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Conspiracy Theory: I'm bored

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by AL3X_j_M, Feb 4, 2013.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. AL3X_j_M

    AL3X_j_M Shipwright

    Navy Seal, Chris Kyle, with years of experience and, more than likely, something to hide: killed.

    The perpetrator was Eddie Ray Routh, who served as a marine for four years:
    -"Family man".
    -No criminal record, except one DWI charge.
    -Unemployed, listed as a "reserve", he had family, so he wasn't living the worst life possible.
    -Only motive is PTSD, but why kill someone who he knew, on a gun range?

    Long story short, the U.S. government killed Chris Kyle who was about to publish a book (I have no proof of this) about his experiences and end George Bush's 4th term in office. The government could use Routh's family as leverage to coerce him into his dastardly shenanigans.

    "Routh is currently unemployed, Bryant said. He could not confirm whether Routh was on medication or was diagnosed with PTSD.
    Routh’s mother, who is a teacher, may have contacted Kyle to “help her son,” Bryant said at the press conference. “We have an idea that that’s why they were at the range, for some kind of therapy that Mr. Kyle assists people with.”
    I don’t understand the concept of taking someone who suffers from PTSD to a shooting range, especially if they are as mentally unstable as this guy was?
    Has anyone heard of this type of therapy before?"


    witnesses told sheriff’s investigators that the gunman opened fire on the two men around 3:30 p.m., then fled in a pickup truck belonging to one of the victims. The sheriff’s department didn’t get a call until around 6 p.m.

    'the motive of the shooting remained unclear, [Officer] Bryant said. “Not a clue; absolutely no idea.”'


    After reading this article, I figured it's possible it was a conspiracy, however unlikely. I still doubt believe it's a conspiracy, but some other people had similar ideas, admittedly, before me. :(http://patdollard.com/2013/02/consp...onth-along-with-30-seals-the-past-four-years/ . Disclaimer: I completely, 100%, absolutely ascribe myself to these conspiracy theories. No doubt. Certainty. Absolute. :)
  2. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    I love this stuff.

    George Bush was a mere 'puppet' in the Republican's/higher power's plan. The whole 9/11 catastrophe could have possibly been a ploy by the US government for a reason to them and go into the Middle-East to take their oil.
    AL3X_j_M likes this.
  3. Ampharoz

    Ampharoz Catapult Fodder

    Must be the Aliens.
  4. Tro

    Tro I like pizza

    I thought it was jews. :-o
  5. AL3X_j_M

    AL3X_j_M Shipwright

    Nah, they're too busy killing women and children on the border of Israel to bother Americans, except those multiple times Israel has attacked American soldiers.
  6. Vaine

    Vaine Horde Gibber

    What did I just read
Mods: BlueLuigi