    Skorge didn't even pause, and stabbed him a second after he spoke, and threw his body to the side, "No."
  5. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    //1. why is Retribution suddenly destroyed; also, 'long forgotten'...? 2. why is skorge becoming the main villian? He was an alter-ego!
  6. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    //What about Gorth? ;~;
  7. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    //Gorth is...
  8. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    Zetan looked at the blue thing upon the horse coming towards them with a group of travelers. He had never seen that type of creature before and was amused that such life could be possible. Taking a second look, it looked like the thing was wounded badly. A pity. "What is that thing?" he said aloud.
  9. Mellian-Quar-Xililix

    Mellian-Quar-Xililix Haxor

    Vesuvis was greatly disssapointed at the wreckage that was once a village. He sighed sadly, "I guess I won't get mah bath."

    The charred remains of the village didn't frighten him. It was a fact of life when villages burn, from accidents, or from purpose. There were a few times in his life where he gave the order to set fire to a village, a town, or even a city. Aye, the burning of the great city of Flowrestown was a highlight of his rather boorish career as Ordermarshal. However, one thing didn't sit very well in Vesuvis mind. The people were all gone. Fire was not quick enough to burn intelligent creatures, unless they were either fettered by locks or ropes, or they were already dead. As they got closer to the village, he would have expected refuugees or vagabonds rebuilding and repairing what was left.

    Instead, he saw something better. A creature of immense beauty stood before him, wrapped in garmets weaved only by mythical faeries and endowed with a necklace crafted from materials that were dislodged from fallen stars. A creature of such beauty spoken only from legends and whispered among the elder men about the past times. Such a creature could only bring ill news.

    Vesuvis was immediately suspicious of this Elf and her child. Aspathe was her name, and creatures such as her used their beauty to lure unsuspecting lovestruck men into temptation in order to eat them. Or worse. Such a siren could not be trusted.

    Frost tried to gesture to his broken back, "you wouldn't mind making some extra coin?"

    Immediately Vesuvis sprung between them and raised his hands out. He said, "Wha, wha, wait a minute! Frost let me talk to you in private."

    He dragged Frost a few feet away from Aspathe and the child. He whispered at him menacingly, "Frost, who knows what this creature is capable of! She could turn you into a frog! Or a newt! Or a newtman!"

    He hesitated and looked Frost up and down, "Well I guess you are some sort of ugly lizard beast thing already. But my point still stands!"

    Turning around, Vesuvis cast a worrying look at the Elf known as Aspathe and the small child. Vesuvis said to Frost once more, "Who knows? Perhaps these two burned this village too!"
  10. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    With his question still unanswered, he eyed the other people with distaste as they talked without even paying him any attention other then suspicious stares. Then the older human male got hold of the horse with the blue thing and took him a couple of feet away and he could tell they were talking. With his better than average hearing he caught the last sentence of what the human male had said. Zetan protested. "W-we did not burn down the village sir, it was something far worse!" He shouted distastefully towards him. "It had red gleaming eyes and stood twice as tall as you, and it's horrible claws..." He wavered off and looked down. Zetan then looked back up and said frighteningly, "I-I-it was, a-a Demon!" He then sat back down and gave a few sobs.
  11. Mellian-Quar-Xililix

    Mellian-Quar-Xililix Haxor

    // um we were beside frost the whole time btw. Frost was actually on Vesuvis's horse. :3
  12. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    // Oh, let me re-word some things then.

    Edit; Better I hope?

    Edit again; Now Im confused for this is what blukey said His name was Frost, that woman was a healer, he tumbled off the horse, and crawled towards her.
  13. blukey

    blukey Finest Moustache in the Kingdom Donator

    "Well I guess you are some sort of ugly lizard beast thing, but my point still stands!"

    Frost bared his teeth in a rather unpleasant way, not unlike a prowling scavenger. "You're right, but I know this woman's a healer," he thought he saw a minuscule look of distraction in his eyes, headed towards the woman. He jabbed Vesuvis humorously in the ribs, "pay attention, you filthrag!"
  14. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    //remember to close quotation marks Blu ;p
  15. blukey

    blukey Finest Moustache in the Kingdom Donator

    //;p doin' it now, thanks for telling me.
  16. //After a few weeks of doing some hard things, I lost my motivation on posting here. Now with all that hard stuff aside, I've finally found motivation to post again. So, I WILL be posting more often. :D I know I have said multiple times that I will post more often, but didn't. This one if for reallllll.

    Raven decided to visit his home village. It had been a while since he had. When he came back however, the village was completely destroyed. He crossed his arms. "I'm gonna kill whoever did this." He mumbled to himself. He went to his house. Destroyed. Though, he saw the chest that he keeps in front of his bed. His money, tomes, supplies, and weaponry as well as crafting tools were still there. He then put them in his backpack. It was quite heavy for him, but he could still manage it. He looks around for other people.
    Cerbercre likes this.
  17. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    //Welcome back! :D
    Aegis likes this.
  18. Cerbercre

    Cerbercre Brolord 弟兄主 Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    //I have also found motivation to be active again. Btw we should start closing up shop and do the final prolouge. Once we finish this i'll totally do another RP with you guys. Cause i love you all. :)

    Deep inside the possessed body of Light, his true self lies dormant. He remembers the death of his father from Gorths hands. He is reliving all the agony and torture hes suffered in such a little time it seems nonhuman. Meanwhile the demon possessing his body.....

    "Ugh!!!, Being in this world is more boring then i thought.. I'm gonna have to go find some prey.." He says while he walks slowly away from Lights shack..
  19. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    // Just so everyone knows, I am active, but just waiting for other people to reply so we can get things going.
  20. Mellian-Quar-Xililix

    Mellian-Quar-Xililix Haxor

    "I-I-it was, a-a Demon!" The child started sobbing.

    Vesuvis eyed him at this revelation. Daimons? Vesuvis thought, A creature from beluaterra? He had not thought of the possibility of a daemonic creature from the Netherworld to this world. There were such creatures far in the Zuma land in Dwilight. Yes, it was indeed possible that daimons could have arrived here. Sickening beasts, shrouded in flame, seeking only the destruction of land and people.

    Of course, it still could have been lies made by that Aspathe woman. A cunning creature would have poisoned the mind of the youngling to convince it that another threat had made it. He would keep her... or it, under close watch. Perhaps she was the demon itself, and it was deceiving all of us under the illusion of a beautiful creature. Vesuvis did not trust her.

    "Poor child," Vesuvis shook his head sadly at Frost, "I know you are deeply attracted to this Aspathe woman, and I cannot blame you. She is indeed very handsome, nay, mightily beautiful."

    He grabbed Frost by the shoulders and shook him, "But get over it man! I understand your lust for her, your wanton need and desire gripped by your manhood, but get over it!"

    Vesuvis sighed. He let Frost slump on the ground. He turned to Vos, "This is perposterous and a waste of time. Fetch me a pot from the remains and pour me a bath."

    Immediately, Vos clammbered on to search for a container large enough for water.
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