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Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by McChunks, Jan 21, 2013.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]


    1. The mysterious blue orbs have now not only surrounded the asteroid but have begun to merge. Within this huge azure bio-mass something is happening. A Neo-Bio-Scientologist might liken it to some sort of Phagocytosis, but none are within the sector.
    2. The innocent peaceful bio-vessel that was assimilating the mining ship was hit with a barrage of missiles, bringing the assimilation to an abrupt halt. The escort ship was then FLOODED on every channel with a message from The Sphyrna.

    " WE... ERROR... COME... ERROR... PEACE... ERROR..."
  2. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Watching the stars, the worringly innocent villagers marvel at the collisions and flashes that are taking place overhead; the sudden appearance of stars shocked them almost as much as the volcanic eruptions that where smothering the atmosphere in hot, sticky sulphurous ash.

    The chieftain turned to the shaman.
    "Is it still ready?", he asked, in the deep tones that more developed folk might deem similar to that of a native american.
    "'Course it is, whaddya think I am, just some old geezer?" replied the shaman. Nobody had ever questioned his accent, nor the way he wore a bowler hat at a jaunty angle. The villagers had always assumed that it took all sorts to make a tiny indigenous population of primitive tribespeople.

    The villagers stepped into the hut, leaving the plain empty, and in silence. The silence went on for a while, as the sky flashed eerily overhead; it wasn't simply an absence of noise, but the sound of any noise that may have otherwise taken place, simply, not. It was almost as if sound was being sucked from the area, leaving it's less welcome brother, Eric, to look after the situation.
    The ground around the hut began to vibrate rapidly.
    Beef likes this.
  3. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    The tower begins to rumble and shake with such intensity it almost breaks apart, but then; PEWPEWPEW.png

    Pew! With an eruption like God himself orgasming, the build up is discharged into space, at it's center a white hot ball of some form of metal, surrounded by a stream of magma!

    Meanwhile, the Fuckdragon takes this time to cocoon itself, as it's underlings both enjoy the view and continue construction on a version of the tower wider than it is tall.
    Varion and Birdman159 like this.
  4. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]


    1. The old near dead adult bio vessel, exhausted from exporting so much matter drifts right into the path of some form of hot ejaculate from the nearby planet. It narrowly escapes the projectile but something about its core scrambled all control systems. The resilient vessel still by the miracle of Xenu has some traces of life, Scorched and out of control it plummets towards the surface of a nearby planet.
    2. By now every communication channel of the Escort ship have been flooded with the same message, every monitor, every screen, every computer system. It's all the same thing, All of them show nothing but the same message from The Sphyrna, or can we even call it that anymore?

    "WE... ERROR... COME... ERROR... PEACE... ERROR...WE... ERROR... COME... ERROR... PEACE... ERROR..."
    Beef likes this.
  5. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    And then, as the flames of the village died down, the hut was gone, the sound returning with a faint pop as the vacuum was filled by atmosphere once again.


    Hurtling through space and time, the very essence of the hut seemed to squirm beneath the feet of the villagers, as if mud and straw weren't supposed to be able to hurtle through space and time; once again the chieftain cursed the names of the gods for creating a universe that acted in such an absurd and lawless way.

    "We 'ave to go quickly, see, 'cause mud 'n' straw ain't 'sposed to hurtle through space 'n' time, right? Where we goin' guv?" The chieftain stopped staring into the void, noticing the shaman staring right at him. He waved vaguely in the air.
    "Warriors? We need people to fight, and lead the people to fight. Great killers, great leaders, men the gods fear."
    The shaman nodded, and pointed to an antelope that hadn't been noticed before that moment.
    "Pull it's antler, ok?"

    The hut rematerialised in beneath several feet of solid concrete, and the staccato rattle of gunfire could be heard, muffled through the ground. A bit of straw fell off.​
    The chieftain stepped out of the doorway, flanked by the shaman; all they could see was a relatively short man holding a gun, next to a blonde woman lying prone. The man's clothing was unfamiliar to the chieftain, made up of beige tubes rather than the traditional ambiguous grass coverings that he was used to. He opened his mouth to speak, before the shaman barked out something in a strange and harsh language.​
    "Der verdammte Schlampe ist schon tot! Holen Sie in diesem verdammten Hütte, bevor ich dich in der arischen Rasse und auf der anderen Seite ficken!"​
    Beef likes this.
  6. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    Escort: "Not even a dent? Sphyrna, come in!"
    Sphyrna: *Static*
    Escort: "Sphyrna, do you read?"
    Sphyrna: *Static*
    Escort: "Damnit! They aren't responding. Engage the sublight engines, shields and get us to a safe distance."
    *Ship turns around and engages it's thrusters*
    Sphyrna: "Let the HQ know of our situation immediately."
  7. Declare.

    A huge multicolored light beam shoots off from the structure to the nearest asteroid. The asteroid seems to be absorbed by a ball of red light and pulled closer to the structure. The structure seems to examine the asteroid, now thrumming with light and energy.

    Volcanic activity proceeds. Lava begins to flow downhill to nearby basins.

  8. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    That awkward moment when the picture doesn't show up in your post, but when i quote it to tell you that, it's here....... Declare

    The cubes pull together to form a large, no longer black structure, which is pulsating with energy. This structure begins to manufacture new, less ugly cubes to take their place, they also dissapear from the moon, which does NOT expand 2 pixels this turn. ppw5.png

    Attached Files:

    • ppw4.png
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      124.9 KB
  9. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Alpacas post is VOID for lack of effort...

    REDO IT: then post

    CastleStormer, Beef and Fate like this.
  10. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Don't you touch my glow cubes :D

    Arcrave, fine. I'll make the effort come now, you just cant wait 1 more turn can ya?
  11. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]


    The ship formerly known as The Sphyrna suddenly extends tentacles made of biomass at the Escort ship, slowing down its would-be escape just long enough to accomplish its goal. Soon the captain and his crew would know a horror unlike anything they've ever witnessed. Unbeknownst to him and his crew some very awful thing... made it on to the back of the ship.


    No. redu that last image you posted... at the very least use the circle tool and have nice looking things, everyone else is putting alot of effort into this. i understand you have a plan, but at least put in some actual effort when building up to that, or else you diminish what everyone else has done.
    Rayne likes this.
  12. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    The Gorg Empire has been busy, it seems they re-fit their ships with better parts for better protection.


    It also seems that they have begun to terraform their colony and have built a high-tech fence around it. Also coming from beyond, three frigates have appeared to better protect the main cruiser from hostile encounters. A better question comes into mind, where is their flagship?
  13. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    The factory continues producing new cubes, or cell ships. Some of them begin to radiate a strange hue, and then gravitate towards each other, forming a larger frigate ship composed of the smaller cell ships, orbiting the factory just above the planet's atmosphere. What's strange is that none of these ships appear to have weapons...

    back by popular demand: the wild alpaca's natural ability to give a fuck. It's back, and it's better than evar.
  14. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    Inside the escort ship...
    Commander: "What's our status?"
    A: "They are gaining on us, sir! We cannot shake them!"
    B: "They seem to have launched some kind of tendrils, they hit the the rear and middle compartments 29 and 42!"
    C: "We detect no lifesigns in the hit sections."
    Lights turn off and on
    Commander: "Damn, they hit our power generation now."
    Commander turns on the shipwide intercom
    INTERCOM: "Attention all personnel. We have been boarded. Due to the unknown entity doing that, we take no chances and evacuate the ship. Head to the nearest escape pods immediately. I repeat, head to the nearest escape pods immediately."
    Commander to A: "Trigger the self-destruct, four minutes."
    A: "Yes sir."
    3.5 minutes have passed, power fluctuations have stopped, main power is no longer online. Blue, fleshy, tendrils have been reported by the escapees to move at rapid speed throughout the whole ship. Everything caught in it assimilated into the alien entity, both organic and inorganic.
    A: "Sir, we have to go now, most escape pods have ejected now!"
    Commander: "Very well, let's hope the reinforcements make it in time."
    tl;dr: The ship was being infected by the alien entity, making the commander issue an order for complete evacuation and self-destruction of the ship.
  15. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    The white hot ejaculate continues it's path in the general direction of the viney ships, as the falling shark continues it's path towards the innocently confused villagers.


    More interestingly however, the comm links of the vine ships are receiving a frequency that seems to be coming from the Egg!

    Let's listen in.

    E: We are now detecting a video signal as well! Our receiving devices seem unable to process the immense amount of information being conveyed, but our top eggheads have converted all the information into one easily understood image;

  16. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    Explosions in the ship trigger secondary explosions, engulfing the entire ship.
    Meanwhile the escape pods drift further away from the ship.
  17. Declare.

    The structure, completing its analysis and something else ( surprise!), it points the meteor towards the nearby planet and launches a pulse of energy through the connecting laser, and launches the meteor into the volcano. The meteor surprisingly makes a small crater, but it cracks open. Inside it is dark, but a red glow can be seen.

    The structure then turns back towards another meteor and grabs it, pulling it closer. (OOC The laser design is different, but it is the same, just felt this one was easier and looked better.

    The bio-vessel finally crashes into the ground, splitting into multiple pieces, and creating a large amount of smoke and fire.
  18. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    The explosions were not enough to destroy the ship along with the alien entity. While the ship remains inoperable (for now), it is rapidly being restructured by the entity, finding ways to pull the ship back together from bits and pieces.
  19. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    The hut continued to casually hurtle through space and time, strange shapes looming into sight outside the door before being whisked away by the winds of time. Because time has fucking wind. Fuck physics.

    Suddenly, the hut stopped, wobbling slightly. A great whummpf could be heard as something hard collided with straw; a shiney torpedo like structure had embedded itself in the roof of the hut, and, through a green tinted window, the villagers could see a mans face, gawping with surprise.
    The shaman ran across the room, looked outside, and ran across the room to the antelope.


    The hut rematerialised in a comfortable square room, with a large animal skin seat, and a great metal screen on a box placed against the wall. The smell of cooked bacon wafted into the hut.
    The shaman ushered the villagers out of the hut, and looked at the torpedo embedded in the roof. A hatch clanged on the other side.

    //This picture is the one that happens next:
    Fate, you'll need to decide which dudes were in that pod, and talk to me, bud, talk to me! There may be bacon in it for you.
  20. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    Seems the Gorg Empire has expanded even more. A small band of elite ships is even venturing outside their comfort zone. Oh look, another Cruiser has come out of the dark beyond!


    Looks like they are even planning to blow up the volcano. What they expect that to do, is a mystery
Mods: BlueLuigi