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help please

Discussion in 'General Help' started by zode17, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. zode17

    zode17 Catapult Fodder

    iam not sure this is the right place to post this but iam on a laptop trying top play KAG on my desktop it runs fine but now on my laptop it runs terrible even in the menu its showing what it seems like frame rate problem but ive sent like 2 hours try to fix this even setting the global_v_dpp thing in autoconfig but that didnt work i set it to 16 and no help at all got rid of the mini map still nothing tryed changing the software nothing i need some help some one pleased:(
  2. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    whats your RAM and processing power?
  3. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Try updating all your drivers
  4. AL3X_j_M

    AL3X_j_M Shipwright

    Stating the obvious:
    -Power cycle your laptop
    -Reinstall KAG
    -Ensure no firewalls are blocking KAG

    Compare your labtop's specs with these:
    Lowest Hardware
    RAM: At least 128MB
    CPU: At least 1 core clocked @ 1Ghz
    Recommended Hardware
    RAM: 512MB
    CPU: 2 cores clocked @ 2Ghz

    Your graphics card/RAM/processor may not be able to handle KAG, even though KAG is optimized fairly well, if your labtop is older than six years I wouldn't put it past it that it is too weak to handle it.

    If you don't have 1 Ghz and 128MB of RAM your laptop is a piece of crap :o.
  5. Eden

    Eden Galen Slayer Donator

    I use a laptop, and i know i have more than 128MB, and 1.7Ghz, it's a shit box.

    But this also happened to me a while ago, a way i reduced this is using a program called "CCleaner" (download: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner) it's the best way (for me) to clean your cache file's/loose old shit(files) you don't use, all of that computer tech stuff like that, it cleans most of it, and fixes any Registry Errors.

    Run it, and it MIGHT fix it.

    If it doesn't work, just wait a while, that's what i did and it eventually wen't away.
  6. zode17

    zode17 Catapult Fodder

    all my drivers are updated