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Video KAG's Highlights

Discussion in 'KAG Media' started by Kougar, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Kougar

    Kougar Shipwright

    I'm starting a project, since I think KAG has potential, making videos about some of the best highlights in King Arthur's Gold. I just finished "week 1", I'm really open to criticism and comments, constructive of course. I know these might not be the best highlights, that's why I want to improve, and if you'd like to send me your highlights, send them to kaghighlight@gmail.com

    That being said, if you have a minute to spare (Yes, there's only 3 highlights, maybe more?) go check out the video, and I'll appreciate if you tell me what you think about it or what should be added/removed.

    Finally, I know it's KAG, but make sure to change quality to HD, it's way more enjoyable ;)

    Thanks and enjoy!

    Beepo, rocker2, Bint and 1 other person like this.
  2. darDar

    darDar KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester

    I can´t see any video in your post
  3. If you are using Chrome click the shield near the top right corner and then on "load anyway".
    darDar likes this.
  4. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    First of all, I got to say that I'm really hype someone is making these kind of videos. I think we have a terrible shortage of highlight reels.

    Couple criticisms though:
    It's very difficult to see what's going on, even full screen. Try to crop the video so that it's using the whole youtube window, and consider zooming in even further so you just get the action. This is compounded by the fact that it's not from the view of the player so it's not centered on them and we don't get to see their +1s.

    Music is nice but not synched with the gameplay. If you watch a lot of acclaimed montages they synch up the gameplay with music so that beats coincide with attacks and times of high energy with fast parts of songs and etc. Definitely not a difficult thing to do though, especially when you're just starting up, but I'd recommend experimenting with that.

    Also I don't really get the point of the first clip. It's just one guy slashing another guy. The other two weren't bad though.

    Also, here are a few clips I haven't worked into my own montages:

    Lemme know if you want to use them or anything else off my channel and I can give you the raw footage.
    rocker2 and CheeseMeister like this.
  5. darDar

    darDar KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester

    thanks @CheeseMeister

    @Krougar, I like your idea but maybe try to find better highlights next time.
    But keep up your idea :sword:
    also this is not really Full HD
  6. Bint

    Bint Haxor

    Love the idea of this : o
    I don't think that would be that simple, it's not like a Cod montage where they can easily arrange short cuts of them sniping, you need to be able to see the strategy instead of random slashes.
  7. Kougar

    Kougar Shipwright

    Thanks for the comments, I'll start working on the next video soon, I'll find better highlights and more of them, I'm just not sure about how to crop, I'll contact you soon Contrary for the footage (Nice skills!) and maybe a few questions about editing.
