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RP- The Shroud descends

Discussion in 'Spamcan' started by zollie20, Oct 1, 2012.

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  1. blukey

    blukey Finest Moustache in the Kingdom Donator

    "Ok! I'll just go… somewhere…" Frost saw a horse, trapped under rubble, he raced over, throwing the debris off. He tried to pat the horse, but it's teeth clamped down on his fingers. "Yeeeeeeeooowww!" he yelled, clutching his bloody fingers, and looking up again, he was riding on that horse, no matter the cost. He landed on his back for the eighth time, failing once again to mount it, he dug through the trash, looking for something useful.
  2. XyellowX

    XyellowX Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    Ella and Marvel soared through the sky towards Temor, following the path of the zombie griffin.
    The town had been almost destroyed by The Shroud once before... But seen as it had just attacked Prospor, a repeat incident seemed unlikely. Still, she wasn't taking chances.
  3. Cerbercre

    Cerbercre Brolord 弟兄主 Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Thy creature was right over Temors sky. Ryes was shaking in his boots with his hands over his head.
  4. ~Kylar~

    Exiting the castle, he turned toward the other side of the crater, more mountains.

    There, his goal was. His life would be complete. Any who blocked his way shall receive a special present he just acquired.

    He smiled and snickered, left hand glowing dark blue.
  5. "Annnnnd it's right above Temor." Raven said as he stared at the creature. "Hmm... Who knows what this thing could do." Arthen wondered
  6. Cerbercre

    Cerbercre Brolord 弟兄主 Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Ryes puts his arms over his head as he hear the furious flapping of dead wings around him. The thought of "Why is this happening to me of all people" Did not cross his mind what so ever, for once he actually thought to himself... "I'm trying to become a man.. a brave hero.. someone that i can be proud of.. proud of myself" he clutches his hair and trys to stand up with tear filled eyes but struggles.
  7. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    Ugos's stalker was neither man nor Orc nor any species known to Prospor. It was a being of complete malice, enshrouded in a purple, swirling mass. Bright cyan eyes gleamed from its upper torso, but its body was not distinguishable enough to say it had a head.
    Its task was simple; bring the orb to his master.
    His obstacle, too, was simple. Or so he thought.

    After a day or two of trailing, waiting and observing, the Orc's patterns became obvious to it. It walked, ate, and made a small rune every night in the earth. Disregarding the minor magic, the being waited for a chance to leap. While the Orc slept, the creature was reluctant to attack. This was mainly due to a recent attack where a Stelk (a stag-like animal with steel antlers and stone-like fur) attacked the Orc at midnight, only to disappear with a squeal as a stick stuck into its head from the completely awake Orc.

    Finally, with Ugos's goal in sight, it saw its chance; the Orc was staring behind him, as if aware of his stalker. Soundlessly, it crept from tree to tree. As it neared its quarry, it glimpsed the orb hanging at the Orc's large waist.
    Its eyes gleamed and its dark claws unfurled as terrifying thoughts filled its head. Snarling without a sound, it made to pounce-
    The tree swayed as a small earthquake rocked the area. It glanced at the Orc, expecting to see it confused and frightened; instead, it was smiling. In his direction.
    "Think I haven't noticed you, huh? Yeah. This hunk of meat aint the sharpest axe in the armoury, but I know when i'm being watched.
    You should really ask a doctor about your habit. Also, get him to patch what's left of you together while your there-"
    The rest of his speech was cut off as a huge head burst the ground asunder from behind the Orc. It looked with crazed, reptile eyes at the malevolent being and jumped out of the fissure. It was a Giant Earth Salamander, native to the eastern deserts. What took the being by surprise was the rune carved on its head; the same one the Orc had been practicing!
    "Hssssss!!!" It hissed at the larger creature, who recoiled.
    But it recovered with a huge bellow.
    The stalker narrowly missed a great snapping maw as it danced off its previous tree. As it made to leap again, a stick came thudding into its chest. Pink mist bled from the wound.
    "Orccc.... you is not done.... one small victory againsssst me... isss nothink!"
    With a short screech, it vanished into a purple cloud, and then that too was gone.
    Ugos frowned and tapped the ground. The salamander, cheated of its prey, snarled.
    Let it be said even the greatest magisters of Orcs weren't the best. Ugos overlooked the fact that when the salamander's prey was gone, it would keep hunting. The great reptile's eyes blinked down at the Orc.

    How do you do?"
  8. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    Zetan could clearly see the creature land and then start to attack the town.

  9. Cerbercre

    Cerbercre Brolord 弟兄主 Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    //Sigh come on guys if your losing faith to RP then just say so, so we can start a new one.
  10. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    //let us prepare for the final battle then.
    Gorth frowned. His minion had failed him. Naturally, it was killed on the spot, however he lacked an agent to grab that accursed Orc's findings. His current staff were all busy already... No, he needed to find someone out in Prospor...
  11. Cerbercre

    Cerbercre Brolord 弟兄主 Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    //Sigh then if were preparing i guess i'll get it over with i was hoping for a more long dramatic touching story but w.e

    As the Zombie like flying creature landed down in Prospor he noticed Ryes and prepared to charged towards the rock but Scorn having been saved by a stranger and shown love from someone other then the long deceased Light he jumped off the tree he was hanging on and set himself back on fire landing directly on the Zombie, It stopped in its place and let out a horrifying painful yelp. Ryes looks up quickly too see what happened to his tear full eyes its something he couldnt imagine, a creature he just met, just made a first connection with.... suddenly in the middle of that thought the Zombie swung its paw and ripped Scorn to pieces. Ryes pupils went... his eyes were pure hollow.. Hes scared of everything, he could never do anything but live in that small house in his home town.. all alone. It was a severe mental blow for all the things that have happened to him. He slams his hand with the gauntlet onto the stone he was hiding behind and it splits it in. He looks up at the Zombie with a Demonic look on his face, Ryes has just snapped. His long years of running, jumping, hiding have given him incredible stamina and ability to move his body to his very whim, he looks as if he takes off the ground and is just hovering for a split second but in reality he just kicked the ground back. He flys forward and goes straight through the Zombie ripping it right in half, tearing its heart right out with his gauntlet hand. He throws its heart against a stone and slams his foot on it. But suddenly it gets back up... He notices "Oh.. this obviously must be a Zombie.." He says quietly to himself and looks up at the Zombie torso pawing itself towards him with a gruesome look. As he looks at its pitiful state the body of Scorn slowly burns out like a phoenix when it dies.. the ashes fly through the wind. Some of the ashes gather around his gauntlet arm and burns into his right arm. He looks at his arm thinking hes being attacked but he noticed its the rune markings that were on scorn.. He looks at the zombie holds his arm out and blows a flaming crater into the ground going 100's of feet down. The magic of this creature slowly flows off its dead ashes and flys towards Gorths castle. He knows what he must do now to get revenge for his only friends death.
  12. //its just people arent as dedicated anymore since its end of holidays. sad isnt it? :|
    zollie20 likes this.
  13. blukey

    blukey Finest Moustache in the Kingdom Donator

    //I'll stay dedicated, at least I'll try, I care about this RP. But it has run its course, it needs to finish.

    Frost had used the apple to coax the horse into accepting him, and he swiftly rode off, he rode off into the distance. Unbeknownst to him, he was going in the complete opposite direction of where he should be, but he kept on riding, convinced he was heading the right way. He pulled into a cemetery, maybe there was something there he could use. He read the rusted sign, trying to make out the words, but he couldn't.

    He had no idea where he was now, he started to think about just riding off in a random direction, when he heard a loud noise. He looked around the corner to see a hooded figure, battling skeletons with magic of all kinds.
  14. XyellowX

    XyellowX Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    A pillow of smoke could be seen, rising up from the edge of Temor as Ella and Marvel neared the town. As they neared it she realised underneath it.. was a crater. She spotted what appeared to be a zombie limb lying next to it.
    "Well..." She said to Marvel, because talking to animals is perfectly normal "Looks like someone already dealt to the griffin..."
    zollie20 likes this.
  15. "Hm...So what now?" Raven asked to Arthen. "I can sense something...That will come. It'll be coming for you, Raven." Arthen warned to him. "Joy." Raven said sarcastically.
  16. Cerbercre

    Cerbercre Brolord 弟兄主 Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    //its the end of holidays..? Whut
  17. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    Zetan watched as the mortal completely obliterated the creature in a wall of fire that left an impressive crater in the middle of the town. Wanting not to expose himself, he decides that it would be better to watch.
  18. Cerbercre

    Cerbercre Brolord 弟兄主 Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Ryes walks along a stone path in the woods that exits to the main road that leads out of Prospor.. As we know the main road to Prospor also leads to Gorths Castle. He clutches his fist and slams it on the tree. Fire flys across the trees setting the forest aflame.
  19. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    Zetan follows the mortal that had killed the creature in bird form for a short while. He then saw the mortal punch a tree, causing flames to shoot out and engulf the forest slowly, but steadily. Certainly no mere mortal could do such a feat, it must be something more...He continued to fly, high in the air.
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