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Perfect Kills

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Alpaca, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Yeah, it's fun going on knight rampages and killing hoards of enemies all by yourself, or spamming arrows across an entire battlefield, but what about that one intimate moment, when you bring a single one of your adversaries to their perfect end? Were you a builder who got into a sticky situation and ended up dropping tons of blocks onto an enemy knight, as well as themselves, but glitched through them and lived while the knight died? An archer who shot a knight point blank just as they were slashing? A Knight who somehow managed to kill Maverick 1 vs 1 (photographic evidence or it didn't happen)? We've all had those few moments playing kag where we just had to step away from the keyboard and take a moment for an imaginary victory lap, let's hear them.

    Here's mine:
    I was too laggy to play as knight or builder, so i was an archer, on a skybridge since the terrain wasn't friendly for close combat on the ground. After Killing Bruthsaw a few times, once when she was escaping with our cata, and taking away her health so that people who wouldn't have otherwise been able to kill her were able to do so on multiple occasions, she started getting mad, telling me to cease my incessant archer spam. Then, she bombjumped over, but missed the section of skybridge that I was standing on, and instead hit our tower, and slid down slowly. When she hit the ground, I shot an arrow, and took away half of her health. She had a number of knights advancing towards her, so she began to retreat.

    I fired my arrows at her, but they all either missed or were shielded. Then, she made a move to escape into a deep hole dug by her teammates, I fired one last arrow in after her, and hoped that at would hit as she receded from my sight. And what happened? Did the arrow hit her just when she thought she was safe? Did it curve perfectly down through the hole, to hit her just as she thought there was no way I could have gotten her? Did I make that perfect shot from over an entire screen away? No. Just a moment after she disappeared from my view (it was one of the really big zooms too, the one on action that not all servers have enabled), I got a +1 and a message that said "Alpaca pushed Bruthsaw onto a spike trap". Yes. As an archer, from god knows how many blocks away, I pushed her onto a spike trap.

    [18:25:17] <bruthsaw> alpaca arrow spamming ass
    [18:25:18] <porotix> BOMBS THERE
    [18:25:19] <FELLR Alpaca> namine loves bieng pierced by my arrows
    [18:25:20] * [RCON Brandon816] /banid 42007 -1
    [18:25:21] MicroKosmic left the game
    [18:25:22] <FELLR Alpaca> and that wasn't arrow spam
    [18:25:25] <GreenRock> lel
    [18:25:26] <FELLR Alpaca> that was fully charged shot
    [18:25:26] <Seek SouthofHeaven> what did micro do?
    [18:25:27] <FELLR Alpaca> s
    [18:25:27] <Brandon816> he was doing that earlier, so im just banning
    [18:25:33] <MOLE Titmau5> wheres muh overlord
    [18:25:35] <Brandon816> trying to grief this bridge
    [18:25:35] goisa left the game
    [18:25:39] <Seek SouthofHeaven> ah
    [18:25:42] <PitCr markboy789> :L
    [18:25:42] New player joined the game
    [18:25:42] Unnamed player is now known as AeroAce
    [18:25:43] AeroAce has joined Blue Team
    [18:25:46] <FELLR Alpaca> LOL
    [18:25:46] <bruthsaw> How...
    [18:25:48] <FELLR Alpaca> SUCK IT
    [18:25:48] <bruthsaw> How.
    [18:25:50] New player joined the game
    [18:25:50] Unnamed player is now known as Icidium
    [18:25:51] Icidium is now known as xCube Icidium
    [18:25:51] xCube Icidium has joined Red Team
    [18:25:51] <porotix> go away
    [18:25:53] <bruthsaw> YOU DID NOTHING!
    [18:25:54] <Brandon816> left side here
    [18:26:01] <FELLR Alpaca> THAT'S HOW
    [18:26:09] New player joined the game
    [18:26:09] Unnamed player is now known as MrIcarus
    [18:26:09] MrIcarus is now known as SHARK MrIcarus
    [18:26:09] SHARK MrIcarus has joined Blue Team
    [18:26:11] <FELLR Alpaca> omg that's too fucking perfecgt
    [18:26:15] <FELLR Alpaca> i can't stop laughing
    [18:26:24] <SHARK MrIcarus> :/

    That really made my day :D
  2. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    Idk if this makes it to the perfect kills rank,
    but i remember throwing an explosive lantern at mechatrickster while he was going to bomb jump and it killed him
    butterscotch likes this.
  3. Adinxs

    Adinxs Bison Rider

    My best kill yet, to this date.
    I was fighting some random knight who had an archer covering him, I had already fought a bit before so I was low on health. After exchanging a few jabs he had sent me to half a heart. I thought I was about to die so I just decided to jump as much as I could so I could waste his time. Then, he gets right next to me, with a fully charged slash and is about to unload when the archer fires. For some reason, when the ENEMY arrow hit me it went through me, hit the knight who was about to kill me, and kills him and the best part is it counted the arrow as MY kill.
  4. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    that's hilarious.
  5. Adinxs

    Adinxs Bison Rider

    I like to imagine I grabbed it mid-flight and stabbed him with it.
    Alpaca likes this.
  6. darkenite

    darkenite Haxor

    hmm i have a few perfect kills picking one is hard but i know one that will always stand out to me. its goes something like this

    i come up to a cata with two knights with it one in the cata the other shooting it so i get a arrow ready and think to my self how cool would it be if i shoot the knight just as he shot out of the cata. i shoot my arrow just as the cata fire and i do hit the knight as he fly's out of the cata killing him i also hit the cata and brake it. Not only that i kill the knight shooting the cata and i do all of this with one arrow.

    Honestly its not my most perfect kill i have plenty more that took far more skill and a lot less luck but it damn well hast to be one of my coolest so there ya go.
  7. Zuboki

    Zuboki KAG Guard Tester

    Hmm. In the old days, I used to live by stonefall traps; one of the most memorable was at match start. I was on red with a team of builders, and they had a full rushing force of knights. My teammates who didn't fall back were quickly slaughtered, and the knights were forming a shield ladder right outside our tower. I dropped 3 stones in an L formation, and killed the entire rushing force- I think 6 of 'em. Our remaining builders took the center, and we went on to win.

    Nowadays, people are a lot more wise to those kinds of antics, so I don't get nearly as many glorious victories from collapses. Two moments in recent memory that stand out are jumping down from a skybridge, landing on a builder's head killing him, and bouncing onto a nearby knight, also killing him. Another was holding a cata primed and fully charged while I waited for an enemy knight to bombjump, and swatting him out of midair with a flurry of rocks. I :)'d.
  8. rocker2

    rocker2 Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Best kill:

    O respawns on the MOLE server. 2 people left. Vaugen on red, Rocker on blue.

    I'm at the front of his base, balancing on a single trap door. He lights a bomb. I don't move, waiting for the final throw. I have 1 heart left.

    He throws the bomb, and I jump back. Instead of the bomb missing, I do an involuntary Bomb-Jump into the wall behind me, bounce off the wall, fall into his base, and squash him.
  9. Bint

    Bint Haxor

    I think my best was just the other week. It was only me and I think Owthathurts?
    I lose half a heart failing to slide down a wall as an archer but then I landed on a knight stand and quickly changed class just before he throws a bomb at me and I accidentally bomb jump to the end of his side of the map. Luckily there was a bed there and so I managed to get back to full health and destroy it. Then when he comes over and starts fighting I accidentally click on the desktop so it makes me start running left up against his base. But then I get back on in time and manage to kill him before he hit me.
    I got so lucky :huh?:
    rocker2 likes this.
  10. Bioautomaton

    Bioautomaton Mysterious Man/Machine Donator

    About a week ago while playing against some random pubs on BC Flatmap I was defending a small, simple tower against oncoming knights. One of the knights got the bright idea to throw a bomb at me on a longer fuse than he should have. I mid-air grabbed it, returned it to sender, and got a +3 out of the deal as a builder and another knight became collateral damage.

    Love dat feel. :B):
  11. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    i wish this was a "perfect game" thread (idk if there is one) rather then the "perfect kill" as in the last month i ended up playing a game on gabriel7080 (now only_gabe)'s server i alone versus gabe himself and 2 others. i vault slashed jumped off a ledge over their only 5 block tower, killed gabe took the flag, vault slashed over the tower yet again and then ran away back to base to capture it. Also the i was slightly desynced because the tent was like 10 blocks away from the spawn so i couldn't switch and make a base.

    just recently i did get a decent kill, i killed jerloch by pushing him into a collapse with a cata when he had full bombs just after he spawned XD
    Alpaca likes this.
  12. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Yeah, I've won too many games to count through bombjumping all by myself into my opponents flag, then escaping across their defenses, all by myself, and getting back to my flag and returning it when our team was about to lose because reds were going to getting close to our flag.

    I think my favorites are either when I bombjump all the way across the map into their flag, then bombjump halfway back onto our forward tower for ALL to see, then spend 5 minutes gloating before capping, or when I go back on the ground, and kill 10 red knights, save one of our towers from being collapsed, and facepalm as I approach a hoard of reds attacking a blue knight, when they see me with the flag they attack me instead, and he runs away instead of helping. Of course this usually ends in my unfortunate demise and then me raging at my idiot teammate, but then I just respawn and go again until I finally make it past that hoard and win. Of course, this was before the Action server was moved to mother fucking TEXAS.

    One time on that bridge server on action, everyone collapsed both layers, I bombjumped all the way across the map into the blue base, then climbed their tower and bombjumped all of the way back to ours with the flag, capped it, and people were just like "dafuq?". This of course wouldn't have been possible if I were playing against any decent players, but the server seemed to be infested with scrubs that night.
    GloriousToast and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  13. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Ah, scrubs; gotta love 'em. :heart:

    I can't think of a truly perfect kill atm, but I do remember the time I joined a random server full-o-scrubs, froze the 2 griefers and 1 speedhacker that were messing up the game, went all Overlord on the enemy knights on my way into their base, went all Overlord on the enemy knights again on my way out of their base, capped, D/C'd + crashed, and noticed in the console as the game was shutting down:

    "Wow, who was that?"
    "Must be an admin. see the green name?"
    "nono, its a guard only they have green names!"
    "o.o that was a guard? Fuck im glad he was on our team"

  14. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    lol yeah, luv the ego boost that I get whenever I play with scrubs. This one time I was playing with people who just flat out sucked, and I had like 20 kills with one life, and then I got trapped in a hole, and whenever someone slid down I would kill them before they even landed, and I killed 30 more people like this, my k2d was something like 100 to 10, and everyone was like "OMG BAN ALPACA HE'S HACKING" and I was like "that's awkward because I have admin on this server"... So what if Maverick or Evan would have had 200 to 1 before they just got bored, and if Neat and Mav and whoever are worshiped as gods by people who actually know how to play, being worshiped by absolute scrubs is GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME.
    Guitarman and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  15. Shadza

    Shadza Knightmare Donator

    Hmm,my perfect kill? Killed 3 knights at end of round by builder.i was last and i stuck in his base.
    Bint likes this.
  16. CoughDrop

    CoughDrop KAG Guard Tester

    Being the last guy on your team against the last guy on the other team in a lives server.​
    I'm archer, other guy is builder.​
    He's inside of a building that I'm on top of.​
    I jump off the ledge, securing a mid-air arrow to his face.​
    Gravity grants me a rather glorious death mere microseconds after my arrow probes the depths of his brain.​
    Flawless victory.​
    XyellowX, killatron46, Bint and 4 others like this.
  17. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    Bomb'd a group of archers with two knights guarding them. +7, baybee!
    Bint and Guitarman like this.
  18. vilereaver41

    vilereaver41 Drill Rusher

    i was on a tower as a knight an enemy knight bomb jumped over i jumped towards him and shielded and he went flying towards his tower im talking about a very fast speed as he hit the tower it collapsed from a bomb and it seemed like the force of him hitting it broke it it made me sleep very well that night
    Bint likes this.
  19. Tx_Syclone_xT

    Tx_Syclone_xT Builder Stabber

    When I was playing as archer and our team were about to get demolished by on coming knights and builders, so while they were fighting against my team I jumped over them to the other side (using trees) and I arrow climbed all the way up their base and down, repeat to the other defence wall they had, then I had to lye down and pretend I was dead, (using another corps I found) as their were another 3 knights going past me. After that I stole their flag and managed to come back all the way home :rollseyes:.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  20. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    One of my best, most perfect kills happened on incarnum's server about 6-7 months ago. It was one of those maps with the HUGE hole in the center... Anyway, my team had built a skybridge across the gap leading to the middle ground, and some portions of it had ladders (I assumed the builders didn't want to use all their resources and only had a few ladders in random intervals). This was before the support mechanic made a comeback, so the bridge spanned the entire gap. As I was crossing the bridge as a knight, an archer shot at me and I shielded, but it caused me to fall off one of the ladders. I fell for about 5 seconds, and thought I was done for... Until I landed on an enemy builder, crushing him to death. Best kill ever, next to my Rambo moment (WHICH I GET TO PLUG AGAIN! :D)

    Rambo moment below is my #1 best kill. This happened on MaxPlay.PL a year ago on February 25th!

    For those of you who weren't around at the time, you could jump 4 blocks high at any time (without needing to slash), and was back when held bombjumps were quite common and insanely easy to pull off. I had just started playing the month previous, so I was still fairly new to the game (I hadn't even joined MOLE at this point!). As you can see in the video, we were being pounded by two catapults high atop red's tower in a catapult nest. As I climbed the hill in the center, I decided I would give a bombjump a shot, hoping I could reach it. A few key things happened that made this moment amazing.

    First off, this was back when friendly catapults could still destroy other friendly catapults. You can see one of the catapults ended up destroying the other just as I was performing my bombjump. I landed on one of the builders atop the cata nest, and was being attacked by another knight. I lit another bomb and threw it, throwing the knight off the tower, leaving two builders in my wake. One of them jumps up in an attempt to attack me and ends up getting killed by a stray arrow. I lit one more bomb and threw it, initially trying to destroy the catapult. I just so happened to throw the bomb right at the exact spot that was weakest, and ended up destroying the entire catapult nest. The collapse killed the last builder in the nest and another builder below. I glided to safety, climbed back up and destroyed the catapult with jabs.

    My favorite part of all this? ravenguard19 asking, "griefer?"