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Run for your life!

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Ceastel123, Dec 26, 2012.

Mods: jackitch
  1. hugoo38

    hugoo38 Builder Stabber

    map is beautiful but there is too many stone alone, so maps doesn't collapse :(
  2. SharpFighter

    SharpFighter Catapult Fodder

    They ask for answers. Not for tale.
  3. 1. How long you playing in KAG? 6 months
    2. How old are you? 15
    3. Do you have premium account? Yes
    4. How often do you play on the server? Which server?..I play everyday on lots of servers so i can help ban hackers
    5. Where are you from (in what languages you can speak...)? English America
    6. Did you ever have admins on other servers ? Yes
    7. Do you have now admins on other servers ? Sean's 4v4 server, Error's server, Tasty Cakes Hoho RTDM
    8. Why do you want to be admin? so i can ban hackers
    9. Add something back. ;) ????

    1. You must have skype. my name is ICrystalHD
  4. Ceastel123

    Ceastel123 Catapult Fodder

    Congratulations you have admin on all #Epic mod# servers !:)
    Accept invitation on skype ...
    Thanks for report.
    Sorry you don't have admin .
    Why? All is good but 12 years is a strange age... :/
    I think no :(
    Yeah map is really beautiful but doesn't want collapse :(
    SharpFighter likes this.
  5. Imaperson2

    Imaperson2 Catapult Fodder

    Aw Ceastel :C
  6. dandyking7179

    dandyking7179 Bison Rider

    Howdy fellas!

    I've been playing KAG for about a year and a half. I'm seventeen and I think I'm mature enough to handle the weight of being an admin.

    I've had my premium accont for a year give or take and I try to enjoy the KAG world whenever I can (Run for your life is a prioritary server for me)

    I live in Portugal so I can speak Portuguese. I also speek French (and English obviously :D)

    I've been admin on FW's servers (but I had enough of those servers) and Skylords v Invaders until it shut down.

    I'm not sure if the Official [Sin] server and rocker2's server are still up, but I'm admin on them.

    Of course I wanna be admin! My dream is one day to be KAG Guard.

    I have grown mature enough to handle the weight of being an admin. I am more tolerant now and don't freeze anyone who pisses me off (like I did like a year ago, and give me some credit I'm being honest :D). I wanna stay in KAG for as long as it stands, with a good community. That's why I won't mess up if I am admin, I can't mess up.

    Oh yes, and skype is in my signa.
    bunnie likes this.
  7. Ceastel123

    Ceastel123 Catapult Fodder

    I think you will be good admin ...
    More information i will send you on skype ;)
  8. dandyking7179

    dandyking7179 Bison Rider

    I'm on now ;) thanks!
    bunnie and arcanecat like this.
  9. kasra345

    kasra345 Haxor

    1. How long you playing in KAG?1-2 years
    2. How old are you?15
    3. Do you have premium account?yes
    4. How often do you play on the server?lots
    5. Where are you from (in what languages you can speak...)?english persiann
    6. Did you ever have admins on other servers ?yes
    7. Do you have now admins on other servers ?yes
    8. Why do you want to be admin?because i know how to treat hackers and spammers
    9. Add something back. ;)
  10. Panasonic

    Panasonic Builder Stabber
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I'm 18 years old and can't get enough of ur sever I don't see a lot of admins on ur server that much although I do see some hacker I love this server as I said I have a lot of forums experience and have been playing kag for 1i also have premium vein awared that for good behavior I play on ur sever everyday for 1 hour I speak English which most people on r server do I am admin on another server and own a server which classes as admin I am very experienced in catching people and want the opportunity to help u guys as much as I can. I want to be admin because I want to stop griefers hackers and spammers in the right way I like ur sever so mug whenever I we get on Skype we are like why server I'm like epic mod run.
    I can't hold this nxt line out.


    I also have Skype so we can talk and get more info

  11. Hey I really like your server maybe you could think about a stats page that would be interesting the deaths bit :P anyway nice server dudes and sick Maps where did u think on earth of making a server like this one
    Panasonic likes this.
Mods: jackitch