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[linux] x86_64 archlinux problems

Discussion in 'General Help' started by wolfnux, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. wolfnux

    wolfnux Shipwright

    Hello, I have a little problem.
    I can't execute x32 application because I use ab archlinux 64bits.

    So... This is not a problem, because I found solutions :
    - http://bit.ly/qtH5Z6 - archlinux wiki about installing x32 app on x64
    - http://bit.ly/nBC846 - a blog of someone who script something from the wiki
    - I have Ubuntu 11.04 x64 - That's easier with only one #apt-get install ia32-libs
    - I have Windows

    I just want to know if devs will prepare a x64 version ?

    Thanks a lot,
  2. wolfnux

    wolfnux Shipwright

    UP about x64 version ?
  3. sado

    sado Shopkeep Stealer

    Few days ago MM told at IRC that he will try to find time for making 64bit Linux version.
  4. wolfnux

    wolfnux Shipwright

    Thanks for the answer.

    Oh really nice !
    I will be patient and wait. (and keep Ubuntu for the moment).
  5. sado

    sado Shopkeep Stealer

    Waaaaait, so you DIDN'T run KAG on archlinux after all? Well, all I needed was installing lib32-alsa-plugins and you would know that by simply entering "archlinux" in forum search :) You don't even need 32-bit chroot jail.
  6. wolfnux

    wolfnux Shipwright

    Yes, I found these topics, but...

    #pacman -S lib32-alsa-plugins
    error: target not found: lib32-alsa-plugins

    Sorry but, I am new on Archlinux and linux...
  7. sado

    sado Shopkeep Stealer

    You probably need to enable multilib repositories first.
  8. wolfnux

    wolfnux Shipwright

    I understood this, but I think i did something wrong...

    $su -
    #cd /etc/
    #nano pacman.conf

    and when it is....
    Oh wait...... I do a screen.....
    I am so stupid FUUUU
    that is 5 days i do not understand why multilib is not enable ...

    Thanks a lot... I just forgot the # to remove before [multilib]
  9. wolfnux

    wolfnux Shipwright


    Mmmh... Some new problems I will try to fix... I do not understand...
  10. sado

    sado Shopkeep Stealer

    What's your graphics card? Are you using closed or open source drivers? You need to install either lib32-catalyst-utils (if using closed ATI driver), lib32-nvidia-utils (if using closed NVIDIA driver), or lib32-mesa (if using open source drivers for ATI/NVIDIA/Intel). Keep in mind that the default open-source drivers may not be enough to run games (depending on what card you have) - you can't be sure if KAG can run on them. But better to try first, as they are constantly improving.
    wolfnux likes this.
  11. wolfnux

    wolfnux Shipwright

    Oh, I forgot to install lib32-nvidia-utils.... It did not work before multilib... Aaaah...
    Thanks a lot !