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ArL - Arthurian League

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Freddex, Dec 9, 2012.

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  1. Cpa3y

    Cpa3y Shark Slayer

    My point is If aussies want play, it's ok. But they must play away matches too with minimal team changes. Situation when we fight against australian team on austrailian server and NA/EU team on EU server is not fair.
  2. We picked Aussie server for FAITH and Pk# due to the fact we played on their home servers, EU ground. We lagged like shit there as well.
    MERC got to pick their home server, and they chose NA. We were happy to provide them with a server.
    We already fought YB before on NA. I see no problem doing it again. If they rather preferred Aussie, then welp.

    1. This is implying we actually put a lot of effort into planning. Which we don't. We're too lazy.
    2. We have no tactic, and this isn't an accident. This is just about playing regularly and being consistent.

    Man, I shoulda let vampo record that Civil War so you guys can see how god-tier our Aussie team is. I'm actually starting to agree now with your earlier proposition. Since Aussies fought Europeans, you guys just thought "Well that doesn't prove anything it's the lag" instead of "Man aussies put too much steriods in their weed"[/quote]

    No offense to the majority of the clans in ArL, but if we were all playing for fun, why are most ArL matches campfests? POWER Civil War was fun, and we basically just YOLO'd each other till we ran out of tickets.

    Now as for Freddex, Verra suggested a solution to the server problem, and I repeated it like 3 times in my posts cause people didn't see it. I don't know if you didn't see it, or saw it, but didn't care/agree with it, either way you need to read it, it's actually a pretty good solution that a few people agreed with. It's better than plain banning Aussie servers or letting us play in Cape Town.

    Good point Hella. I'm pretty sure if AOE was playing in ArL aussies wouldn't be getting as much hate.
  3. 16th

    16th Bison Rider

    FAITH never play at home servers. We could, but we did not. We could host russian server, where everyone but us would have a high pings. Instead, we preferred to play on EU servers, and have 166-233 to. But it was fair to the other teams. No handicap, just fair fight.
    And, if u remember, first we play in Australia, then in EU. ;)
    ParaLogia likes this.
  4. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Yes, but if you sum up the your pings from both home and away matches against FAITH and Pk#, you will find that Pk#/FAITH had about double ping (There sums about at 2000 or more for them and yours at 1000, while 600 of that 1000 is yours alone (Seriusly, where do you live? You have 266 ping at Auss servers and 366 at Europe)).

    The fact that you can muster American/European players while Pk#/FAITH can't muster Aussies turns the odds heavily on your side, which means 1 auto-win for you.

    I had nothing against you fighting YB or Merc on fair ground. What trubles me that both FAITH and PK# got robbed of that fighting chance. I also understand that you wannt to give your Aussie players a chance to play. Thats why I it would have been smart to give them matches against YB/Merc since they can have get some players with below 300 ping to fight in Auss. As I recall several non-FAITH/PK#/POWER people called a outrage to force somebody to play at 400 ping on PK#/FAITH vs POWER matches.

    I'm rather sure that if you couldn't get Eu/American players (that is, if POWER was Aussie only) that both you and PK#/FAITH would have agreed to play home and aways matches on a American server so there is at least a chance that one of you may win the fight instead of 400 ping advantage for the other on home/away.

    Yes, matches before were campfests. Thats why maps got shorter and valley maps got removed from the generator. This is to disabled camping too much. Also, matches at ArL are very very intense, unlike tranings/civil wars. For me those are diffrent kinds of fun. Not so much stress is carried in traning matches.

    I also apologize for repeating myself several times in this post.
  5. Freddex

    Freddex Haxor

    Hella: Very good point, I'll add a rule for that, too. Makes sense, if they're both Australian, there is no problem.
    Symphony_Soldier: Well, decisions are made. That's past now, no real need to discuss that. As for the camp fest part, see A) the new ruleset which in my opinion creates very tense matches, and B) I don't know which matches you saw, but the POWER ones looked pretty much like every other match. Some defense, some assaults.
    The most aggressive team is FAITH. You have to trust me when I make these statements, I saw almost every match live and made my observations. Video proof would be kinda tedious. Fact is that FAITH won whole matches by flag capping. That's past, anyways.
    Now, if we're talking about "the server problem", do you mean the finals or the next season? Doing that for the finals would be possible, but kinda tedious.
    I still don't see why you don't just play in NA. You field some of your NA players who'll get <100 ping, the rest with your best Aussies who'll have something around 250 ping, and the opponent team will most likely be European and have a similar ping balance. Fair match with equal teams. It's fun. As you play for fun, it's surely no problem to meet on equal grounds while you have more points. --> That's my opinion though. If I have to, I'll make Verra's idea happen.

    As said, for the finals I'll proceed as POWER wishes, and for the next season, no Australian servers unless both teams are Australian. That's the decision. As said, collect people backing a different idea and I'll change it.

    Besides this tedious discussion, ArL night tonight!

    YB vs. BoW, 19 GMT - More points for BoW, or will YB get on par with Merc?
    Pk# vs. xCUBE, 21 GMT - A decisive match on the score board! Can Pk# get the second place or will xCUBE manifest their position?

    POWER vs. Mercenaries, 5 AM GMT - We'll see how that goes. Won't be streamed since freaking 5 AM in Europe.

    Good luck to all teams, I'm excited for these matches.
    Domis likes this.
  6. 16th

    16th Bison Rider

    Pk# vs. xCUBE, 21 GMT - a must see match, i believe!
    rocker2 likes this.
  7. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Tonight's going to be good!
  8. 16th:
    EU is your home continent. Therefore your home server. During POWER vs FAITH on EU, you had only one person at 133 the rest had below 100. Our only non-lagger was Justi at 66 cause even if Karp was EU he was spiking from 166 to 300.

    Yes. I recall you said you didn't like Aussie server. Did you regret playing there/prefer to have played on NA?

    Pk# can muster Aussie players. They in fact had one aussie at the match, one with 33-66 ping and a good knight too. I actually respect those guys cause they're actually building an aussie team instead of complaining about aussie servers. <3 you pumpkins.

    Nobody got robbed of anything. They could have rapetrained us on their home servers too.
    I didn't quite understand the second section of this quote. If I'm interpreting it properly, you're trying to say someone raged cause they had 400 ping?
    I've played on every single POWER match except the 1st match (against xCube) and I have always lagged. Yet I have 266 on America, 333 on Aussie, and 500 on EU. And I'm just sitting here enjoying the game.

    Actually no. If POWER was pure Aussies we'd obviously pick Aussie server all the more. FAITH would also pick EU all the more. And Pk# would pick NA/EU all the more. That's home/away servers.

    Shorter maps doesn't stop people from sitting in a tower waiting for someone to rush. As seen in recent matches like POWER vs BoW.
    Maybe that's the problem. Everyone who claims they're playing for fun is taking this league too seriously and is camp2win'ing. Leagues should be more loose like Civil Wars.

    Tense, but camping is still there.
    POWER ones? Every match of POWER, POWER had the center. Defense is not moving forward from your base.

    >Most aggressive
    >Doesn't even rush when they had ticket lead vs POWER
    >Never made a flag cap
    >Lost a hopeful win against POWER by flag cap
    Props to FAITH though for being aggressive. "Most" however is an overstatement.

    For the finals. It helps clear the confusion. It could be done however for next season since it's a legit idea.

    We CAN play in NA. That's not the problem. The problem is banning Aussie servers, and having no reward for most points. That's why Verra made that proposal. Again, assuming POWER takes top spot. If we're second, we're happy with whatever happens.

    As for the upcoming matches, good luck Pk#
    And vampo, you better start getting drunk. You'll need it :3
  9. 16th

    16th Bison Rider

    You know a EU continent don't even exist. :rollseyes: It's called Eurasia and it's really big. It's like talk to Chinese and Africans that Beo's his home server. I repeat again - FAITH never play on home servers.
    And yes when we play vs Xcube on US server, we have 200 ping, which is playable. So yes to NA servers.
    Sorry my poor english.
  10. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    ;-; my mouf hurts too much. can't talk. don't even like to eat. :QQ:
    Beepo likes this.
  11. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Guys, Me, verra and many others have suggested it already, switch goddamn servers for rounds. It can't be too hard, and if number 1 clan wants the advantage, give them the first and 3rd servers, (since it has to have a winner, will be odd) or 5th server if it is 3/5.
  12. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Another moral victory for YB!
    Domis, Beef, Rayne and 5 others like this.
  13. Verrazano

    Verrazano Flat Chested Haggy Old Souless Witchy Witch Witch THD Team Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    I don't care at this point the decision has already made been freddex, the discussion will most likely be continued after the season. However I leave with a note if you think that POWER is some evil master mind trying to ruin everything. kind of like Raron apparently thinks. Then I'm pretty offended I organize all of POWER's matches, and I pretty much just do it based on who wants to play. I don't take ping into consideration really, the POWER vs YB was because Brilly wanted to fight YB specifically Contrary, pushing an NA match was opposed somewhat by Beaster. So if you have any qualms take it up with me, We aren't some dicks trying to ruin everything though.
    Stevedog and Karpovich like this.
  14. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    I'll fight you, Verra.
    Domis likes this.
  15. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

  16. Verra is the best international organisator! No idea how things would've been without her.;)
  17. before some russian makes some retarded ass comment:
    i blame the game

    Edit: Actually after thinking "calmly" I'm ready to say I blame the community too. I keep getting told that we do this for fun and it's all casual but it's completely opposite.
    While the idea was to have a first, testing season and play a game once a week (there is no even goddamn prize to fight over), the result is people shit-posting after every win, arguing over stupid shit for 5 pages and people required to plan and scheduling everything perfectly for those 20 fucking people who chose to watch matches in a filled with bugs unbalanced sidescroller while there is MLG ongoing (71,079 people on Starcraft Red as I'm writing this).
    When I accepted the invitation to ArL, I was kinda proud that my little, new clan got so far and very happy that I had a game fixed once a week and didn't have to talk to children who don't speak English to do schedule one myself.
    What I have to do now is scheduling clan wars either way (but only on Saturdays, the stream is very important), dealing with idiotic time restrictions that make half of my clan mates unable to play, dealing with rulesets changing every week and dealing with this entire populistic community for who ArL results act as the Delphic Oracle and who are ready to badmouth anyone not performing well (which is fucking retarded because many of those badmouthers are horseshit at kag) (and yes, I know I've done it myself, but only because of my love to Maverick, and I still feel bad with it).
    This entire league has gone far away from "fun". Yes, it's supposed to be competitive too but:
    a) rules change every week
    b) since metagame is not clarified at all and rules change every week, there is much abusing your way to the win
    c)the game is buggy as fuck
    d)everybody plays with massive lag
    e)there's nothing to compete for, aside of this prestige that makes the community only bunch of appreciation-seeking faggots

    Sure, wins are hella satisfying but only because of how miserable losses are.

    Many of those things are because Freddex is very keen when it comes to providing a good show for those 20 fucking people who chose KAG over MLG.

    flamewar go
    killatron46 and Contrary like this.
  18. I don't blame the game. I blame
    "Let's camp when we have two times the amount of tickets."
    "Great idea, Vladivichkov!"
  19. Freddex

    Freddex Haxor

    Verra: You can discuss all you like, but as said, I can't make decisions by single opinions. Gather enough people of the same opinion and we can talk about it. My decision to exclude Australian servers is based on my personal experience with the whole league and feedback by the EU people who played in Australia. I think that makes sense. If it doesn't, prove me wrong, I won't be butthurt.

    As said, finals will be as the leading team pleases, which will most likely be you, which would lead to swapping servers between rounds. I'm fine with that. Next season though, no Aussie servers unless Aussie vs. Aussie. Sorry, has to happen.

    I hope that you take no offense, but I have to be pragmatical about things sometimes to make them work.
    Domis likes this.
  20. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Through all the shitstorm, i'll add mine. The Fork is back and took the place of this Maverick in one match. k thanks bye, ill brag somewhere else, i was just an archer

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