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Fight or Flight?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SpitfireXero, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. SpitfireXero

    SpitfireXero KAG Guard Tester

    Against what odds does it become high time to run away? As an Archer/Knight? The 'threshold' so to speak is probably higher for the Knight, but often times the Archer has potential to take on more enemies at once then the Knight. The idea for this discussion is to figure out just how many one person can take on before fighting is no longer the ideal action. Some confounding variables are that there are different combinations of classes that require less numbers before you realize it's better to flee. Another is simply the players skill level. We're going to assume that Player 1 is a skilled Knight and Archer; His enemies are a mix of low level noobs and veterans.

    Just to clarify, I'm not asking which class can get a higher KDR before dying, because you could easily wait for each enemy to come, one by one. The idea is that there is a mob of enemies coming your way, at least two or more. By the end of the discussion hopefully there will a general consensus of when it you should fight or flee.

    hopefully this convo doesn't hit a dead end right away, I'd like to see feedback

    To start:

    The Knight can take a minimum of three enemies on. If there are three archers, though, it might be best to take cover. A combination of two archers and one knight is still something that you can hold your ground against as long as you push the Archers back first.

    Assuming the Archer is being rushed on the ground, I think only two at a time is smart. Dispute?
  2. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    I am a knight player.

    I will flee at 4 knights rushing at me, unless i'm close to the flag. 3 knights I will take on. I will take on more knights if I have a bomb and i'm in a position to use it for maximum kill potential. Knights and archers, it depends on the skill level of both, or either, as an unskilled knight and archer would allow me to take both of them. Any more than that and it's very dependent on skill, such as a knight and 2 archers, or 2 knights 1 archer.
    3 or more archers and I hold my ground/flee, it's impossible to get close to them. Sometimes I throw a bomb.

    If someone is taking away the flag, you can pit me against 100 knights and i'll try and jump on their heads to the flag carrier :3.

    I doubt you mean to say minimum 3 enemies, that's still a dangerous predicament. I'd definitely rather take on 1 knight than 3 at once..
  3. SpitfireXero

    SpitfireXero KAG Guard Tester

    Well of course! I'd rather take on one knight as well, even three can be a hassle sometimes. It requires a lot of shield bashing to separate them enough so that you can safely take one after the other. When two are coming at you, charging up your slash attack and going right for them will usually net you a double kill assuming there are ideal circumstances (Not too much lag, they're both very close to each other, neither are shielding)
  4. CrazyMLC

    CrazyMLC Shipwright

    I never run away, I ALWAYS charge.
    There's isn't much reason not to, anyway. You might win any fight coming your way, too.
  5. czubai

    czubai KAG Guard Tester

    I run only when completely overwhelmed AND I see a wave of my allies approaching. Attacking in waves is usually more effective than antyhing I could do alone. As an archer most of the time I can pick off workers and other archers while avoiding knights, that's good enough because I keep them all in one place or at least slow down their advance. Sometimes I'll manage to jump over the knights and drag them towards their base, even ladder on their roofs and cause all sorts of chaos. Usually 30++% of the enemy team try to chase me when I get on their structures, that's a major disadvantage on the frontlines. As a knight I just try to damage/hold them in one place.
  6. Chosen

    Chosen Shopkeep Stealer

    Depends on what position I'm in.
    Important (at the enemy spawn, defending flag carriers):
    Knight: As much as possible before dying. Stalling the enemy at the spawn, even though you can only push them back and perhaps kill one? Worth it. Only one heart and a bomb? Take the bomb in your hand, jump in the midst of the mob... And watch.
    TL;DR: As much as possible.

    Archer: If I have knights backing me up, perhaps stay for a bit. If there aren't any, it's very likely the important spot is an enemy spawn/outpost, so I'd run, perhaps shoot a few of them on my way back.

    Favorable (at the top of a tunnel, in a trap-ridden area):
    Knight/Archer: Ohboyherewego

    Unfavorable (the 'opposite' situations as favorable):
    Knight: Hold the point until reinforcements arrive.

    Normal position: I'll retreat when I see four knights backed up by two archers.
  7. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    As a builder, I will take on the entire enemy team with mario jumping and hammer time.
    That's probably why I go 20-100 when I play builder.
  8. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

    "Reatreat! to hell!" - USMC ;)
  9. laurentiu

    laurentiu Ballista Bolt Thrower

    For me it`s just a matter of how many allies I have with me and how confident I am that I can handle the situation, at that particular moment.