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Medal of Honor Warfighter

Discussion in 'Other games' started by Graver, Feb 7, 2013.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Graver

    Graver Haxor


    If the judge of the War Warrior by its cover, it would belong to the school scale of five plus. But, unfortunately for the new MoH-a, we estimate the interior, and it is not as rosy.
    The promotional campaign of the new Medal of Honor Electronic przyznałbym us at least ... medal. Let it be even Medal of Honor. Because surfing the Internet, and what do I see? Every other page advertisement greets me Warfighter. I turn on the TV and analogous situation - everywhere Warfighter. I open the fridge - again Warfighter, somewhere behind the salad. Recipe for textbook hype guaranteed, and that the brand is known, the players and the expectations very high. Even though the latest "Medal" was not recognized by reviewers as a product of the highest quality.
    Warfighter seemed to have aspirations to change for the better. Trąbiono after that the game was created in collaboration with the Special Forces soldiers and the missions were based on real operations - all worked on the imagination of consumers, who - probably like me - sharpening their teeth in anticipation of the premiere. I finally came to pass, the game jumped on store shelves, and I started to ogrywania. Enough for me suddenly a few minutes with the new MoH-em, I know what I'm dealing with - the festival niewyciągniętych applications.
    Medal of Honor: Warfighter (phew, how good it is that no one came up with a brilliant idea to translate the title into Polish) unfortunately suffers from the same affliction as another pumped as much marketing game from Electronic Arts egidy, the third Battlefield I mean anodyne single-player campaign. It is very interesting to note that though both of these titles were developed by two different teams, and yet, in many ways, they are too similar. Unfortunately, in a negative sense. A pity, because certainly no shortage of players who bought the new MoH-and precisely because of the campaign, which not only did not kidnap, it's still enough for two evenings. Playing an game on normal difficulty I had bigger problems to finish the game in 5 hours. Enough? A lot? In the same time? Depends on how you look at it. I for one was glad that it's over.
    In order not to be groundless, I hasten to explain why the campaign in the new MoH-in caps does not break off. First of all we have to do the surgery, from which many modern FPS creator s not even trying to go. Talking about the system very complicated passages. The game constantly pushes us forward when the only right way and that does not even have to think even the excuse of freedom. We go like clockwork, which is indeed so tangled that we do not know what really goes out. The story from the very beginning thrashes me left and right. Once cast me into the fray as a soldier X, another time jump in the shoes of a soldier Y, and already the best on <tu put liczbę> hours before the event Z. After the first few missions ceased to follow what's going on, because in all this just confused .
    Yet that is all zazębiało in a whole, but really we are just dealing with a cluster of structurally similar mission. Or someone chasing, or fighting against terrorists, or push off hostages. The central character is known from previous reads MoH-a Preacher, who - not hide - the most expressive form should not be. And here he had yet to face his wife, who does not fully "supports his passion." We also have the nickname of the main antagonist cleric and a whole lot of explosive pentrytu to be reflections of the hands of terrorists or preferably detonate on the spot. So the idea of ​​a standard, low and devoid of surprises involving story ready. Now just pour boiling water and stir hard.
  2. dnmr

    dnmr Ministry of ban Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    great read. Might actually try the game now
    Jim_Dale, Varion and Ej like this.
  3. Graver

    Graver Haxor

    This game is realy fantastic :)
  4. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Nah, I think I'll leave the spunk-gargle-wee-wee in the spunk-gargle-wee-wee puddle. :3
    Fate and dnmr like this.
Mods: BlueLuigi