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Action! Unlimited

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Rayne, Dec 5, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Ajax

    Ajax Arsonist

    I'm going to petition the American Civil Liberties Union to take down this hate-filled, English-only server

  2. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    this kind of behavior is why i added the caveat
    so i retract my vote that he be given a second chance. i won't argue one way or the other for this matter.
  3. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Here's what I've got on Brancaleone from this server, from personal chat logs:

    Impersonating xCUBE member, hate speech (?)
    chat-12-12-30 [10:49:02] <xCUBE Brancaleone> you will die
    chat-12-12-30 [10:49:11] <xCUBE Brancaleone> you black person

    Griefed, then switched teams
    chat-12-12-30 [10:52:53] xCUBE Brancaleone has joined Red Team
    chat-12-12-30 [10:53:15] <[CL] Gladiathor> xCUBE Brancaleone Griefer!!!
    chat-12-12-30 [10:53:25] * [RCON JUDGE thebonesauce] \freezeid 22185
    chat-12-12-30 [10:53:58] <xCUBE Brancaleone> just destroyed a trap door
    chat-12-12-30 [10:54:05] <Brandon816> that was more than a trap door

    Admitting his account was banned on another server (Beo's?)
    chat-13-01-02 [20:23:13] <Don Brancaleone> pasa q en el otro sv me banearon esta cuenta

    And, of course, speaking non-english on the server, at least up until Jan 2, 2013.
  4. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    I've seen this Brencaleone guy causing mischief before. I've had to mute him a few times too.

    Also I thought there was no rules to speaking other languages?
  5. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    What the fuck is wrong with speaking nonEnglish as long as he can speak English?

    Jesus Fuck, we shouldn't be BANNING people for that, we've run into several of those types a for a long time, if they're notretarded (AKA they actually play) leave them on, the more decent/at least not braindead players we have the better.
    Domis, vampo, neil_v and 5 others like this.
  6. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    The "only English" rule was a Beo's thing. No idea why people think Action has it, especially considering it's not in the list of rules in the OP.

    Also Branca was banned for griefing on MOLE if I remember right, not being offensive.
  7. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Yeah you cocksuckers, get it right. You give my shit a bad name. Too bad I dont run it anymore :D
    jeffeypop likes this.
  8. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Finally, someone who accepts me for my native language of Alpacanese...
    arcanecat likes this.
  9. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    Thank god I'm not the only one letting people play becasue they spoke another language.
    jeffeypop and BeasterDenBeast like this.
  10. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    Xcube is a clan filled with KKK members and bigots that build nothing but crosses.

    But regarding the rules of some servers, I guess they take communication into extreme account which is a valid reason since this game requires a lot of communication to get things done. However, it is still a little too harsh for them to physically ban players but that's their server and we're not anywhere to dictate how they should conduct their morals since they are the ones paying.

    Though English speakers that still resort to his/her mother tongue when majority of the players are communicating in English language can be quite obnoxious. Clearly they know the situation and choose to put up language barriers so there's not much team integrity in that at all (trust me, I've had to deal with people who felt they were being ignored since they spoke a language no one understood and started taking it into personal raging levels).

    On top of that, I do agree we should encourage the use of the english language, broken or not. At least in this game, that will communication easier to organize.
    rocker2 likes this.
  11. Brancaleone

    Brancaleone Catapult Fodder

    Jesus, you could betray your mom if necessary. You're a bunch of cops, execpt for BlueLuigi of course. cheers
  12. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    This thread is about the Action server, if you have a bone to pick with a clan, don't do it here.

    p.s. I would NEVER build a cross *gags* INVERSE CROSSES YOU IMBECILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    jeffeypop likes this.
  13. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    All so you have to piss on your face while hanging.
  14. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    My only real beef with non-english speakers are people who have entire conversations that I can often see the words, "admin/l'admin/etc." and a few other words I know are malicious or derogatory. A few times I've actually plugged some of their convos into a translator and saw a TON of hate speech toward the admins, server, and other players. Otherwise I'm not sure it really matters.
    PumpkingSlice likes this.
  15. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    ...what? please translate.
  16. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Well, you see, large crosses were used for crucifixion, so if the cross was upside down...
  17. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Inverted cross was originally a Christian symbol, adopted by anti-religious blokes and blokettes as an opposite for the main Christian icon. St. Peter was crucified on one of them bad boys.

    So, hah. Get back to your swastikas.
    jeffeypop and Beef like this.
  18. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis


    PumpkingSlice likes this.
  19. Ajax

    Ajax Arsonist

    Wait, they crucified him upside-down? That's fucking hilarious
    GloriousToast and thebonesauce like this.
  20. United States's citizens in charge of knowing history before 1492.
    jeffeypop likes this.
Mods: jackitch
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